Javascript basically has two types of collections: Arrays and hashmaps. Both are a bit special. The hash map is just an object with named properties. The keys are strings that you use to access the values directly. Here's an example:
// create the hash map
var hashMap = {};
// add a value
var key = "John Dillinger";
hashMap[key] = "Criminal";
// retrieve the value
var stuff = hashMap[key];
Javascript arrays have a double functionality. They are of course arrays, but are also stacks. A stack follows the "last in - first out" rule. Here's an example of an array and a stack:
// Array example
var anArray = []; // or: var anArray = new Array();
anArray[0] = "some value";
alert(anArray[0]); // pops up "some value"
// Stack example
var stack = [];
alert(stack.pop()); // pop up "second"
Finally, for some problems a linked list could come in handy. For that you use an object. Something like this:
var linkedList = {value: "stuff"}; = {value: "other"}; = {value: "yet another value"};
// Traverse the list
var node = linkedList;
while(node) {
node =;
Given the problem that you describe, I would use a hash map. Just remember to choose the correct collection type for any given problem.