
Alternative to target="_blank" when using XHTML strict and no javascript!

I need to use XHTML strict I need to ensure my site works with no javascript. I need to open a new help window from my own application. Of course I wanted to use target="_blank" when no javascript detected but this is not XHTML strict. Are there any alternatives? ...

Accessibility (WCAG 2.0) do we NEED labels in table cells

I'm implementing a system following version 2.0 of the WCAG guidelines. I have tabular data in the form of an editable grid this is rendered using a table. I have given the table column headings and used the scope attribute on the table cells. Going by the WAVE tool, evey form control should have a matching label, but in the context o...

Accessibility and code organization problems in javascript with jquery.

I'm having troubles with the order of my code in my program. right now I have some things with in document.ready(function() { } ); and some things out side of it. Whenever I move anything (to organize or improve my code) I end up breaking something, I'm guessing because of either order of declarations or access levels (ie. something outs...

Why is it allowed to access Java private fields?

Consider this example : import java.lang.reflect.Field; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { C c = new C(); try { Field f = C.class.getDeclaredField("a"); f.setAccessible(true); Integer i = (Integer)f.get(c); System.out.println(i); } catch (Exception e) {} } } cl...

Accessibility with screen readers (ex. Jaws)

A colleague of mine came to me with a problem on one of his projects. Unable to help him, due to my lack of experience with screen readers and the technology, I turn to you, the proud and mighty mass of SO users. Summary for the TLDR-folks: Our Grids in UpdatePanels aren't working in screen-readers. Might be something with the AJAX ...

Why is accessibility turned off in Flex by default?

I'm a blind developer who is considering learning Flex. According to this link when you compile a flex application with the defaults it isn't accessible to screen readers. Why is this, are there performance issues I should be aware of, or was this just an arbitrary choice Adobe made? ...

dojo.keys.HELP - what key is it?

Hi! I'm working on context sensitive help in DOJO-based web UI. such help should be also accessible using keyboard. this has brought me to dojo.keys.HELP that seems to be created for such purpose. unfortunately I can't find what key is it:/ in dojo._base.event it's mapped to key code 47 which is '/' ('?'). but after pressing '/': conso...

Is there a way to add "alt text" to links in PDFs in Adobe Acrobat?

In Adobe Acrobat Pro, it's not that difficult to add links to a page, but I'm wondering if there's also a way to add "alt text" (sometimes called "title text") to links as well. In HTML, this would be done as such: <a href="url" title="Text goes here">link</a> Then when the mouse is hovering over the link, the text appears as a little...

JTable Accessible Text (508 Compliance)

On a JTable in Java, how do I set the accessible text on a column, row and/or cell? Normally you would do component.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(text); and that is what JAWS would read upon focusing, but a table "cell" doesn't seem to exist, and columns (from the ColumnModel) do not implement Accessible. I've tried doing so...

What improvements to accessibility are offered by HTML5?

What benefits are offered by HTML5 over HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 Strict for accessibility? ...

Access iTunes library on Mac from iPhone app

Is there a way I can connect to the iTunes library on Mac from my iPhone app. The functionality which is available in Remote app from apple. I beleive this is something to do with bonjour programming. Can anyone provide me any head start and point me in the right direction to look for? Thanks ...

Keyboard Navigation and Accessibility for custom SWT widgets

I am trying to build a simple custom SWT widget and i want to ensure that it is accessible. I know that accessbility encompasses a lot of factors, but as a starting point, i would at least like to make it navigable via the keyboard. This is a simplified view of my custom control. I have overridden the 'Canvas' class in SWT. The 'Thir...

Website Quality Assurance Testing

I have recently downloaded an app I have been looking for, for quite some time. It basically spiders a website and shows references to dead links, pages etc: I am finding this very useful for quality assurance of the websites we publish. I was wondering if anyone uses a application that spide...

Java - Method accessibility inside package-private class?

If I have a java class which is package-private (declared with "class", not "public class"), there is really no difference if the methods inside are declared public or protected or package-private, right? So which should I use, or when should I use which? I'm a bit confused. ...

are accessiblity and anti-scrapabality mutually exclusive?

I want to make a site that is both difficult to screen-scrap and accessible. Is that an oxymoron? ...

How can I get the accessible name using win32 from c#?

How can I get the accessible name using win32 from c#? (the accessible name was set using the standard win form designer) ...

accessibilityLabel and accessibilityHint properties aren't always loaded from NIB

The UI of my iPhone application has lots of static labels, and I have set accessibility hints for them in Interface Builder. I want to access these programmatically so I can provide help bubbles - a custom subclass of UILabel recognises a touch and displays a bubble with the value of [self accessibilityHint]. However, [self accessibilit...

How do I embed YouTube video that will work support keyboard in Firefox?

I'm looking for a way to embed youtube/flash video to html page that will work in firefox using only keyboard support. The problem is that in FF you can't set the focus in/out of the player using your keyboard. You must use the mouse (Not Accessible). Any idea? Thanks ...

Making my GUI accessible through keyboard (Xp, Visual Studio, C++)

Hi guys, I've built a GUI with button, groups of buttons, edits, listboxes... etc... but now I want to know how to make my gui accessible through keyboard, I mean, changing the focus by pressing tab button. Does anybody have any idea on how to do this? I'm using Windows Xp and the GUI is writen on C++ using Visual Studio 2008. Thanks ...

What differences are expected of XHTML5 versus HTML5?

What differences are expected of XHTML5 versus HTML5? I understand that XHTML5 is the XML form of the language and HTML5 is the SGML form of the language, which means obvious minor syntax differences. Will there be any further differences? Will XHTML5 deprecate completely worthless elements that were not deprecated by HTML5? Will XHT...