
Prevent onclick when ondblclick is triggered

Hello, stackoverflow world! I have h:panelGrid, containing some elements. I want to trigger an action when user clicks it and I want to trigger another action when use double clicks it. I have the following code now: <h:panelGrid ...> <a4j:support event="ondblclick" actionListener="#{page.doubleClicked}"/> <a4j:support event="onc...

Do I have to declare a4j:queue to use named queues?

Hi, I've been using jsFunctions where I specify a queue name, but haven't been delcaring the a4j:queue's themselves. The queuing functionality seems to be working just fine, but should I be creating the a4j:queue tags? Thanks! ...

Richfaces combobox on selection changed event

hello ! I have this code: <richfaces:comboBox value="#{ChoixContratBean.selectedFormule"} suggestionValues="#{ChoixContratBean.formules}"> <a4j:support event="onmouseover"action="#{ChoixContratBean.getDescriptionFormule}" reRender="reponse" /> </richfaces:comboBox> I would like that when the user hovers with ...

Hiding an a4j:outputPanel and showing it on submit a4j command button ..

Hello, From now on, I have this : ..... <a4j:commandButton action="#{ChoixContratBean.Submit1}" reRender="suite" value="valider" > </a4j:commandButton> </a4j:outputPanel> <a4j:outputPanel display="none" id="suite"> <jsf:outputText id="reponseeFormule"............ which works. the suite panel is rerendered. But I wo...

Hide/show input calendar for selectone radio using a4j support

Hi, On selecting radio button ive to hide/show the input calendar but the problem is entire page getting refreshed. could any one help or suggest me with the code i can use it for input calendar to hide/show using a4j <h:selectOneRadio id="radio1Id" value="#{bean.displayDate}"><f:selectItem itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="Yes" /><f:selec...

Error with JSF a4j + tomahawk + myfaces: Resources framework is not initialised, check web.xml for Filter configuration

I am trying to use <a4j:commandLink> in my JSP and I get the following error that I don't understand at all: Exception while calling encodeBegin on component : { Component-Path : [Class: org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot,ViewId: /pages/clienteAM.jsp] [Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: clientesForm] [Class: jav...

For a4j:jsFunction, does reRender or oncomplete happen first?

Hello, I have a jsFunction that I am running, and would like javascript to be performed after re-rendering is finished. I'm guessing that the javascript in "oncomplete" is called -after- re-rendering takes place, but don't know for sure. Any thoughts? Thanks. ...

a4j:support calling selectonemenu thrice

Hi All, I've a problem when i select option in selectonemenu it should populate the information next selectonemenu but the thing when i use a4j support it is calling second selectonemenu thrice using this code plz any one suggest me <h:form><h:selectOneMenu value="#{testBean.item}" validator="#{testBean.checkItem}"><f:selectItems va...

a4j:commandLink working intermittently

Hi Everyone, In the code below, a4j:commandLink (with id id="account-link") does not work for me all the time. Fail Scenario (happens 1 out of approx 10 clicks) : Its clicked, the a4j:status tag (we show a moving wait bar) is invoked but the backing bean is not called. Below is the entire code. The backing bean is conversation scope....

reRender not working

Hey guys, i have this code below <rich:tab id="tabProcessos" label="Processos"> <a4j:outputPanel id="processos"> <h:form> <rich:dataTable width="800px" value="#{reservaGeralController.lstProcessos}" rendered="#{!empty reservaGeralController.lstProcessos}" var="processoHistorico" id="processosTabela"> ...

Onclick doesn't call a function

Hello, While I am working with this code: <rich:menuItem value="AND Search" onclick="addTagAND('#{tagElement.tag}')" id="and_search"> FUNCTION: <a4j:jsFunction name="addTagAND" actionListener="#{interfaceContainer.documentFormActions.addTagAND}" reRender="navigation, ..." ignoreDupResponses="true" data="#{searchResults.graphJ...

How to create draggable component with RichFaces?

Hello, I try to make draggable components and to do this I am based on this example: http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dragSupport.jsf and i started with this example but the component does not give any indication that is draggable: <!---------------- Indicator --------> <rich:dragIndicator id="indicator" /> ...

h:inputText data cached

Click "LINK1" --> modal popsup --> enter value in text-box --> click Submit/Process Click another link "update/cancel" --> same modal popsup --> I see the value in the text box (This is fine and if I reload the page and click the link again, the modal appears with values intact) Click "LINK1" --> same modal popsup --> I see the value ...

Howto: Intercept a a4j request using a javax.servlet.Filter?

Does anybody know how to intercept a a4j request using a javax.servlet.Filter? The interception must occur before FacesServlet be called (it's why I'm planing to do it using Filter). I'd like to know wich method will be executed on my backbean, cause I need to do a dynamic control first. Tks! ...

Render blocks of page async with JSF + RichFaces

I want to render 6 blocks on a page asynchronously using richfaces a4j support. To accomplish this I have defined 6 a4j:region components and an a4j:commandLink for manual refreshing of the components. Here is the relevant code: <ui:define name="body"> <h:form id="dashboardform"> <div class="table_container" style="width:99%">...

Rerendering show/hide trick with AJAX (JSF+richfaces) only work for first record in a4j:repeat

Hi! For a while now, I've been working on a JAVA-based web project, and have found this website to be very helpful on numerous occasions. So, 'got some problems of my own now - and would appreciate if you help out! Ok, so Here's the thing - I'm trying to render a list of messages, each of which consists of a message title and a message...

Can't define a event and bind an <a4j:support/> on this event at the same time

Hello, Let's consider this simple code: <h:form id="myForm"> <h:inputText id="myInput"> <a4j:support event="onchange" actionListener="#{myBean.doSomething}"/> </h:inputText> </h:form> this will generate the following HTML code: <input id="myForm:myInput" type="text" name="myForm:myInput" onchange="A4J.AJAX.Submit(......

JSF Handle served-side exception in browser with A4J

Can A4J handle a situation in which ajax call to a server ends with an exception? By handle I mean can it for instance present user with a dialog box stating that an exception has occured? The default behaviour of A4J in presence of a server side exception is to just do nothing which is somewhat misleading. ...

Why isn't ignoreDupResponse set to true by default in A4J

It seems to me that the most of the time you'd want to have ignoreDupResponse set to true on your a4j:support, a4j:commandLink, a4j:commandButton, etc. components. In which scenario it can be useful to have ignoreDupResponse set to false? Is there any performance cost of having ignoreDupResponse set to true? If not, why isn't ignoreDupRe...

a4j:commandButton not working when used with IBM JSF Portlet bridge.

The exception i'm getting is : Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils.buildEventOptions(AjaxRendererUtils.java:267) at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils.buildEventOptions(AjaxRendererUtils.java:251) at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils.buildOnEvent(AjaxRendererUtils.java:220...