




Assuming the following scenario:

class Project{
   public Job Job;

class Job{
   public Name;

Assuming I want to use the Criteria API to search for all projects whose Job has the name "sumthing".

I could use the CreateAlias to create an alias for Job and use it to access Name, or I could create a new Criteria for the property Job and search by Name.

Performance wise, is there any difference??

+13  A: 

given these requirements there would be no difference, the generated SQL is the same: for mappings:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
    <class name="Project" table="Project">
        <id name="Id" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
            <column name="Id" sql-type="int" not-null="true" unique="true"/>
            <generator class="native" />
        <many-to-one name="Job" column="FK_JobId" cascade="save-update" not-null="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
    <class name="Job" table="Job">
        <id name="Id" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
            <column name="Id" sql-type="int" not-null="true" unique="true"/>
            <generator class="native" />
        <property name="Name" type="String">
            <column name="Name" sql-type="nvarchar" length="50" not-null="true"/>

and classes

public class Project
        public Project() { }

        public virtual int Id { get; set; }

        public virtual Job Job { get; set; }
public class Job
        public Job() { }

        public virtual int Id { get; set; }

        public virtual String Name { get; set; }

these criteria definitions

ICriteria criteriacrit = session
  .CreateCriteria(typeof (Project))
  .CreateCriteria("Job", "job")
  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("job.Name", "sometextA"));

ICriteria aliascrit = session
  .CreateCriteria(typeof (Project))
  .CreateAlias("Job", "job")
  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("job.Name", "sometextB"));

generate the same SQL

  this_.Id as Id2_1_, 
  this_.FK_JobId as FK2_2_1_, 
  job1_.Id as Id1_0_, 
  job1_.Name as Name1_0_ 
  Project this_ 
  inner join Job job1_ 
    on this_.FK_JobId=job1_.Id 
WHERE job1_.Name = @p0; @p0 = 'sometextA'

  this_.Id as Id2_1_, 
  this_.FK_JobId as FK2_2_1_, 
  job1_.Id as Id1_0_, 
  job1_.Name as Name1_0_ 
  Project this_ 
  inner join Job job1_ 
    on this_.FK_JobId=job1_.Id 
WHERE job1_.Name = @p0; @p0 = 'sometextB'

note however that the CreateAlias relies on the mappings to generate associations whereas the CreateCriteria call allows to specify JoinType.

so, these calls

ICriteria criteriacrit = session
  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("Name", "sometextA"));

ICriteria aliascrit = session
  .CreateCriteria(typeof (Project))
  .CreateAlias("Job", "job")
  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("job.Name", "sometextB"));

generate these SQL statements

  this_.Id as Id2_1_, 
  this_.FK_JobId as FK2_2_1_, 
  job1_.Id as Id1_0_, 
  job1_.Name as Name1_0_ 
  Project this_ 
  **left outer** join Job job1_
    on this_.FK_JobId=job1_.Id 
WHERE job1_.Name = @p0; @p0 = 'sometextA'

  this_.Id as Id2_1_, 
  this_.FK_JobId as FK2_2_1_, 
  job1_.Id as Id1_0_, 
  job1_.Name as Name1_0_ 
FROM Project this_ 
  **inner join** Job job1_ 
    on this_.FK_JobId=job1_.Id 
WHERE job1_.Name = @p0; @p0 = 'sometextB'
But you can specify join type in the CreateAlias overload? CreateAlias always seems to default to inner join for me...even when the many-to-one allows nulls.
Yes with NH2++ the CreateAlias also allows to specify a JoinType overriding the mapped associations. I'm guessing that since the CreateCriteria returns an ICriteria object ("rooted" at the associated entity) it may be possible to generate different (advanced) queries since the generated ICriteria can be manipulated in multiple ways.

createAlias() returns original criteria as is result createCriteria() returns new criteria constructed with createCriteria

difference will be when chaining methods e.g.

cr.createAlias().add(Restrictions.ilike("code","abc")) will add restriction to entity cr.createCriteria("parent","p").add(Restrictions.ilike("code","abc")) will add restriction to its parent
