
Vista glass effect in Silverlight 2.0

I want to create a panel in Silverlight 2.0 with the same properties and look as the Vista glass region that you get as a window border. I am especially interested in the blur and the frost effects. ...

How would I load an assembly from the GAC?

I'm trying to use Assembly.Load() to load an assembly that is in the GAC. For example, say I want to list out all of the types that exist in PresentationCore.dll, how would I go about loading PresentationCore.dll? When I try this: Assembly a = Assembly.Load("PresentationCore.dll"); I get a FileNotFoundException. Another answer on SO ...

Check if WCF service exists

What is the best way to check is the WCF service exists in a given ip and port? I want to check is the server exists on client installetion ...

Is it possible to redistribute .NET Framework 3.5 32-bit only?

The offline installer for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is 200 MB large. We're wondering whether it's possible (both technically and legally) to split it up by target architecture - so as to produce a separate installer for the 32-bit version. The idea is that it might be significantly smaller. I am aware of the bootstrapper, which will only d...

Change the default SqlCommand CommandTimeout with configuration rather than recompile?

I am supporting an ASP.Net 3.5 web application and users are experiencing a timeout error after 30 seconds when trying to run a report. Looking around the web it seems it's easy enough to change the timeout in the code, unfortunately I'm not able to access the code and recompile. Is there anyway to configure the default for either the ...

Select configuration file on creating WCF proxy instance

Hi Is it possible to create WCF proxy by the given config file, not app.config? Thanks a lot! ...

Extension Method Performance

/*I have defined Extension Methods for the TypeX like this*/ public static Int32 GetValueAsInt(this TypeX oValue) { return Int32.Parse(oValue.ToString()); } public static Boolean GetValueAsBoolean(this TypeX oValue) { return Boolean.Parse(oValue.ToString()); ...

IO 101: Which are the main differences between TextWriter, FileStream and StreamWriter?

Let me first apologize if this question could sound perhaps sort of amateurish for the seasoned programmers among you, the thing is I've been having many arguments about this at work so I really want to get this straight and that's basically why I'm relying on the stackoverflow community to get this settled once and for all :) So, on th...

Checkboxes not updating as expected

I have a listbox bound to a list of business objects. The items in the listbox are formatted using an itemtemplate. The itemtemplate includes a checkbox bound to a boolean property of the business object. When I spin up the app, the bool prop on the object in the list is changed when I click the checkbox. so far, so good. The dialog has...

Trouble accessing functions of NetAPI32 wrapped in WCF that create users..

Hi stackers... I have created a project which is basically described as a consumable service to create or edit users on a remote computer. The idea is to connect to a server and add a user. The structure of the project is as follows: WCF Service: to expose functions to create/edit/select users Utility assembly: Netapi32 COM functions ...

How do I call a serverside function from javascript?

I have a javascript function from where I am trying to call the serverside function WebSchedule.Client.RadGrid1_SelectedIndexChanged. This is the code: <script type="text/javascript"> function RowSelected(sender, args) { var dataKeyValue = args.getDataKeyValue("Order_No"); document.getElementById("txtOrde...

Can I pass in T.Property? Also, ideas for improving this method?

Or possibly there is a better way. I am building a dynamic query builder for NHibernate, we don't want to put HQL directly into the application, we want it as ORM agnostic as possible. It looks like this currently: public override IEnumerable<T> SelectQuery(Dictionary<string, string> dictionary) { string t = Convert.ToSt...

Entity Framework and Sql Server view question

Hi to all, For several reasons that I don't have the liberty to talk about, we are defining a view on our Sql Server 2005 database like so: CREATE VIEW [dbo].[MeterProvingStatisticsPoint] AS SELECT CAST(0 AS BIGINT) AS 'RowNumber', CAST(0 AS BIGINT) AS 'ProverTicketId', CAST(0 AS INT) AS 'ReportNumber', GETDATE() AS 'C...

Winforms ComboBox Databind with DropDownStyle=Dropdown

Winforms / .Net 3.5 I am using a combobox with the dropdownstyle set to dropdown (allows users to enter data). The problem I am having is with how to setup the combobox so it updates my bindingsource with values from the list and also when a user enters data. For example the combobox may contain the following values: "Red", "White",...

DataGridView Scaling

In VB.net 3.5 SP1 I have a Windows Form with three DataGridView controls. One DGV takes up the whole bottom half of the form. The other two share the top half and are side-by-side. I'd like to have each DataGridView scale appropriately. More specifically I'd like to have column widths and row heights adjust to the size of the form....

.NET 3.5 optimizations after converting from 2.0 to 3.5

I converted our project from .NET 2.0 to 3.5 and am looking for optimizations that can be done utilizing 3.5 framework. What are some of the things I can do with 3.5 as in Datastructures. Also any suggestions in using DataAccess apart from LINQ to SQL. Any suggestions/pointers would be great. I am not looking at any specific optimization...

What unit testing framework for .NET Framework 3.5?

Hello. I've a project in .NET Framework 3.5 and as i can see nUNIT does not support it yet. What unit testing framework would you recommend for my needs? ...

How to Look for a binary sequence in a file

Possible Duplicate: byte[] array pattern search I am trying to write a simple compression algorthm in C# and .NET 3.5 and I need to be able to search a particular file for occurrences of a certain sequence of bits. what is the fastest way of doing this? ...

Failed to map the path 'MyAppName/App_GlobalResources' when running ASP.NET page in IIS

Hello, I get the error "Failed to map the path 'MyAppName/App_GlobalResources'", where MyAppName is the name registered in IIS. I ran aspnet_regiis -i,and also removed .NET 3.5 and reinstalled it since the IIS had been installed later. However, the moment i run a aspx page, this is the error i get. What does this error really mean , an...

In C# 3.5, How do you pass which method to call on an object as a parameter

I have two methods in C# 3.5 that are identical bar one function call, in the snippet below, see clientController.GetClientUsername vs clientController.GetClientGraphicalUsername private static bool TryGetLogonUserIdByUsername(IGetClientUsername clientController, string sClientId, out int? logonUserId) { string userna...