
Implementing Nullable types in existing objects

I am upgrading an existing application that has implemented a home-brew Constants class in its business and datalayer objects. I want to replace this with Nullable types and do-away with the constants class, that looks like this, but with all non-nullable data types: class Constants { public static int nullInt { get { ...

Hosting ActiveX Controls in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0

Hi All, After following the method to Host the ActiveX Web Browser (webvw.idl) control in C#, we are struck in getting webview.dll file from the mobile device. To create a complete class definition by using AxImp.exe we are unable to get the webview.dll from the windows mobile device, now how shall we proceed further, please help. T...

Problem with event "chaining"

Note: I edited this question to make it easier for other people with the same problem to get help here. To see the original question that fits better with some of the answers, check the edit history. In a project I have a ExecutionManager class that can contain multiple ExecutionSlot's instances. The ExecutionSlot class have several pub...

Current method arguments to object[] in c#

I am changing the question as it appears to be vague. I have an interface that forces implementation of n methods. Each method takes different arguments. I use 2 implementations, one in the DMZ and one in my application server. Call them Communicator and Handler, one sends it and the other implements it. The interface is injected ...

How can I implement a constructor with inline initialization for a custom map class?

I have a scenario where I have a custom mapping class. I would like to be able to create the new instance and declare data for it at the same time and implement a syntax similar to: public static HybridDictionary Names = new HybridDictionary() { {People.Dave, "Dave H."}, {People.Wendy, "Wendy R."} ...

Read XML into xsd.exe generated classes. Good idea?

I have a fairly complex XML coming my way and I have the XSD for it. I generated classes via xsd.exe and read XML into the class structure via the XmlSerializer described here. It works great. However, this is the first time I've done it this way and I'll be reading in tons of XML files going forward from various sources. How reliabl...

.NET framework requirement problem on client machine

I am developing a Desktop application which we install on client machines but it requires .NET framework 3.5, is there any process that does not require framework installation and lets the installer install the application? ...

Mediaserver for XBOX360

hello! as i want to do some programming in my freetime (yeah i need another project), i thought of a mediaServer for my xbox360 (like tversity or ps3 mediaServer). what do i want to stream? normal movie content (which could be streamed via mediaExtender) mkv and vob (rips of my dvd collection) maybe music and pictures atm i have no c...

Compiler Error CS1061

I have the following class... public class MyCustomLogger { public static int DEFAULT_INFO = 0; public static int DEFAULT_LOGIN = 1; //etc public static void Log( ... ) { doStuff(...); } public static void Log( ... , ... ) { doStuff(...); } private static void doStuff(...) { //doLots of Stuff } So when I call MyCustomLogger.Log(....

Masked Text Box removes preceeding zeros in date

I have a process which grabs the birthdate and from a data table and display them in a masked text box for viewing and editing However when pushing the data into the textbox any preceding zeros get removed For example 05/05/2005 would display as 55/20/05__ The masked Text box is set up as 00/00/0000 The line which assigns the code is...

How can I add programmability to my application

I'm writing an applicaton that is, at its core, a rules engine. The users want to be able to define custom rules. Some of these will be fairly simple algebraic expressions, many will involve some if-then branching logic, and some will be even more complex. What are my options for doing this? My users are pretty smart, proficient at T-S...

forms login for guest and administrator problem

I have a web project GUI.. I was first working with administrator only. So when the administrator logs in with his username and password i use forms authentication to redirect him to the default page "Default.aspx". But now i have to work with Guests also... and on login check the role if it is of a guest then redirect him to a gues...

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 download link?

I want to download .net framework 3.5 sp1 to install on client computer (just ramework not full VS package), as because its needed to run .net 3.5 applications. I got this link from google: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=AB99342F-5D1A-413D-8319-81DA479AB0D7&displaylang=en I am not loading "Full Package" gi...

.NET Plug In ... where to go

Hi all, I'm writing a Windows Application that connects to a webshop through it's API and reads/writes values. The Webshop can have multiple Payment gateways and I was thinking about writing a plugin to each one and create a user interface that will be available to select each one and load the correct assembly... my idea is to have mu...

Can you make Linq-to-SQL get rid of lazy loaded properties after they are saved?

I have an application that uses Linq-to-SQL and stores very large objects. When it's processing and saving these new objects, I want to keep them in memory, but after it saves I want to get rid of the lazy loaded property (the one that is taking up all the memory). Is there any way to do this without just getting rid of the object and r...

Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack.

Hi all, i am getting error "Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack." i have redirected to a new page in repeater's itemcommand event. Error coming at line : string url = "~/Galleries/AlbumImageList.aspx?UId=" + this.UserId.ToString() + "&AlbumId=" + e.CommandArgume...

RSS reader in VB 2008?

Are there any built in libraries/classes in VB 2008 to help to create an RSS reader? Are there any tutorials online that would help? Please provide links when answering the second part of the question. ...

How to enforce 250 millisecond delay between writes on a serial port?

I have a device (digital indicator) that I am communicating with using the SerialPort class. The device documentation states that I need to have a 250 millisecond delay between writes. Is there a way to enforce this without putting extra delay into the system? I know this probably sounds like I'm worrying too much about something that's ...

Configuration Error in webconfig

I have a small web app for reporting and im encountering problems with it. when i run the application on my local machine it works but when it is on our server it doesn't. My application i using .Net 3.5 framework and the server has the framework installed to it... here's the error Server Error in '/' Application. -----------------...

In EntityFramework how do you reload entities in a Many to Many relationship?

Hi First off I'm using .Net 3.5 SP1. I have a few entities related as follows. An Engineer has many Appointments An Appointment has many Engineers A Timeslot has many Appointments I'm providing functionality in my data access layer to undo/discard changes made to entities. I'm doing this by calling... ObjectContext.Refresh(RefreshMod...