
RichFaces / Ajax4JSF: How to turn off JavaScript obfuscation?

How can I turn off JavaScript shortening in A4J? I remember there was an option, possibly used during build, which made .js files not being processed by some shortner / obfuscator, thus remaining nicely formatted. But I can't remember what it was or find it on the web. Anyone knows? Thanks ...

dynamic richfaces dataTable, ajax4jsf, and reRendering

I have a rich dataTable that's defined inside of an a4j:outputPanel, and that's bound to a session-scoped backing bean that creates the HtmlDataTable. By itself, that part of my code is working fine, and the dataTable looks good. On another part of the page, there are some basic text links that I'm creating as a4j:commandLinks, and whe...

JSF and Ajax4JSF on WebSphere 6.1 --> Problem with Form Submission

Has anyone setup JSF1.1 with Ajax4JSF on websphere 6.1 ? I followed the instructions as mentioned in the developer guide . The problem that I am facing is that once I use a4j:support on any of my h:inputText item, the form values are not getting set in the backing bean on the submission of the form. I do have <h:messages> tag present jus...

Why does a subTable break a4j:commandLink's reRender?

Here is a minimal rich:dataTable example with an a4j:commandLink inside. When clicked, it sends an AJAX request to my bean and reRenders the dataTable. <rich:dataTable id="dataTable" value="#{carManager.all}" var="item"> <rich:column> <f:facet name="header">name</f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" /> </r...

reRendering is not happening in jsf using data table

Rerendering is not working in my code: <rich:simpleTogglePanel id="bookIncomeHeader1" value="#{myBean.ftBoookIncomelst}" label="BOOK INCOME" bodyClass="STP" style="ReptxtBold Reptxt_LtPad" switchType="server"> <rich:dataTable id="bookIncome" value="#{myBean.ftBoookIncomelst}" var="item" rowKeyVar="row" first="0" widt...

Form value not passed to Seam bean after a4j reRender

I'm making a webapp in Seam but ran into a problem I can't seem to fix. I have a JSF form where the customer can select a reservation type through a combobox. Based on the selected value, other form components gets rendered. For example: the customer selects Hours as reservation type, a panelGroup gets rendered where the customer can s...

mailto: on selected option from selectOneMenu in JSF

I want to implement mailto: link in jsf on selected option in selectOneMenu(dropdown list) how can i implement this ? ...

Dynamically changing the visibility of the JSF components

Hi, My requirement is like this: I am having a text input and whenever a value change event occurs, a select many list box has to be populated. If there is no matching records found, then a text input has to appear instead of a select many list box. <h:column> <h:selectManyListbox size="3" value="#{hostInfoBean.gateKeeperendPoint...

Manage back and forward in Richfaces

I'm using RichFaces component library and I want to manage the history of Ajax navigation, so the enduser can use the browser back and forward buttons. Is there any clean way to do it, design pattern, library, etc? ...

rich:jQuery not working on JS call

I have richfaces application. In the page, there is jQuery function defined: <rich:jQuery timing="onJScall" name="updateUrlHash" selector="#conversationId" query="alert('in jquery call');" /> Then I have some a4j:commandLink, which should call the function on completing ajax request. <a4j:commandLink value="test" oncomplete="upd...

JSF : Changing component style in jstl c:foreach array not working

This code displays an index and performs an action using RichFaces' <a4j:commandLink> tag. It works technically fine. Only the style of previously selected letter is not been reset (altough the appropriate code part is executed). Does anybody know where the problem is and how to solve it? The JSF page: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO...

Get hidden value set by JavaScript in JSF backing bean

I want to get a JavaScript value in a JSF backing bean. I've tried the following: JSF: <h:inputHidden id="fileName" value="#{TestBean.fileName}" /> <a4j:commandButton id="button" value="Send Mail" action="#{TestBean.send}" onclick="onCall()"/> Bean: public String send() { System.out.println("File Name: " + fileName); } JS: ...

JSF - Binding values of components added dynamically

I want to implement something like this using JSF.(part of search screen) More and more new rows will be added dynamically onclick of "+" button and the row will be removed on click of "-" button. The question is about binding the values (user input in those dynamically created rows) to the backing model. I have created a session scope...

jsf validation issue - applies required field validation for disabled input fields

Hello, I am having problem with required=true validation which is applied on disabled fields. I have an a4j:commandButton and two dropdowns containing list of states and list of countries inside a form. Both the dropdowns have required="true" validation applied. state dropdown is enabled and country dropdown is disabled by default by u...

h:inputText does not reRender label on Validation

Hi, I am running into a peculiar problem when I am trying to invoke h:inputText label field value on validation. It only works when I pass a static value to label field. The time I pass a dynamic value to it, it fails to render the label when some validation fails for that field. <h:inputText id="fullNameField" value="#{newUserFormBean...