




I have tried to test a few Open source codes. The problem is that these projects changes rapidly such that my code is daily old.

For example, I started yesterday to test the code at. The code at my server is already old. The problem is that all changes which I have done are not included in the newest code when I upload their branch to my server.

Perhaps, it possible to somehow rebase their newest code to my branch by Git. Their code is controlled by SVN.

How can you include the newest changes of the original project to my branch?

+3  A: 

Use git-svn: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-svn.html

It seems that git-svn is not in Mac by default. I cannot find it even by MacPorts. I will take a look if I find it from an Ubuntu box.
Git-svn can be easily installed in Ubuntu by apt-get.
$git svn update; updates the app. Does it overwrite my changes with the ones in the original repo?
+1  A: 

Looks like you need to learn more about Vendor Branches.

Milen A. Radev