
What are some arguments to support the position that the Dojo JavasScript library is secure, accessible, and performant?

We have developed a small web application for a client. We decided on the Dojo framework to develop the app (requirements included were full i18n and a11y). Originally, the web app we developed was to be a "prototype", but we made the prototype production quality anyway, just in case. It turns out that the app we developed (or a variant ...

Typing using key combinations?

I'm a Ubuntu 10.04 user who is looking for a way to, for example, make my computer type a "+" character when I hold down the Windows Key (I think it's called "super" in Linux world) and press the "k" key. I need this to work in all applications. (I'm a person with a typing disability, and I need to adapt Ubuntu to my needs.) Thanks! ...