
JSF a4j:commandButton not working when 'disabled' is set

Hello, When I include a 'disabled' attribute on an a4j:commandButton, the button's action is not performed. Taking the 'disabled' attribute out causes it to work properly. I am not doing any special validation (that I'm aware of) and am not seeing any validation error messages. Here is part of my page: <t:dataTable id="myTable" ...

richfaces keepAlive not working

I have a mediaOutput tag which, in its createContent attribute, requires the backing bean to be in a certain state. A list of values, which is filled in an init method, must be available. I therefore added a keepAlive tag for the whole backing bean. I now indeed see the backingBean in stead of some (richfaces) proxy bean, but the filled...

AJAX call clears values in unrelated controls

I'm using RichFaces' a4j:support to toggle the visibility of some controls on the page. However, when the h:selectOneRadio button rdoRequestType is changed, it clears the values of the txtLibraryServerNumber and other controls in the a4j:outputPanel with ID "media". Why would one AJAX call on a page interfere with a different AJAX panel?...

Richfaces a4j achtionparam set null value

I am trying to reset some values in a form using the a4j:actionParam tag. But it seams that null values never arrive in the target bean. The converter receives it correctly, returns null, but it is never set in the bean. The target is to fill in the start and endDate for different predefined values (last week, last month etc). For the "...

Rich faces and dataTable

I have the question regarding rich faces and beans. I have a jsp page that is using richfaces and inside it I have the: rich:extendedDatatable component, that takes data from my MainBean as ArrayList (this bean queries the mySQL and puts results to the ArrayList that populates the dataTable later on). There are 4 columns in datatable, fi...

How to add marker to rich:gmap component?

Hi everyone, I can see that I cannot specify the gmap marker in atribute.. I suppose that I need to use a4j function inside this tag. The problem is that I am complete newbie to this stuff... Could anyone tell me how to do this? step by step solution would be greatly appreciated... I have api key and map component (worked with lat and l...

Richfaces modal panel and a4j:keepAlive

Hello! I've got unexpected problems with richfaces (3.3.2) modal panel. When i try to open it, browser opens two panels instead of one: one is in the center, another is in the upper left corner. Besides, no fading happens. Also i have three modes: view, edit, new - and when i open my panel it should show either "Create new..." or "Edit....

jsFunction pass data to backingbean

I have a javascript that is calling a function addData(param1,param2,param3,param4) which is calling addClip at the end And I need to pass those to a backing bean. <a4j:form> <a4j:jsFunction name="addClip" action="#{backingBean.goGo}"> <a4j:actionparam name="param1" assignTo="#{backingBean.param1}"/> </a4j:jsFunction> <...

Why does a subTable break a4j:commandLink's reRender?

Here is a minimal rich:dataTable example with an a4j:commandLink inside. When clicked, it sends an AJAX request to my bean and reRenders the dataTable. <rich:dataTable id="dataTable" value="#{carManager.all}" var="item"> <rich:column> <f:facet name="header">name</f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" /> </r...

Richfaces a4j:include loading two pages!?

I have this seemingly-innocent code on my main JSF page: <a4j:outputPanel id="sidebarContainer"> <a4j:include viewId="#{UserSession.currentSidebar}"/> </a4j:outputPanel> Here is how the sidebar changes: A jsFunction calls a backing-bean method which sets the page (like "sidebar2.jsp") in UserSession The jsFunction has "rerender...

richfaces progressBar polling

Hi, I've got a progressBar component defined as the following on my webpage: <rich:modalPanel id="pb1Panel"> <rich:progressBar id="pb1" oncomplete="javascript:#{myBean.handleProgressEvent()} closeProgressModalPanel()" value="#{pb1Listener.percentageComplete}" label="#{pb1Listener.percentageComplete} %" minValue="1" maxValue="100" l...

Form value not passed to Seam bean after a4j reRender

I'm making a webapp in Seam but ran into a problem I can't seem to fix. I have a JSF form where the customer can select a reservation type through a combobox. Based on the selected value, other form components gets rendered. For example: the customer selects Hours as reservation type, a panelGroup gets rendered where the customer can s...

How to avoid page flicker in JSF 1.1 + Ajax4jsf?

I am developing a small application usng JSF 1.1, Ajax4jsf and Tiles. When I click the a4j:commandLink, the entire page is reloaded. I want to update only portion of the page. How to resolve that? ...

Using a4j:support 's onchange event with h:selectOneMenu

<h:selectOneMenu id="selectOneMenu" value="#{Bean1.val1}" > <f:selectItems value="#{Bean1.selectItems}"/> <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{Bean1.onSelectOneMenuChange}" reRender="textbox1 , textbox2 , textbox3, textbox4" /> </h:selectOneMenu> <h:inputText id="textbox1" value="#{Bean1.textbox1}"> </h:inputText> <h:input...

Reference the oncomplete event by an external java script function

Hi , I want to do some logic at the oncomplete attribute of the a4j:commandButton ,but my logic is too complicated , can I reference the code using a java script functions located in a external java-script file to have a better maintenance ? I found it has error because the JavaScript file cannot understand the EL expression . For exa...

Seam:token tag not being respected

When I click a command button, and then hit the browser back button to the form and click it again, it submits a second time without throwing the proper exception... Even stranger, the form id itself is DIFFERENT when I come back, which implies it has regenerated a "valid" form id at some point. Here's the relevant code: Any ideas? <h...

JSF - Unhide jsf component when clicking another component.

Hi, I'm trying to have a button that brings up an upload dialog. The way i'm trying to achieve this is similar to this: <h:outputText value="Click Me" id="testit"> <a4j:support reRender="hideme" event="onclick" action="#{actions.switchTestRendered}"/> </h:outputText> <h:outputText id="hideme" value="back" rendered="#{actions.t...

Calling another a4j:jsFunction in an a4j:jsFunction oncomplete event

Hi all , I define some java script function which will call the back-end functions using a4j:jsFunction.For example : <a4j:jsFunction name="function1" action="#{Bean1.action1}" oncomplete="function2();"/> <a4j:jsFunction name="function2" action="#{Bean1.action2}" oncomplete="SomeJSFunc2();"/> Then in the a4j:commandButton , I s...

Get Ajax4JSF (a4j component) running on Glassfish

I'm trying to build an JEE6-application on Glassfish V3, using JSF 2.0, Weld, JPA2 and Maven. Now i'm having trouble getting a simple <a4j:support> running. This is the fragment of my little example. When typing something into the inputtext, the outputtext should automatically be updated. But nothing happens (not in Firefox, not in IE8)...

How preview html pages using richfaces?

Hi guys! I need your help once more! I have the task: I need to preview the html pages in .xhtml page. My html pages use flash charts, so I need to be able to show flash with other content. Also this previews must be smaller than the original page. I try to do it with : I could see the text, but no flash and image content. Could someb...