
How to increase Stack size for a Webservice in .Net 3.5

Hi, I have an issue with the stack limit in my webservice. I was suggested to read this article by fellow members of this forum, but I do not have an idea how to run the EDITBIN. I am using VS2008 on Windows 7 (IIS7) Thanks! ...

Selecting one row when working with typed datasets.

I have a typed dataset in my project. I would like to populate a datatable with only one row instead of all rows. The selected row must be based on the primary key column. I know I could modify the designer code to achive this functionality however if I change the code in the designer I risk that this code will be deleted when I update m...

LocalUser access for WCF hosted in IIS

I have tried every combination to allow unauthenticated access to WCF as in "Local System" accounts, in IIS without success. Here is what I've most recently tried: wsHttpBinding with Message security and mode set to "None". IIS anonymous access enabled, all others disabled, folder level access at default (but granted read access to "Use...

WPF Create Rectangle Tags on Image from DataBinding

I'm trying to add image tags to a WPF image and I'm not having much luck. I'd like to do it through databinding if at all possible. Can I set a resource with a DataTemplate to take care of this? Here's what I've been playing with to no avail: <Image Margin="25,4,14,46" Name="MainImage" Stretch="Uniform" ...

How to differentiate between two similar fields in Linq Join tables

How to differentiate between two select new fields e.g. Description c.Description and lt.Description DataTable lDt = new DataTable(); try { lDt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("AreaTypeID", typeof(Int32))); lDt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CategoryRef", typeof(Int32))); lDt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("De...

Assigning custom objects to array with a for loop?

Given this example: // Create an arary of car objects. car[] arrayOfCars= new car[] { new car("Ford",1992), new car("Fiat",1988), new car("Buick",1932), new car("Ford",1932), new car("Dodge",1999), new car("Honda",1977) }; I tried something like this: for (int i = ...

List<a> to List<b> converting when a and b have the same structur?

Hi, I use C# 3.5 DotNet Framework and Linq. I have 2 Views which have the same result-schema, but in linq that are different objects of course. How can I convert List a to List b? ...

how to display a popup using client script in asp.net when trigger event of timer in the master page is triggered

Hi.... I have a master page which has a timer control with an asynchronous postback trigger. I need to display a popup window everytime when the timer is triggered. How I can achieve this using client script.... I tried via., Response.Write and thru Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "alert", " alert('test popup');...

C#.NET: Retrieve list of computers in a FOLDER in a domain

How do I Retrieve a list of computers in a FOLDER in a domain. lets say i have maydomain.dom as my domain and I have a folder containing some computers. ...

Two-way data binding of controls in a user control nested inside a FormView doesn't work

I'm trying to perform two-way data binding on the controls in my user control, which is hosted inside a FormView template: <asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" ID="ObjectDataSource" TypeName="WebApplication1.Data" SelectMethod="GetItem" UpdateMethod="UpdateItem"> </asp:ObjectDataSource> <asp:FormView runat="server" ID="FormView" Da...

Hosting .Net 4 website as child of .Net 3.5 website

I am trying to add a Silverlight application running on the .Net 4 Application Pool as a child application of a ASP.Net application running on the Classic .Net Application Pool. I receive several configuration errors due to the Silverlight application inheriting configuration elements from the parent application. Does anyone know of an...

jQuery session in ASP.NET

Hi everybody, I write a countdown timer in jQuery and i need to keep some datas in a session when countdown ends. Datas have to be sent to server to update. How can i handle this situation. I am new in jQuery and asp.net so could you explain this briefly ...

LibraryContainer in a ScatterViewItem: resizing and background rectangle...

Simple one: Want to add a LibraryContainer to a Surface ScatterView. Know I have to add the container inside a ScatterViewItem to get the rotate/move features.. but the SVI adds a rectangle box around the control, and it does not size correctly. Think I'm missing something simple but can't figure it... My current XAML is as follows: ...

LINQ to SQL in and not in

What is in and not in equals in LINQ to SQL? For example select * from table in ( ...) and select * from table not in (..) What is equal to the above statement in LINQ to SQL? ...

Why Could Linq to Sql Submit Changes Fail for Updates Despite Data in Change Set

I'm updating a set of objects, but the update fails on a SqlException that says "Incorrect Syntax near 'Where'". So I crack open SqlProfiler, and here is the generated SQL: exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [dbo].[Addresses] SET WHERE ([AddressID] = @p0) AND ([StreetAddress] = @p1) AND ([StreetAddress2] = @p2) AND ([City] = @p3) AND ([...

Ideal place to compose parts when using MEF + MVVM light toolkit?

Now that I'm working on my newer application that uses MEF with the MVVM light toolkit, I've run into a case where I can't load specific plugins because they rely on a part that isn't getting exported. That part isn't getting exported because it's a View, and the View isn't resolved with MEF (yet). It seems that every time I play with ...

Spawning form in new process

I had originally created a windows form to be a dialog of my projects main form. Now the dialog is getting complex enough that it needs to be started in its own process. Is there a way to do this in code or do i need to create a new project and link my files to it? ...

Detecting if MSBuild/.net 4 is installed from C# code running on 3.5?

I have an application that is running on .net 3.5 SP1 and that is supposed to check if .net 4 is installed. Actually, I'm more interested if MSBuild v4 is installed, which would boil down to a simple File.Exists(@"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe"); However, apart from the fragility of the 4.0.30319 Version (an...

check properties of two objects for changes

Hi, i have to develop a mechanism to check two object properties for changes. All properties which are needed to check are marked with an attribute. Atm i - read all properties from acutal object via linq - read the corresponding property from old object - fill an own object with the two properties (old and new value) In Code the call...

Make a mouse pointer do a hyper-jump?

I run a dual monitor setup. To get from monitor 1 to 2 (or vice-versa) requires lots of unnecessary mouse movement. My thought was to leverage a extra mouse button (I have two) and have the mouse hyper-jump (apologies to Star Trek) from the XY coordinates on monitor 1 to the same XY coordinates on monitor 2. How would I go about doing...