I've read some topics that were suggested by SO ("The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed.") but couldn't find an answer to what I was looking for.
I'm using Joomla in a project. With Joomla, I have about 8 different third party modules, each one with it's own difference version number and Joomla compatibility. Some may be really up to date to Joomla's version (now it's 1.5.10), some may be not. Some of the modules were made by us. They all work and all of them are needed to accomplish the requirements of our company's website.
Fact is: what is the best way to put all of this in source control? Do you "bundle" the Joomla source code inside your repository, even if it's third party and it's VERY unlikely that you will modify these files? Or you just svn the core files that are really under your control?
The advantages of putting Joomla's core files inside the repository is that I can create tags and have a complete system in a time if a need it, without reading a possible documentation txt file saying "these modules are compatible with joomla X.X, joomla componet X.X with joomla version X.X" and such.
The disadvantage is that in putting files that arent going to be really versioned, unless when there's a new joomla version.
What do you think is the best idea? What do you usually do when your project (like our portal) is made by a lot of different components from different sources?