
Cannot find System.Web.Script.Service namespace error after upgrading to Visual studio 2010

I've just upgraded a VS 2008 project to VS 2010, converting the project but keeping the target as .NET 3.5 (SP1 is installed). My project worked without issue under VS 2008 on another machine. I've added references to System.Web.Extensions.dll but I'm still getting the following errors from code in the App_Code folder: 1) Cannot find S...

ClickOnce multiple deployment location options

I have an internal app that is deployed through ClickOnce. We have 5 branches and our vpn lines between us are quite slow. I would like to explore the possibility of publishing my app to each of the 5 branch servers. My understanding of ClickOnce is that my simplest approach will be to manually change my Publishing and Installation Fo...

.Net Linq - Doing a operation on the subset

I need to have the following : (name1 + "a") + (name2 + "a") + ... Dim separator() As String = {"|"} myString.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None).SomeLinq(...) I don't know what to add at the end to add an "a" to each element... ...

How can i sort Generic list with Linq?

How can i sort myScriptCellsCount.MyCellsCharactersCount (list int type) in linq public class MyExcelSheetsCells { public List<int> MyCellsCharactersCount { get; set; } public MyExcelSheetsCells() { MyCellsCharactersCount = new List<int>(); } } void ArrangedDataList(DataTabl...

C# Prevent ItemChecked event on a ListView from Interering with SubItemClicked?

I am using a in-place editable listview control for a project. The editable listview adds a 'SubItemClicked' event so that each 'cell' can be edited. lstSD2.SubItemClicked += new ListViewEx.SubItemEventHandler(lstSD2_SubItemClicked); I also have the listview checkboxes enabled with a 'ItemChecked' event. The problem is that once t...

.net 3.5 to 4.0 Migration

Currently we are doing a payroll application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 3.5) using some of the latest features like WCF, WF and the development for the same has almost completed. However, clients have shown their interest in migrating the developed payroll application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 3.5) to Microsoft V...

Subscribing to a ObservableCollection via reflection

How can I subscribe to a ObservableCollection<??> without knowing the element type of the collection? Is there a way to do this without too many 'magic strings'? This is a question for the .NET version 3.5. I think 4.0 would make my life much easier, right? Type type = collection.GetType(); if(type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericT...

Can I develop Web Parts for MOSS 2007 with .NET 3.5?

Currently I am developing Web Parts for MOSS 2007 using .NET 2.0 and deploying them to the GAC with WSPBuilder. I would like to move to .NET 3.5 to open up things like LINQ and WCF. Is this possible and will there be any significant changes required to MOSS to support doing so? ...

Slow performance of System.Math library in .NET4/VS2010

My application compiled in .NET 4 seems to be performing really slow compared to .NET 3.5. When I did the performance analysis, I found out that the System.Math libraries in VS2010/.NET 4 have slowed down considerably. Any explanation to this? Has anyone else come across this or am I the only one seeing this? UPDATE: My sample code l...

How the C# compiler treats query expressions ?(Dotnet 3.5, C#3.0)

Going thru one of my favourite authors question What’s the hardest or most misunderstood aspect of LINQ? I am basically looking for the answer of the question: How the C# compiler treats query expressions Thanks ...

Displaying currency in C#

I need to display data values in US currency format. Meaning 190.8 should display as $190.80. For some reason I cant figure out how to do this. Any advice? ...

How to get array of string from List<Tuple<int, int, string>>?

Hi, I was wondering is there an elegant way of geting string[] from List<Tuple<int, int, string>>? I'm thinking of .NET way (preferable extension methods and lambda expressions :P) P.S. Code is from .NET 3.5 project, so Tuple is my own implementation. ...

Should custom Error pages in IIS7 return the error status code originally associated with them?

I am trying to use custom error pages using redirects in IIS7. This is my code: <httpErrors> <remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" /> <error statusCode="404" prefixLanguageFilePath="" path="/Pages/NotFound" responseMode="ExecuteURL" /> </httpErrors> As you can see the line <remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" /> ...

How should I handle multiple links ot the same page with different Query Strings

In the website I am working on, there is a product page with 8 tabs on it, showing different aspects of the product. There are quick links on other pages within the site that take you to the page and to a specific link specified by a query string. For example the base page would be www.example.com/Product1. And then there are links li...

WCF : Is it possible to move all service settings outside the config file, and in the code?

I have a WCF that is in use now for over a year, coded by someone else and i'm trying to refactor it but the way the folder structure is organized and the svc.cs file containing the methods is not what I am used to from WCF samples I completed. Here is what I'm trying to achieve. Since none of the settings changed over the last year I a...

How to use IPC without being a local Admin?

I currently maintain an internal application in .Net. The application uses IPC to maintain one running session at a time; if another session attempt to open (Someone clicks the icon again, some opens up a saved result file), the second session communicates this to the first session and then terminates, with the first session then launch...

AutoMapping custom Generic Types - How?!

hey guys, I'm using automapper version In my AutoMapper.Configure I'm mapping Entities to DTOs and vice versa, like so: // entity >> DTO Mapper.CreateMap<MetaTemplate, MetaTemplateDTO>(); Mapper.CreateMap<Person, PersonDTO>(); // DTO >> Entity Mapper.CreateMap<MetaTemplateDTO, MetaTemplate>(); Mapper.CreateMap<PersonDTO...

Determine how many users viewed a page

I am working on a component in C# to record how many unique viewers have viewed my website / page, making certain the same user revisiting, is not recorded twice. What is an efficient method to write such a component? Do you track cookies or session objects? Would I record their ip address (which is not static) or computer name? This inf...

Using include files in asp.net

How can I used include files (as used in classic asp) in asp.net 3.5 framework? ...

Difference between [...]Async and Begin[...] .net asynchronous APIs

Can anybody explain me what is the difference between the Begin[...]/End[...] asynchronous API pattern and the later [...]Async pattern in .NET 3.5? Why was the later created? Why would one prefer one pattern over another? For example, Socket.BeginAccept() and Socket.AcceptAsync(). ...