Why can't the following code draw the content of graphics onto finalDC? It just draw black rectangle;
Bitmap* bitmapCanvasCore = new Bitmap(width, height ,PixelFormat24bppRGB);
xxxxxx // operation on bitmapCanvasCore...
Graphics * canvasGraphics = new Graphics(bitmapCanvasCore);
HDC tempdc = m_UnSelectedGraphics->GetHDC();
::SetStretchBltMode(dc, HALFTONE);
::StretchBlt(finalDC, (int)(point.X) + m_pOffset.x, (int)(point.Y) + m_pOffset.y,
width * 0.5, width * 0.5, tempdc, 0 , 0, m_Root->GetWidth(),
m_Root->GetHeight(), SRCCOPY);
I found if I make use of
Graphics gr(finalDC);
It is really slow on large image. So I want to use StretchBlt to accelerate it... but failed...