
can i Run KiGG on XP Pro?

I have XP pro edition with .Net 3.5 installed and IIS 5.0 and MVC RC 2 Can i run KiGG on this machine? Also i have on my hosting server IIS 6 and .Net 3.5 , can it run there or no also? If no, there is no work around to make it work? Thanks, ...

Is .NET 3.5 a reasonable pre-requisite for a media center plugin?

We have an open source media center plug-in. At the moment its download size is one measly megabyte. If I change my plug-in to require .NET 3.5, users may have to download 197 megs just to be able to use my plug-in. I am in the middle of a big refactoring process, and am aching to use some of the functional aspects of LINQ, which would...

.NET .application installer files?

I've seen popping up around the web recently .application files, for .NET installations. (Application manifests, per the extension details). How exactly does one create these .application files in Visual Studio, and how do they differ from a standard windows setup? Please enlighten me. I'm a C# developer, but never used a .application ...

WPF Triggers: Changing an out-of-scope control's style in a trigger

I can't come up with a solution for this problem in XAML: I want to animate the width of the right button to a certain value when IsMouseOver of the left button is true. I dont know where to put this: in a style or template of one of the buttons or in a style on the grid. Is it even possible? <Border Style="{StaticResource ContentBodyS...

WiX changes required to streamline .NET 3.5 installation for Vista (and above) machines.

We have decided to take the plunge and require that our users have .NET 3.5 installed before they can use our media center plug-in. I want to make sure the install experience is as smooth as possible and that our installer stays small. What changes do I need to make to my WiX file to support the following scenarios? Code examples woul...

Derived System.Data classes

I would like to utilize classes that inherit the System.Data name space. Specifically, I would like to have classes CarColumn, CarTable, and CarSet derived from DataColumn, DataTable, and Dataset respectively. I would like to be able to add additional properities to each class. As an example this is how I would like to reference items...

Running builds using .net 3.5 MSBuild and NantContrib

I noticed that projects that were originally created in VS 2008 do not compile using the nantcontrib msbuild task. There is a solution that I've seen here but it seems like a bit of a hack, considering 'MSBuildBinPath' has been depricated, and I don't exactly like the idea of changing this property on every single project file that I cre...

Parser Error Message - why would my ASP.NET deployment need cs files?

Its been a long time since I had to do anything but minor fixes with ASP.NET and I've never deployed a ASP.NET 2.0/3.5 application so probably I'm just missing something simple but I definitely need help. Basically, we have a poorly written .NET 1.1 web application and we had some contractors come in and break some of our third-party d...

StringDictionary vs Dictionary<string, string>

Does anyone have any idea what the practical differences are between the System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary object and System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary? I've used them both in the past without much thought as to which would perform better, work better with Linq, or provide any other benefits. Any thoughts or suggestio...

Linq Fetch all controls (ordered)

Is there a way to fetch all the control using linq. What I'll like to do is something like that (order the control by tab index) : foreach (Control control in this.Controls.OrderBy(c => c.TabIndex) { ... } I use that kind of query when I got a List<...> I use c# and .Net 3.5 ...

LINQ: Dot Notation vs Query Expression

I am beginning to use LINQ in general (so far toXML and toSQL). I've seen that sometimes there are two or more ways to achieve the same results. Take this simple example, as far as I understand both return exactly the same thing: SomeDataContext dc = new SomeDataContext(); var queue = from q in dc.SomeTable where q.SomeDate <= ...

Set the Resource String in javascript

Hi guys, How can I set the resource string in javascript? I have a resource file called, for example, myResourceFile.resx in my code and using the literal control I can use: lblName.Text = Resources.myResourceFile.ajaxRetrievingInformation; <asp:Literal id="lit" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:myResourceFile, ajax...

Is there a better way to code this LINQ fragment?

Hi, I have this fragment of code: SmsDataClassesDataContext dc = new SmsDataClassesDataContext(); // Get the customer Customer currentCustomer = dc.Customers.Single( c => c.Hash1 == forThisHash ); // Get from Name (LINQ to XML) var q = from c in thisSmsPack.Descendants("from") select...

Strange Error When Using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext.ValidateCredentials with SAM

I am hosting a WCF Web Service with IIS 6.0. My application pool is running under a local Administrator account, and I have other local users defined for accessing the Web Service. I've written the following code to validate users: //Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe public static Principal...

How to make a text box Visibility=Hidden with a trigger

I seem to be having a hard time today. All I want to do is make a TextBox hidden of visible based on a bool value databound to the Window its hosted in. What I have just won't compile and I don't understand why. Please help. <TextBlock Grid.Column="2" Text="This order will be sent to accounting for approval" Foreground="Red" Vertical...

Caching ASP.NET AJAX service javascript proxies

We have a number of small but useful WCF services which are being hosted using the WebScriptServiceHostFactory class and consumed via ASP.NET AJAX. We've noticed that in our production environment that the javascript proxies are not being cached by the client. Is there anyway to allow these files to be cached? ...

.NET WinForm writing within panel causes scrolling to jump

Hi, I have a FlowPanelControl and a custom user control (contains a label and button). I am adding instances of the custom user control to the controls collection of the panel, which flow beneath each other as expected; showing the vertical scroll bar fine too. When a user clicks a button within one of the added user controls, it start...

How to access an object declared in Global.asax outside of the file?

Hi I have declared an object in my global.asax file as follows. <object Id="WFRuntime" RunAt="Server" Class="System.Workflow.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime" Scope="application"> While I'm able to access this object within the global.asax file methods, I'm not able to use it elsewhere in the asp.net web application. I'm using .net 3.5 frame...

How to communicate with .NET 3.5 SP1 bootstrapper

I'm building a custom Windows installer package for my .NET 3.5 SP1 WPF application. I want it to detect what version (if any) of the .NET framework is installed on the client's computer, and then automatically download it from Microsoft if they don't have it. Now, I've read about the .NET bootstrapper and even seen it in action in a C...

If app.config for a DLL should be in the "main config"… what do we do with WCF References in DLLs?

Ok, this is rather simple, but from what I've seen… you can only use some sort of Windows Workflow to include another config into another (which I refuse to do). Here's the deal: MAINAPP.EXE References an hypothetical LIBRARY.DLL. MAINAPP.EXE has its own MAINAPP.EXE.config. If you add "config values" to LIBRARY.DLL (thereby creating ...