



I'm working on a script that takes the elements from companies and pairs them up with the elements of people. The goal is to optimize the pairings such that the sum of all pair values is maximized (the value of each individual pairing is precomputed and stored in the dictionary ctrPairs).

They're all paired in a 1:1, each company has only one person and each person belongs to only one company, and the number of companies is equal to the number of people. I used a top-down approach with a memoization table (memDict) to avoid recomputing areas that have already been solved.

I believe that I could vastly improve the speed of what's going on here but I'm not really sure how. Areas I'm worried about are marked with #slow?, any advice would be appreciated (the script works for inputs of lists n<15 but it gets incredibly slow for n > ~15)

def getMaxCTR(companies, people):
        return memDict[(companies,people)] #here's where we return the memoized version if it exists
    if(not len(companies) or not len(people)):
        return 0

    maxCTR = None
    remainingCompanies = companies[1:len(companies)] #slow?

    for p in people:
        remainingPeople = list(people) #slow?
        remainingPeople.remove(p) #slow?
        ctr = ctrPairs[(companies[0],p)] + getMaxCTR(remainingCompanies,tuple(remainingPeople)) #recurse
        if(ctr > maxCTR):
            maxCTR = ctr
    memDict[(companies,people)] = maxCTR
    return maxCTR

This line:

remainingCompanies = companies[1:len(companies)]

Can be replaced with this line:

remainingCompanies = companies[1:]

For a very slight speed increase. That's the only improvement I see.

Dan Lorenc

If you want to get a copy of a tuple as a list you can do mylist = list(mytuple)

Stuart Axon
+13  A: 
You're a godsend, thanks mate.
+1  A: 

i see two issues here:

  1. efficiency: you're recreating the same remainingPeople sublists for each company. it would be better to create all the remainingPeople and all the remainingCompanies once and then do all the combinations.

  2. memoization: you're using tuples instead of lists to use them as dict keys for memoization; but tuple identity is order-sensitive. IOW: (1,2) != (2,1) you better use sets and frozensets for this: frozenset((1,2)) == frozenset((2,1))
