Something keeps showing up in my programming, and it is that two things are the same from some viewpoint, but different from another. Like, imagine you build a graph of rail stations, connected by trains, then the classes Vertex and RailStation are sometimes the same, other times not.
So, imagine I have a graph that very much represents rail stations and trains. Then I hand this graph to another object, which deletes some vertices, and then I want the corresponding rail stations to be gone.
I don't want to make rail stations "properties" of vertices, they're not. Also, the problem is symmetrical: If I erase a railstation, I want the corresponding vertex to be gone. What is the proper OO way to model or correspondences. I'm willing to go a few extra miles by writing some support methods or classes, if in the end the overall usage is simple and easy.
I'm currently using the Smalltalk programming language, but the question isn't really smalltalk-specific, I think. I just mention it because in Smalltalk, you can do cool tricks like examining the call stack, which might be helpful in this context.
Update: Well, RailStations aren't Vertices! Are they?
Ok, let us consider real code, as demanded in the answers. Let me model a person with children. That's the easiest thing, right? Children should also know their parents, so we have like a doubly linked tree. To make disbanding parents from children easier, I model the link between parent and child as a Relationship, with properties parent and child.
So, I could implement parent>>removeChild: perhaps like this
removeChild: aChild
(parent relationshipWith: aChild) disband.
So, a parent has a collection of relationships, not of children. But each relationship corresponds to a child. Now I want to do things like this:
parent children removeAllSuchThat: [:e | e age < 12]
which should remove the relationship and the child.
Here, relationships and children correspond in some sense. So, what do I do now? Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that I could solve the problem without introducing Relationship classes. But indeed, parents and children actually do share a relationship, so why not model that and use it to help disbanding double links less imperatively?