



I'm working on a project with a couple other members and it would be nice if I could get system tray alerts when someone commits to the project.

I've seen tools for this before and googled around a bit but I couldn't find the tool I've used in the past. Can anyone point me to a decent SVN monitoring tool?


Could this be what you were using before? SVN notifier (

+3  A: 

Have you tried this question: Best SVN Tools

Gracias on the cleanup
+7  A: 

The CommitMonitor is quite good if I may say so :)

It doesn't have that many features because it's purpose is to monitor for commits and use as less memory as possible - I don't like tools that I have to keep running continuously and use a lot of memory.

I upped this bcz I'm a commit monitor user. However, I finally tried svn-monitor this week, and it made me uninstall commit monitor in exactly 3 seconds. So I personally will not be recommending CM anymore because there's just no comparison - SM is superior. I urger everyone recommending/using CM to give SM a try. I was blown away.
Assaf Lavie
+1  A: 

have you tried this: ?

i think the sample script that comes with svn actually is a notifying script


I haven't tried it yet, but SVN-Monitor might be useful. You will need ToirtoiseSVN client mentioned above to work with it.

Michal M
+9  A: 

SVN Monitor

From the website...

  • Perform all your commonly-used svn-actions (update, commit, revert, diff ...)
  • Keep your source up-to-date with minimum conflicts and manual merges
  • Browse and search the svn log from your computer while offline (disconnected from the svn repository)
  • Be constantly aware of your local source modifications, without using any Visual Studio plugin
  • Keep a local updated mirror of the repository, while not affecting your changes, without the need to commit
  • Monitor the source for certain events
  • Receive notifications of any kind (balloon popups, tray icons, email, sounds, ...) when certain events occur
Jon Erickson
+2  A: 