Our win32 application assembles objects from the data in a number of tables in a MySQL relational database. Of such an object, multiple revisions are stored in the database.
When storing multiple revisions of something, sooner or later you'll ask yourself the question if you can visualize the differences between two revisions :) So my question is: what would be a good way to "diff" two such database objects?
- Would you do the comparison at the database level? (Doesn't sound like a good idea: too low-level, and too sensitive to the schema).
- Would you compare the objects?
- Would you write a function that "manually" compares the properties and fields of two objects?
- How would you store the diff? In a separate, generic "TDiff" object?
- Any general recommendations on how to visualize such things in a user interface?
Advice, or stories about your own experiences with this, are very welcome; thanks a bunch!
Extra info on use case (20090515)
In reply to Antony's comment: this specific application is used to schedule training courses, run by teams of teachers. The schedule of a teacher is stored in various tables in the database, and contains info such as "where does she have to go on which day", "who are her colleagues in the team", etc. This information is spread out over multiple tables.
Once in a while, we "publish" the schedule, so the teachers can see it on a webpage. Each "publication" is a revision, and we'd like to be able to show the users (and later also the teachers) what's changed between two publications --- if anything.
Hope that makes the scenario a bit more tangible :)
Some final remarks
Well, the bounty has come to an end, so I've accepted an answer. If it'd somehow be possible to slice a couple of extra 100's off of my rep and give it to some of the other answers, I would do so without hesitation. All your guys' help has been great, and I am very grateful! ~ Onno 20090519