For a given set of text files, I need to find every "\
" character and replace it with "\\
". This is a Windows system, and my scripting language options are Javascript, VBScript, or Perl.
These files are largish (~10MB a piece), and there are a good number of them (~15,000). I've already come up with the following Javascript:
function EscapeSlashes(inFilePath)
var readOnly = 1;
var fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var outFile = fso.CreateTextFile(inFilePath + "escaped.js", true);
var inFile = fso.OpenTextFile(inFilePath, readOnly);
var currChar;
currChar = inFile.Read(1);
//check for single backslash
if(currChar != "\\")
//write out a double backslash
I'm worried that the above might be a bit slow. Is there any way to improve the algorithm? Since I'm replacing one character with two, I don't think this can be done in-place.
Is there any performance advantage to reading line by line, rather than character by character?
Do Perl or VBScript have any advantages over Javascript in this case?