
Linq and comparing two date columns

I get a notsupportedexception when i run the following linq query. Any ideas how to resove it var declines = from d in _Db.DeclinedSettlementSet where d.STATUS == Status.REPORTED && d.ADD_DATE < d.EDIT_DATE.AddDays(-3) ...

Is there a transient type in ADO.NET Entity Framework?

I am using .net 3.5 framework sp1 and VS 2008 sp1. I have created an edmx model. I couldn't create a transient (which is not persisted to the database) property . Any ideas? ...

.NET Add-in to get Project that is being built

Hello. I've created a .NET Add-in that is supposed to do something when a project is being built. I know there are several ways to build a .NET project a) Hitting F5 button b) From Build menu c) From Debug menu ( by debug-ing ) d) By building the solution ( builds the project checked for 'Build' in solution properties ) e) By right-clic...

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Language Pack ClickOnce package

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 doesn't provide any language pack prerequisite for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. My research results are: it should be easy to create a custom bootstrapper package that installs a language pack. I've downloaded the Bootstrapper Manifest Generator. It's really a nice tool to create custom packages, but I don't know w...

.NET RIA Services / WCF Services

We are in the middle of creating an n-tier Silverlight LOB application and are considering the use of .NET RIA Service. We are unclear where this fits in relation to our current WCF service API. Our Current architecture is: Silverlight <--> WCF Service <--> Business Logic <--> Entity Framework Model <--> Database Having watched Nikhils...

Compact Framework Charting

Hi! I'm doing an app in .NET Compact Framework 3.5 and I need to do some charting (xy, bar graph, pie and so on and stuff)... Is there any open source library to do so? Which Excel classes should i call to do so? thanks in advance ...

WCF Security Problem with UserName clientCredentialType

Hi, First of all I apologize for my english... Then: I have a problem! I wrote the code for a simple WCF Service and with the configuration #1 all works fine. Conf #1 - server <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="WCFservice.Service" behaviorConfiguration="WCFservice.ServiceBehav...

LeftMouseButtonDown is not working with buttons in routed events

Hi, I was learning about routed events in wpf and I tries the following example, File -- Window1.xaml <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <UniformGrid MouseDown="UniformGrid_MouseDown"> <Button x:Name="Button1">1</Button> <Button x:Name="Button2">2</Button> <Button x:Name="Button3">3</But...

WCF Service Security for Authentication and Authorization

Hi! First of all I apologize for my english... As I wrote in title I need to secure my WCF Service. I always used message security mode using ClientCredentialType="Certificate", checking in this way: <serviceCertificate findValue="cn=abc" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="TrustedPeople" x509FindType="FindBySubjectDistinguishedName...

Edit GridView on an other page in a project using Linq

Hello, I want to edit a gridview on an other page when the user click on the edit button. If possible in a detailview. There is not example to how do it with linq. Do you know a good tutorial ? Thank you. ...

FlowDocument Memory Issue in C#

I am currently attempting to deal with an issue with releasing a FlowDocument resources. I am loading an rtf file and putting it into a FlowDocument with TextRange.Load. I noticed that after it does this it holds onto those resources and GC doesn't collect it. I have ran a memory profiler and have seen that this is true. I have also narr...

Howto make this Windows-Service-Scenario as comely as possible

Hello and good morning! I have following scenario: We have a WebService which poses as a search-engine, used by WebApps But as we all know on 32bit systems and IIS6: 800Mb is the max. alloc-mem for a webapp... Now I had the following idea, as we are exceeding this limitation: Let the WCF communicate with a Windows Service, which isn'...

How do I disable the implicit "this" in C#?

This bothers me a lot and I find I write stupid bugs when combined with Intellisense (VS 2008 Pro): class Foo { public Foo(bool isAction) { this.IsAction = IsAction; } public bool IsAction { get; private set; } } Did you catch it? I certainly didn't until IsAction never changed, causing bugs. Intellisense so...

Using MS Synchronisation framework with J2EE webservices to provide offline .Net client application feature.

I use a glassfish server to expose (METRO / WSIT) webservices that handle entity database accesses. I would like to know if someone tryed to use MS Sync Framework with this configuration to enable offline .net client feature. Thanks for incoming anwsers. ...

SilverLight file upload?

I would like to upload file from the client to the server with a Front End in SilverLight. My problem is that the file is NOT in the isolation storage (that would be easy!). The application in few word require to upload images from the user computer similar to the file uploaded FaceBook, (the Java version). Is there a way to grant per...

Temporary ASP.NET Files - duplicate file problem

I get an error when ever I replace a user control, or dll on th website. The solution is to stop iis and delete the contents of the folder, obviously not ideal to stop the site. I read that this might be caused by class names being reused, as in when you make a copy of a control and add it to the solution. Is it typical for this folder...

IndexOutOfRangeException in VB.NET


What is the difference between Converting and Unboxing?

In the DLR's LINQ Expressions, what is the difference between this: Expression.Convert(SomeVariableExpression, typeof(T)); and this: Expression.Unbox(SomeVariableExpression, typeof(T)); The documentation on this seems a bit sketchy. And more to the point, which one of these is equivalent to this C# code: (ClassA)InstanceOfClassB ...

ASP.net user management and GoDaddy shared hosting

I'm trying to use the asp.net (3.5) built in user management framework but I'm not 100% sure how to do this on godaddy. Google didn't help much, anyone have experience with this? ...

Where to find good WCF video tutorials?

I am learning WCF, and trying to take a look at its power and how it can help me in my projects, so i want to see some videos about it before start reading a book. Please can you send me all good video tutorials you trust. ...