
LINQ with 3 Tier

Currently I am working on the design of my degree project. Some days ago I began studying LINQ. I found it was interesting and planned to use it in my project but now I am getting confused at some point. When I add the LINQ to SQL class it auto generates entities classes against each table in database. Suppose I have two tables in data...

Multiple Validation Linq

Hello, I am trying to add validation logic into my Linq asp.net application for multiple fields. I have found on the web a lot of tutorial that validate only one element. Is there a good pattern to implement validation and show to the users his multiple mistakes in one time ? Thank you! ...

CS2000: Compiler initialization failed unexpectedly

I have a WPF .NET 3.5 SP1 application that is in use on at least hundreds if not thousands of machines at this point. The application stores a tree structure in XML that is loaded at startup. As soon as I try to load the xml via serialization, boom. It only happens on one end user machine. He has admin rights, plenty of disk space, m...

Store Dictionary<string,string> in application settings

I have a dictionary of strings that i want the user to be able to add/remove info from then store it for them so it they can access it the next time the program restarts I am unclear on how i can store a dictionary as a setting. I see that under system.collections.special there is a thing called a stringdictionary but ive read that SD a...

Array to List -- Cannot make AddRange(IEnumerable) work...

I'm sorry about the naive question. I have the following: public Array Values { get; set; } public List<object> CategoriesToList() { List<object> vals = new List<object>(); vals.AddRange(this.Values); return vals; } But this won't work because I can't type the array. Is there any way to easily fix the code above or, in g...

Linq Select Certain Properties Into Another Object?

So say I have a collection of Bloops Class Bloop Public FirstName Public LastName Public Address Public Number Public OtherStuff End Class Then I have a class of Razzies Class Razzie Public FirstName Public LastName End Class Is it possible using Linq to select the FirstName and LastName out of all the Bloops in the c...

protobuf and List<object> - how to serialize / deserialize?

I have a List<object> with different types of objects in it like integers, strings, and custom types. All custom types are protobuf-adjusted. What I wanna do now is to serialize / deserialize this list with protobuf.net. Up until now I suspect that I have to declare each and every type explicitly, which is unfortunately not possible with...

Run a method on all objects within a collection

So I have a collection of Razzies created from a Collection of Bloops. I retrieve this collection using a Linq query. Reference:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923238/linq-select-certain-properties-into-another-object for the query. I would like to know if it is possible to run a method on all of the newly created Razzies before re...

LINQ: Condition in table and in related table

I have some items called tickers which can be created and subscribed to. When they are created, they have a scope of 1:private or 2:public. Public tickers can be subscribed to by anyone and private tickers can be subscribed to by owner invitation. I want to use LINQ to get the tickers created by a user (ie: with a certain owner id) whic...

Handle navigate from one icon to another icon.?

Hello! I am currently working on a standard windows mobile application .I am creating 3 columns and three rows. i want to show 9 icons on form. But which event is used to handle navigate from one icon to another icon.? Thanx ...

How can I get a close button on a templated TabItem in WPF?

I have a tabcontrol where the tabitem's are datatemplated. The template seems to work correctly, in that the usercontrol I want to show in the tabitem is showing correctly. What I am not sure of is how to get a "x" to show up in the tabitem so I can close each tab, since they are dynamically generated through a template. Being fairly ...

.NET 3.5 and SP1 install question - single installer

Does this install .NET 3.5 and SP1? http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&amp;displaylang=en or is there no single installer yet? ...

Get the domain name of a WCF request?

How can I obtain the domain name or full URL of the requester? ...

How can I use a custom TabItem control when databinding a TabControl in WPF?

I have a custom control that is derived from TabItem, and I want to databind that custom TabItem to a stock TabControl. I would rather avoid creating a new TabControl just for this rare case. This is what I have and I'm not having any luck getting the correct control to be loaded. In this case I want to use my ClosableTabItem control in...

What Linq-Statement to create a dictionary on a list with group

good morning! i have the following object in a list: public class DemoClass { public int GroupKey { get; set; } public string DemoString { get; set; } public object SomeOtherProperty { get; set; } } now i want to create following dictionary out of it: Dictionary<int, List<DemoClass>> following behaviour is tried to app...

Using 'System.Identity.Model.Claims' for Authorization and Authentication

I want to add authentication and authorization to my application. I do not want to use Active Directory for this. Should I use System.IdentityModel.Claims to do this? Will using System.IdentityModel.Claims make it easier to implement authentication and authorization and why/why not? ...

How do I use a DataGridView in .NET 3.5?

I am trying to build an employee data entry form that looks like this: Employee Form ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- | | | Name | | | | Picture | Department | | | | | Position | | | | ...

How do I use a transaction in LINQ to SQL using stored procedures?

I have a piece of code that looks something like this (ClearImportTable and InsertPage are stored procedures): datacontext.ClearImportTable() //Essentially a DELETE FROM table for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PAGES; ++i){ datacontext.InsertPage(i); //Inserts data into the table } This is a somewhat simplified version of my code, but the id...

ASP.NET User Control Property Value Options In Designer Mode

I am using Visual Studio 2008 | .NET 3.5 | C#. I have created an user control that has the following property: DisplayMode. DisplayMode is meant to either display a series of text boxes or a single text box. [Browsable(true), Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(DISPLAY_MODE_FIELDS), Description("Indicates whether to display the phone...

How to search List<> with Json Generic deserialized object

I need to filter a generic List with data from a Json object. I have the deserialized object in a list with {name:'', value:''}. I need to search a data contract (which is also a list) with name as the field to search, and value as the value of the field. How do I accomplish these as they are generic. Here is the method: public List...