Hello all,
I was kindly helped a few minutes ago by a user named Juliano and the script works fine but it just baffles me why it continues to work when I press enter, if I don't it just sits there untill I have to keep pressing enter. I thought that was the job of the for loop?
for file in /home/test/videos/* ; do
#for loop 2
for (( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )); do
#for loop 3
for ext in avi mpg wmv mov; do
elapsed=$({ time ffmpeg -i "$file" -ar 44100 "${file%/*}/done/${base%.*}.$ext" &>/dev/null; } 2>&1)
echo "$file $i $ext took $elapsed seconds"
Also can I swap for loops 2 and 3?
Thanks all
How can I also make use of the variable "i" in the for loop so that it concatinates at the end of the file. Is this correct:
Thank you for anymore help.