
Using Hashtables/Dictionaries with string keys & Case Insensitive Searching

Wondering if this is possible. We have an 3rd Party library that contains identification information about users... The main interaction with the library is through a HashTable which is keyed with a string, and returns an Object Graph of information for that key. The problem is, the key is obviously Case Sensitive, but what we get fro...

How to access an audio stream using DirectShow.NET C#

Hi, What I would like to do is to pass an arbitrary audio file to a DirectShow filtergraph and receive a (PCM audio) stream object in the end using .NET 3.5 C# and DirectShow.NET. I would like to reach the point that I can just say: Stream OpenFile(string filename) {...} and stream.Read(...) I have been reading up on DirectShow f...

WPF Toolkit Datagrid - Custom Tabbing

I have a WPF Toolkit Datagrid with 3 columns. Only the third column allows data entry - the first two are static (Text descriptions). Is it possible to control tabbing and navigation such that the tab and up-down-left-right buttons will ignore the first two columns and operate within the confines of the third? Thank you Jason ...

Lambda Expression using Foreach Clause...

EDIT For reference, here's the blog post which eric referrrred to in the comments http://blogs.msdn.com/ericlippert/archive/2009/05/18/foreach-vs-foreach.aspx ORIG More of a curiosity I suppose but one for the C# Specification Savants... Why is it that the ForEach() clause doesn't work (or isn't available) for use on IQueryable/IEnu...

Any video tutorials for Named Pipes?

Hello, Can someone point me to a video that teaches how to use named pipes in C# (.Net framework 3.5)? Thank you ...

Font settings in chart series tooltip

Is it possible to change the font settings for tooltip text in the mschart control? I've tried setting the chart series font, but it doesn't affect the tooltip associated with the series data. ...

ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Project takes excessively long time to initially load

I have started work at a new company and the main project I work on (an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Project) takes an excessively long time to initially load (Around 1.5 minutes) I am aware that this is generally the nature of web app projects but my issue is this seems way too long. Ive tried several things to try and pinpoint what mi...

Exchanging data with activity event in state machine workflow.

In a event driven activity in a stage in state machine workflow, when an event occurs how can I send some data to work flow and send some data back to host after occurrence of the event. Also if I don't use SetState activity, can I set next state of the workflow programmatically? ...

Asp:GridView.DataBind() using AJAX WebService Javascript

Hai, I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Framework 3.5. I wrote a WebService and I added that WebService in my page through ScriptManager Service Path. I wrote a method in the webservice, that returns List<...>. I captured that value from JavaScript function. Now I want to bind that List<...> value to with my Asp:GridView using JavaScript...

Is there a nullable datepicker that I can bind to?

I am looking for a datepicker like what microsoft provides, but it doesn't support null values, and since this is tied to a nullable field on a database that isn't acceptable. I found this one, but according to the comments at the bottom of the page it has issues with binding to a database. I also have one in my project that I inherited...

Entity - Linq to Sql Only load a part of the entity

If I use entity framework with linq to sql to query it and I have an object Person but I only need two properties of that object, what's in memory will be load, the entire object ? Example : I got the entity Person with properties : Name, Age, Address, Country, Language ... I only need to use the property Name and Age. So I got no ne...

WCF Callback Channel gets disposed prematurely?

My application is using the net.tcp WCF service with a callback channel. For some reason I'm not able to send callbacks on event. Here's what I'm doing (all code server-side): On initialization: OperationContext Context { get; protected set; } ... Context = OperationContext.Current; On event: var callback = Context.GetCallbackChanne...

How can I ease the pain of initializing dictionaries of Lists in C#?

I happen to use this kind of structure quite a lot: Dictionary<string, List<string>> Foo = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); Which leads to this kind of code : foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { List<string> bar; if (!Foo.TryGetValue(dr["Key"].ToString(), out desks)) { bar= new List<string>(); ...

I am trying to save images in wpf application, but after saving some pink color is coming on that images. Is there any solution for that?

Hi, I am developing a WPF application. In which I am trying to save images. After saving the image, the color balance of the image turns to light reddish. How can we retain the original color of image after saving also. Is there any solution for that. ...

migratordotnet - Run migrations from within application (w/o nant or build)

Hello, is there a way to run migrations from within the application itself? Thanks! ...

Restricted autocompletion on combobox

I have a combobox that I don't want users adding new data too, but I also want to let them type in the title of the object they want to select. Currently I am using this code: protected virtual void comboBoxAutoComplete_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)) { //let it go i...

1 web application shared by 2 IIS sites?

IS this possible? Basically, I want to point both sites to the same folder in IIS. If this is possible what are the dangers. Daniel ...

.net 3.5 Client Profile. Completly useless? Am i missing something?

(NOTE: sory for my not so good English) I'm currently evaluating the .net client profile for a future project, and there are some things I've found that I think make it pretty useless, unless I am missing something of course. I've installed the client profile on a clean xp vm. When I developed a small test winform app (with compilation...

How to run application after installation completed

I have created msi package.Before installation completed only my application is running.I want to launch my application whenever i check the checkbox. After checking the checkbox only my application has to start. any suggestions plzz.. ...

VB.NET Extension Method in View using ASP.NET MVC

I ran into a strange issue over the weekend while I was working on an asp.net mvc project in vb.net. I created an extension method to convert an integer to the corresponding month it is associated with. I tested the extension method in a console application so I know it is working. In my asp.net mvc project I have a view and want to...