
Optimizing XML in C#

Background We have a project that was started in .NET 1.1, moved to .NET 2.0, and recently moved again to .NET 3.5. The project is extremely data-driven and utilizes XML for many of its data files. Some of these XML files are quite large and I would like to take the opportunity I currently have to improve the application's interaction w...

.net, SQLDataTableAdapters question

I have a sql query method using SQL data table adapters in .xsd file and need to be able to dynamically change the connection string to that method in the code behind. I can't figure out how to access the methods properties from code behind. method is IsValidDock(), simply checks database for a particular dock number and returns bool....

Custom Drawing of (multi-layered)Embedded TabControls Error

I have a winform app that has tabcontrols that are 3 layers deep. I am dynamically coloring the tabs with the below class. When it goes to color an embedded tabcontrol it pitches a fit. A first chance exception of type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll Do I need to do something different f...

System.IO.Exception: Pipe is broken

I have 2 .NET applications that talk to each other over a named pipe. Everything is great the first time through, but after the first message is sent, and the server is going to listen again, the WaitForConnection method throws a System.IO.Exception with text of "Pipe is Broken." Why am I getting this exception here? This is my first ...

How do I detect the application closing?

I'm building a component in a server application that manages connections between my application and an external service. My component detects when the server is unavailable, starts a background thread until the service becomes available, then re-enters a "working" state. My problem is that if the process calling the component exits whi...

Drag'n'drop data between instances

I'm attempting to allow my users to drag and drop certain rows of data from one custom list control to another, where the second list control is in another instance of the same application. DoDragDrop(parameterTypedListView.SelectedObjects, DragDropEffects.Copy); where parameterTypedListView.SelectedObjects is a generic IList where T ...

How can I split an attribute's value within LINQ(-to-XML)?

I've been feeling like start doing some fun stuff with my delicious bookmarks and LINQ to XML, and I was wondering if there's a way to split the tag attribute within LINQ. What I've meant with split the tag within LINQ was generating a collection of strings for each post element, so the expected result would be a generic collection of p...

SubSonic Schema Errors

Hi, I am running VS2008 in .net 3.5 and trying to get SubSonic 2.2 running. My database is called Test, the table in the DB is called TestTable. It is being run on SQL Server 2005. I get the following "warnings": Could not find schema information for the element 'SubSonicService'. Could not find schema information for the attrib...

Is there a way to 'lock' the last item in a ListView to always show?

I am listing folders and folder sizes in a ListView for a VB.NET WinForm program I'm writing. I would like to total the folder sizes in the last entry of the ListView and 'lock' it show it always shows (even if scrolling through the list. Is there a way to do this? I'd really like to avoid adding another control on the Windows Form ...

What's wrong with my ListView Callback retreiving subitems?

I'm trying to retrieve the SubItem in my ListView from another thread, but I keep getting the Item instead of the SubItem. I'm not sure how to code this properly. Below is the code I'm using: Delegate Function lvExtractedCallback(ByVal x As Integer) As String Private Function lvExtracted(ByVal x As Integer) As String Static Dim l...

Expression vs Predicate issues

I've got a bit of a challenge where I have to create an expression tree to represent a query input by the user. Since I don't have the time to create all the possible cases of user input, I figured that expression trees would aid me in solving this. For the most part, it has. I am, however, a bit stumped. I am in the code below trying t...

Why does the database access time change?

For one of my applications, I'm running SQL Server 2005, and I'm running it on localhost. When I'm accessing it though the application it takes it 1-10 seconds to start showing data if I'm accessing it on localhost. However, when I move away from localhost and access it from another computer on the network, the access time is around one ...

Good XMPP/Jabber client library for .NET 3.5 (or 4.0)

What are some good (or the best!) XMPP/Jabber client libraries for .NET 3.5 or 4.0 development? I have seen a few decent libraries out there, but most of the good ones seem to be built for Framework 2.0. (If a Framework 2.0 library is still the best, I'm ok with that. I'm just looking for the best libraries for a new project built on ...

Bootstrapping asp.net deployment with .net 3.5SP1

We have a asp.net product that currently runs on .net 2.0 framework. We are using the vs2008 bootstrapper for the deployment. Few months ago I tried to upgrade to .net 3.5SP1 and used the bootstrapper for 3.5SP1. Some of our pilot users complained that it took about 30-45 minutes to download and install the framework. This usually gives...

Get hardware Info.

How to get hardware information of a system using c# code? ...

WCF, changing the baseAdress of an endpoint

Hi there, i have a few questions about the below config file: <system.serviceModel> <bindings /> <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="WcfReporting.Service1Behavior" name="WcfReporting.Service1"> <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="" cont...

WPF ListBoxItem(s) losing programatically set styles after scroll

So, I have a ListBox which is bound to a list of business objects, using a DataTemplate: <DataTemplate x:Key="msgListTemplate"> <Grid Height="17"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding MaxWidth}" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <TextBl...

keep LinqToSQL sync with the database

Hello, I am going to develop a new website with asp.net 3.5 and LinqToSQL. For maintainability purposes, how can I modify a Linq class if an attribute is added to a table in the database ? Thank you. ...

Configuring Entity Framework on a Database Undefined Foreign Key Relationships

For a variety of reasons the database that I'm working on (SQL Server 2005) doesn't have any relationships defined. Every table has a primary key. And most tables have at least one foreign key, however we've never configured the constraints. Can anyone tell me the steps that I should take to inform Entity Framework of the underlying rel...

Generate Media RSS (MRSS) feed in ASP.NET 3.5

IN .NET 3.5 I know of the System.ServiceModel.Syndication classes which can create Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 rss feeds. Does anyone know of a way to easily generate yahoo's Media RSS in ASP.Net? I am looking for a free and fast way to generate an MRSS feed. ...