



Choosing the "best" logging package for Delphi will naturally be rather subjective, but it would be good to know what the main options are, and the popular opinion on them. I'm basically looking for a robust logging package that will:

  • Log to a file that I specify.
  • Record a stack trace if I pass it an Exception.
  • Ideally be popular, and likely to be around for some time to come.
  • Open source would also be good, but that's not absolutely essential if something commercial stands head-and-shoulders above the rest.

I've been experimenting with Log4D (a Delphi equivalent of Java's log4j) - it's decent enough although I don't think it supports stack traces out of the box (please correct me if I'm wrong), and I'm wondering what other people are successfully using?

I'm using Delphi 2006 right now and I might upgrade to Delphi 2009 at some point soon. Backwards compatibility across earlier Delphi versions is not a consideration for me.

+2  A: 

Duplicate of
Also partially answered in

Lars Fosdal
Thanks Lars. Those are helpful indeed, although I'm not sure that they completely answer my question. Given the information in those threads, it's still not clear to me what packages enable one to log exceptions to a file *with* their stack traces.
Loggers and Exception tracers are two different tools, IMO.The two most used exception tracing packages would be (as mentioned in the exception handling thread): MadExcept and EurekaLog. MadExcept is free for certain uses.
Lars Fosdal
I see, thanks Lars. I'm coming at Delphi from Java, where I'm used to log files and stack traces going hand in hand. I'll go through the exception handling thread in more detail and check out MadExcept and EurekaLog.
+1  A: 

Smart Inspect and Raize Codesite are the best IMHO.


I use EurekaLog for exception tracing and CodeSite for logging.
