Let's say I have a stored procedure with this in its body:
EXEC 'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...'
SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('' + @table + '')
Is IDENT_CURRENT() guaranteed to get the identity of that row INSERTed in the EXEC? IDENT_CURRENT() "returns the last identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope", but the scope is different within the EXEC than the stored procedure, right?
I want to make sure that if the stored procedure is being called multiple times at once, the correct identity is SELECTed.
EDIT: Or do I need to do both the INSERT and SELECT within the EXEC, like so:
declare @insert nvarchar
set @insert =
'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...' +
'SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(''' + @table + ''')'
EXEC @insert
And if that's the case, how do I SELECT the result of the EXEC if I want to continue with more code in T-SQL? Like this (although it's obviously not correct):
declare @insert nvarchar
set @insert =
'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...' +
'SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(''' + @table + ''')'
declare @ident int
set @ident = EXEC @insert
-- more code
UPDATE: In the very first snippet, if I SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() instead of using IDENT_CURRENT(), NULL is returned by the SELECT. :(