
Windows Mobile Cab Setup to detect .NET CF 3.5 and Install It

Hi, I have developed windows mobile 6 professional application using targeted framework as .NET CF 3.5 and professional 6 SDK. Also created its SmartDeviceCab file. When I install it on device not having CF 3.5 it fails to run my application (because the device has .NET CF 2.0). Now I know that I must have NET CF 3.5 on the device where...

Shortest way to create a List<T> of a repeated element

With the String class, you can do: string text = new string('x', 5); //text is "xxxxx" What's the shortest way to create a List< T > that is full of n elements which are all the same reference? ...

Automatic Properties in C# 3 - Must declare a body for get if I declare one for set?

I'm using VS 2008, and in my property pages for the project I see that I'm targeting .Net 3.5. Here is the error I'm getting when trying to compile: AMSDataModels.Vehicle.VIN.get' must declare a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or partial And here is the code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Syst...

How do I make my own Linq Clauses?

Is there a way I can create my own Linq Clauses? I have been looking into extension methods and it's not quite what I am looking for. I was thinking something like the where, the select or the from clause. I want to use my code like such var blah = from bleep in bloops where bleep == razzie myclause bleep.proper...

IDataErrorInfo and the property validation of an object

Since I am trying to learn WPF I see more and more the use of the interface IDataErrorInfo to bind the error to the interface. My problem is that I usually put the validation of the data in the setter of the property and not in a method like IDataErrorInfo.this[string columnName]... Here is a blog I have found that have make me confuse. ...

Why is HasLoadedOrAssignedValue Property set to true?

hey guys, ok, here's the scenario: VS 2008 .NET 3.5 SP1, LINQ to SQL. I have a Product Entity, which has an ImageID field, so it has a relationship with the Image Entity. This is all defined in the schema and DBML. Now, say I create a new Product entity, without a ImageID, and save it to the DB. At this point, the _Image field of the ...

Trouble with a LINQ 'filter' code throwing an error

Hi folks, I've got the following code in my Services project, which is trying to grab a list of posts based on the tag ... just like what we have here at SO (without making this a meta.stackoverflow.com question, with all due respect....) This service code creates a linq query, passes it to the repository and then returns the result. N...

Optimal Way to Link Multiple Arrays in C# ASP.net

I have 3 arrays coming from a webservice... Countries : Consists of Key - Value Regions : Consists of Id - Name - CountryCode(fk: countries) Areas : Consists of Id - Name - CountryCode - RegionID(fk: regions) (the fk is just showing that its the bit of information, foreign key, associating it to the previous array) I'm stuck on...

Linq Error "Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' Join Not Found'...

What the hell does this mean? Ignore the return, and the get, The results will be flattened and stuck in the application mem (so this will be a set... probably) "Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type 'System.Linq.IQueryable'. 'Join' not found. Consider explicitly specifying the type of the range variable...

WPF DataTemplate and Binding

I continue my understanding of MVVC with the code of MSDN and I have a question. In the .xaml they have a list of commands displayed to the screen. <Border Grid.Column="0" Style="{StaticResource MainBorderStyle}" Width="170" > <HeaderedContentControl Content="{Binding Path=Commands}" ContentTemplate...

Learning ASP.net - big difference from 2.0 to 3.5?

I've got a solid book on learning ASP.net 2.0 with VB & C# - my concern is whether I should push forward with this or pick up the newest edition which covers ASP.net 3.5. Basically, I'm writing a contact-management style web app for my church, and I really want to use ASP.net. I'm willing to invest in the 3.5 book, if it's going to b...

Deployment and automating update

Hi I have WCF client server application, and create msi setup projects for both projects. Server is a windows service that hosts WCF service, client is a WPF application. Now I have a requirement to automate client update mechanism. That is on client's open it should check is there updates in the server, if yes downloads and install and ...

How do I store List ~ Array in the Application State (C# ASP.net MVC)

I'm trying to stick some data into the app so I can then build a public string get + linq query to pull out just the bits I want when I need them. I'm just struggling to store it and then how I'd go about pulling it back out so I can query against it... public void CommonDatatoApp() { CDataResponse cCommonData = this.GatewayReferenc...

Best 'connection' between MyUserControl.List<NestedControl> and MyUserControl.Panel.Controls

Actually i wrote a UserControl which acts as a container for other (let's call it) NestedUserControls. I implemented a programmatically way to add such NestedUserControls to my UserControl (through an App(string name) function). But what i actually more like would be some kind of List as a public property for my UserControl. But the pr...

App.Current.MainWindow changes when launching another dialog?

I am launching a new dialog from a MEF plugin when I start up the application. Could someone explain why this changes App.Current.MainWindow to the dialog that was launched from the plugin? How can I prevent this from happening? ...

VBv3.5 include directive throw's error when calling ProcessTemplate method.

I am attempting to generate some code via T4 and I am receiving the following error when I include the <#@ template language="VBv3.5"#> directive in my template. vbc : Command line (0,0) : error BC2006: Compinling transformation: option 'r' requires ':(file_list) If I use <#@ template language="C#v3.5"#> as my directive it works just f...

How do I Convert a FormattedText String into a Geometry-Based Object?

How do I convert a FormattedText string into a geometry-based object? I don't think this question requires much explanation, and I can't think if very many other details I could give ... I just need to convert the FormattedText into something I can use mathematically (geometrically). Any advice is appreciated! ...

How and where to learn the changes in .net from .net 2.0 to .net 3.5?

I left the .net about 3 years back when I was working on .net 2.0. And in these three years I wasn't working on .net at all. Now, I have got a project which is in .net 3.5. But I have noticed there are a lot of technologies introduced between these two versions. Is there any resource which can help me to quickly grasp the things which a...

Dealing with LINQ / HttpContext.Application & WebServices

I have the following function + code to parse and query a webservice request then in theory store the results in the application (as it only needs to refresh once a day, which luckily is when the application refreshes). //tocommondata is a reference to the common stuff in the webservice var dCountries = toCommonData.PropertyCountries; /...

WSS 3.0 on Windows 2003 Server with Forms-Based Authentication 'File not Found' Error

Hi, We have WSS 3.0 running on Windows 2003 Server with Forms-Based Authentication. It has been running for months but now if I now try selecting ‘Register’ or ‘Forgot password’ I now get a ‘File not found’ error (looking for https: //www.....uk/_layouts/useradmin/register.aspx and https: //www.....org.uk/_layouts/useradmin/retrieve-pas...