
Service layer is a outer layer or not? If not then it come under which layer?

Service layer is a outer layer or not? If not then it come under which layer? Please reply Thanks ...

n-tier architecture: best place to store business objects?

Say I have a 3-tier architecture (UI, Business, and Data). Usually, I create a 4th project called "Model" or "Common" to keep my data access objects and each of the other projects would then use this project. Now I'm working on a project where some of my data access objects have methods like Save() etc that need access to the Data pr...

How and where to handle exceptions in a 3-tier web application? Specifically Sql Database Exceptions

I'm building the standard 3-tier ASP.NET web application but I'm struggling as to where to do certain things - specifically handling exceptions. I've tried to have a look around on the web for some examples but can't find any which go as far as a whole project showing how everything links together. In my data-tier I'm connecting to SQL...

Need some clarification on the ANSI/SPARC 3-tier database architecture.

Hi there, I'm currently revising for a databases exam and looking over some past papers, but there's one question that I'm slightly unsure about and was wondering if someone could offer some assistance. "Describe EACH of the THREE levels of the ANSI SPARC 3 level architecture. Your answer should include the purpose of EACH of ...

What should be the responsibility of a presenter here?

I have a 3 layer design. (UI / BLL / DAL) UI = ASP.NET MVC In my view I have collection of products for a category. Example: Product 1, Product 2 etc.. A user able to select or remove (by selecting check box) product’s from the view, finally save as a collection when user submit these changes. With this 3 layer design how this produc...

3-tier architecture v. 3-server architecture

I'm building a traditional .NET MVC site, so I've got a natural 3-tier software architecture setup (presentation in the form of Views, business layer in the controller, and data layer in the models and data access layer). When I've deployed such sites, it usually goes either on one server (where the web site and db live), or two servers...

3 tier application pattern suggestion

I have attempted to make my first 3 tier application. In the process I have run into one problem I am yet to find an optimal solution for. Basically all my objects use an IFillable interface which forces the implementation of a sub as follows Public Sub Fill(ByVal Datareader As Data.IDataReader) Implements IFillable.Fill This sub the...

3-Tier architecture-layering and the term-mishmash

Hi! I am confused about the different possibilities to express a 3-Tier architecture. Data-Access-Layer Business-Layer Presentation Layer (User Interface) or Database (aka Backend) Business-Layer Presentation Layer (User Interface) Why can you skip the database in the 1st approach? Both use a database! Does the database belong to ...

3 tier with ASP.NET, C# and Oracle 11g

Hi I am new to .NET, want to follow N-tier approach using Visual Studio 2010(ASP.NET MVC + C#),IIS and Oracle 11g(installed on the remote linux machine). I need to have Presentation, Business Logic, Data Access and Data Tiers. Can anyone give me site/example application with the following fuctionality: insert, retrieve, delete and updat...

what is the difference between Data Abstraction Layer & Data Acess Layer?

I am actually stuck in 3-tier structure? I surfed the internet and found two terminology "Data Abstraction Layer" & "Data Access Layer". What are the differences among them? ...

What is difference of developing a website in MVC and 3-Tier or N-tier architecture?

What is difference of developing a website in MVC and 3-Tier or N-tier architecture? Which one is better? What are pros and cons? ...

Where do objects merge/join data in a 3-tier model?

Its probarbly a simple 3-tier problem. I just want to make sure we use the best practice for this and I am not that familiary with the structures yet. We have the 3 tiers: GUI: ASP.NET for Presentation-layer (first platform) BAL: Business-layer will be handling the logic on a webserver in C#, so we both can use it for webforms/MVC + w...

How MVC (ASP.NET MVC) band 3-tier architecture can work together?

I am writing a design document and people on my team are willing to do the move from ASP.NET WebForm to ASP.NET MVC. This is great, but I have a hard time to understand how MVC workswith in a 3-tier (Data Layer, Business Layer and Presentation Layer) architecture. Can we say that the Model, View and Controller are part of the Presentati...

Design Qn RE: System-wide timer (C#). What timer in what layer?

Hi all, Thanks for taking time to read this question. I am designing a 3-tier solution written in c# that needs to carry out processing every minute. The processing should be initiated at the same time from different unconnected parts of the program. What's the best way to implement a system-wide timer? Should it be in the business ...

Three-tier (non-web) database application in Java - what APIs / technologies are appropriate?

I'm currently in the research phase for a (very) small database application. It's for a local charity which only has 3 or 4 client machines which will be running the system - however in order to move some extraneous logic away from the clients, I'm leaning toward using a three-tier architecture (there is data that is constantly read-th...

What dataclasses should I create in a 3-tier project?

Hi, I have a relatively small project and I'm using a 3 tier architecture. Now I'm thinking about on how to split up some of the functions in different data classes. For example I have a User class and a Group class. My User class has a User.GetGroups function and my Group class has a Group.GetUsers function. Would I put the first in t...

Changing a Delphi/Oracle application from 2-tier to 3-tier

In my company they are finally (about time...) considering to convert one of our best selling apps from a 2-tier to 3-tier architecture, both on logical (Presentation, Business and Data layers) as well as physical level. Probably we will go for either a Delphi-Delphi-Oracle or a Delphi-Java-Oracle approach for the change. This is a rel...

Is this 4-tier architecture good?(Exception handling is important for me :)

I have this layers in my application: Entities Database (with Entities reference) Business (with database and Entities references) User Interface (with Business and Entities references) Here is an example of my codes: UserDAL class in database layer: public class UsersDal { databaseDataContext db; public UsersDal() ...

Abstracting the DataLayer (DAL) of a three-tier application.

Hi guys, As continuation to my previous question, (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3737848/creating-a-loosely-coupled-scalable-software-architecture Someone suggests to also Abstract the DAL like I abstracted the BLL from the Presentation Layer on my three tier project. Any suggestion on how to do this? Do I also need a factory b...

Where to put object-oriented queries in a layered architecture?

Given: You have an architecture with the layers presentation, business and data. You are applying domain-driven design. You are using an object-relational mapper that lets you create object-oriented queries (e.g., NHibernate which lets you create HQL queries). Question: Into which layer should you put the object-oriented queries? M...