



I'm looking to fiddle with some good old fashioned soldering and assembly language or low level programming and thought one of these video game kits might be fun

Are there any other kits?

What are your opinions on these kits? Ease of assembly/use?

Oh and I need to learn to solder too - its something I have never mastered and I've melted a lot of stuff trying.... so any hints there would be real good!

+3  A: 

A few of my friends were working with the Parallax Propeller. One of those friends has some journal entries about it. I'm not sure how close it is to what you're looking for, but it sounds similar.

Oh thats even more low level... cool. Thanks for that one I'll add it to my list
+2  A: 

Those kits are a bit ambitious for a beginner. I suggest starting with a microcontroller kit like those at Lady Ada. The POV kits are a simple introduction to hardware and embedded programming, and fun to play with when you're done.

Dour High Arch
I should probably have added that other than the soldering (which I have gone to great lengths to avoid due to my lack of ability) I'm not really a beginner - I did lots of breadboarding many years ago and have 20+ years of programming including too many years of 68000 assembly.However there's some cool stuff on that site too... thanks for the link