
Class Array with [] and IEnumerable

I created a class that's something like this: public class MovieTheaterList { public DateTime Date { get; private set; } public int NumTheaters { get; private set; } public Theater[] Theaters { get; private set; } } public class Theater { public string Name; } I want to be able ...

Event firing in WPF.

I have a tab contol with two tabs. Each one containing listviews. When the selection change event of listview is fired, the selection change of tabcontrol is also fired. How can I prevent this? ...

Keep alive code fails with new RDP client

Hello - For our Secure Terminal Server project, we have a need to keep the RDP session open, that is, to prevent the remote computer from timing out and locking the session. A little background: We have several virtual servers configured as go-between agents, with a client piece that launches a RDP session to the virtual servers, and ...

WCF Typed Faults and Internal Server Error code 500?

Here is my response envelope: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; <s:Body> <s:Fault> <faultcode>s:Client</faultcode> <faultstring xml:lang="en-US">The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason.</faultstring> <detail> <ServiceFault xmlns="http://schemas....

Sparse Multidimensional Array or Matrix Libraries in .NET

Hi, I have a need for a sparse matrix in up to 4 dimensions in a .NET application. The size of the matrix (if represented as a .NET Array) would potentially top 400MB. The array is likely to be very sparse, and I need to be able to instantiate and dispose it very quickly (although that's not a no go). I'm therefore after a sparse array...

Creating a function dynamically at run-time

It probably isn't even possible to do this, but I will ask anyway. Is it possible to create a function that receives a string and then uses it as a right side argument for the goes to operator (=>) used in lambda? Actually, what I want to do is to be able to redefine an specific method of a specific class during runtime. I want to be wr...

How to find out what processes have folder or file locked?

How do you go about querying running processes to find out what folders or files they have locked? (i.e. you go to eject a drive and you're told that it can't be ejected because it's in use) I'd like to either get an "off the shelf" download, or write a .NET 3.5 app to do this (primarily a Windows question). ...

C# 2008 -Metafile from stream Error : A generic error has occurred in GDI+

Hi to all Brief Task Description : From an Image(.gif) which rendered from Reporting services Reportviewer, I tried to create Metafile.., like this : m_metafile = new Metafile((Stream) CurrentPageStream); CurrentPageStream : stream from gif image, need to send to printer port directly. Error Description: A generic error has occur...

ado.net entity framework using count in a where clause

Hi, I am trying to execute the following query but I get the wrong results back. foreach (var item in (from project in db.Projects where project.Id == pProjectId from task in project.Tasks from taskItem in task.TaskItems ...

Is it worth use ORM with Stored Procedures

My company's polices forces to use only stored procedures (SP) to talk with DB (no dynamic execution of SELECT, VIEWS on app side available) Business objects (BO) are fetched from DB. There is implemented simple BO-DB mapper using SQL Reader and this seems working well. Form DB side we have one parametrized SPs for each Business Object ...

How to programmatically hide a linq-to-sql column on a datagridview?

I'm binding a linq Query to a datagridview for the purposes of allowing a user to insert/update/delete. However I'd like to hide the Id column. but I'd rather not hard code the datagridview.columns[id].visible=false In the event the id column name changes. I've read that you can walk through reflection to get a run-time list of colum...

Can I stop the Atom10FeedFormattor from outputting type="text" on Title and Summary tags?

I read in the Atom 1.0 spec that for text constructs the type attribute is optional and if left out the processor must behave as if the value was "text". I'm dealing with a processor (Googlebase, cough..) that doesn't want to see the attribute at all in the feed I'm submitting. Since I'm using the fancy new SyndicationFeed from System....

IIS7.0 to IIS6.0

So after months of work I load the project on the clients computers after months of them assuring me they run windows server 2008. It's not is 2003 and so IIS6.0. Does anyone have an easy way to downgrade my web.config to IIS6.0? currently I get Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'type'. sectionGroup name="system.web.extens...

Is it possible to navigate entities in Entity Framework as easily as it's done with typed datasets?

Is it possible to navigate entities in Entity Framework as easily as it's done with typed datasets? With typed-datasets you load many tables from one sproc and then simply use statements like: //get student’s course StudentsDS.Course drCourse = drStudent.CoursesRowParent; // get course students foreach (StudentsDS.StudentRow dr in d...

WPF Content alignment problem

Here is the code that cause me problem since few hours: TabItem newTab = new TabItem(); newTab.Header = source.Name; newTab.Content = source.GetGui(); newTab.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; newTab.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; this.inputSou...

Installing .NET 3.5 SP1 on server broke WCF

I installed .NET 3.5 SP1 on server which previously had .NET 3.0 SP2. Before install site was working perfectly. After install and subsequeny server restart, site displays but anything that makes use of the WCF service has stopped working. The exception log reports exceptions like the following when any calls are made to the client pro...

The correct pattern for passing data to child controls in a server control

I'm working with a 3rd party system to implement some forms in a website. The 3rd party system provides me with XML definitions for these forms. e.g. <form> <segment> <label>The header</label> <fields> ... <field> <id>field_Dob</id> <type>Date</type> ...

FormatProvider vs. extension method vs. new class

I was wanting to output an integer to roman numerals and ran across this answer by Jesse Slicer. It is an extension method, but I was wondering about taking advantage of ToString(string, IFormatProvider) to do something like int a = 10; string b = a.ToString("RN", provider); // OR string c = string.Format(provider, "{0:RN} blah foo", a...

Intellisense in the code based on custom config sections

In VS.NET 2008 / .NET Framework 3.5, Is there anyway to generate intellisense based on the custom config sections? I've got a config section looks like this: <custom> <key name="NameGoesHere" /> <key name="SecondNameGoesHere" /> </custom> Currently this is tied to a custom config section class so I call it like ...

Best practice creating LINQ-to-SQL classes to deal with the same entity present in 10 different data sources?

I was wondering what would be the best way to create LINQ-to-SQL classes to deal with a given entity which is present in 10 different data sources. Let's say I've got the same database in 10 different countries, each of them with a Customers table, and my goal is to access all of them programatically. Should I either create: a single A...