I have a couple of linux (ubuntu) servers that work together every night to do some heavy processing. Say. I have 2 worker servers and 1 big indexing server. The worker servers feed the indexing server. The indexing server operates under a high load (based on input it's getting from the worker-servers.)
I would like to be able to let the worker-servers work at a speed as a function of the load of the indexing-server, so to ensure the maximum throughput. I know throughput is influcened by other factors but the indexing server is essentially cpu-bound and a rough guide (so I m told) is to ensure that measured load roughly equals the nr of real processors in the indexing server.
For this I need to periodically query the load (10secs? , 1min , 5min or something) of the indexing server fro within a worker-application running on a worker-server.
Now, I would need a monitroing solution like Nagious or Munin for the near future anyway, so was wondering how to use one or the other to query stats from within an application?
Thanks, Britske