



I'm maintaining an old asp classic application. It uses Response.AppendToLog as its sole debug logging system. I only debug it on my localhost so the logging files are on my harddrive in the %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles folder.

I'm looking for a tail-like program that shows these debug messages live. Maybe with a possibility to colour the messages based on a filter.

Update: I've started writing my own tail program in python using the info in Recipe 157035. The logging lags behind by a minute approximately. Any ideas on improving it?


Why reinvent the wheel? You could use Snare for IIS (free) to log the information to Kiwi's Syslog Daemon (not free).

I've tried both snare and epilog, but neither seems to be as easy to use as I'd like. I can't seem to get them to show me my logs.
Kristof Neirynck

I finished it. Now all I have to do is Response.AppendToLog("#message"); where every space or weird character in message is replaced by an underscore. Too bad it lags behind by a minute or so, but it's better than nothing.

import time, os, re

def tail_f(file):
    interval = 1.0

    while True:
        where = file.tell()
        line = file.readline()
        if not line:
            yield line

def run():
    #Set the filename and open the file
    filename = r"C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex{0}.log".format(time.strftime("%y%m%d"))
    file = open(filename,'r')

    #Find the size of the file and move to the end
    st_results = os.stat(filename)
    st_size = st_results[6]

    for line in tail_f(file):
        #ignore comments
        if line[0] != "#":
            line = line.strip()
            parts = line.split(" ")

            status = parts[10]
            if status == "304":

            when = parts[1]
            method = parts[3]
            path = parts[4]
            query = parts[5].split("|")[0].split("#")[0]

            if query == "-":
                query = ""
            elif query != "":
                query = "?"+query

            print when, method[0], status, path + query

            if status == "500":
                if parts[5].find("|") != -1:
                    errorparts = parts[5].replace("_", " ").split("|")[1:]
                    linenr = errorparts[0]
                    errornr = errorparts[1]
                    errormessage = errorparts[2]
                    print "Error {0} on line {1}\n{2}".format(errornr, linenr, errormessage)
            if parts[5].find("#") != -1:
                print "* "+("\n* ".join(parts[5].replace("_", " ").split("#")[1:]))

Kristof Neirynck