
Code to walk a MSAA tree for a given window (Microsoft Active Accessibility)? In C/C++

Any links to code to get the control tree? Thanks. ...

Flash Accessibility, detect screen reader

I'm working on making a SWF application accessible for visually impaired people who use JAWS or Windows Eyes. I installed both JAWS and Windows Eyes demo versions. When running my swf (locally) in a browser on a html page, Capabilities.hasAccessibility turns out true, but turns out false, every time - even when che...

making websites accessible to visually impaired people?

can anyone give me some tips or hook me up with some good links on this? i'm having trouble finding much more than 'add alt text to the images' and i'm not sure how current the info is... i get the whole semantic markup thing but could probably do with a bit more guidance on that too. also not sure how things would work across differ...

Active Accessibility (COM) calls return differently depending if caller is a thread vs. a process. What?!

I have code that uses Microsoft Active Accessbility to get information about the active window. Strangely, I can only enumerate all the controls in a window (in this case Internet Explorer) if I use a process. If I spawn a thread and call the EXACT same code, MSAA will return only a subset of controls. Usually just the menu bar and toolb...

Retrieving the control's handle (HWND) in Microsoft Active Accessibility.

I want to get the HWND for a given control. I'm using Active Accessibility API to traverse the control hierarchy for a given window. If I call WindowFromAccessibleObject when I find the control I want, it returns a HWND to the window itself and not the control. I think this is because it is using the parent IAccessible pointer and not t...

Does Silverlight have enough of an install base to consider deploying a public web application with it?

I know this question has been asked a million times in various ways by different businesses, but I'm wondering the community's opinion on it [There's this question, but in the fast-moving world of tech, a year is a long time]. For hypotheoretical purposes, let's consider a website where users can watch videos, a la YouTube, Hulu, etc. (a...

GUI design for color blindness

It is common to represent status of an item in a GUI using the colors: red, yellow, green, to mean error, warning, and OK (or something equivalent). However, 7-10% of men have difficulty distinguishing between red and green because of color blindness. So far I've looked at Color Scheme Designer which simulates how people with different...

How to implement

Hi, I have a website where a user has to solve problems.After user submits the solution,he is informed whether his solution was right or wrong.Now,the issue is when the user is using a screen reader.The reader reads the whole page again before it reaches the response(right/wrong).I want that as soon as response comes back, first thing s...

Is it necessary to use H2 after h1

Is it mandatory to use H2 after h1 if text is too small then can we use h4 after h1 . and is it accessible ? ...

CSS sprites navigation and User with image disabled.....

I made a css menu with css sprites but the problem is with sprite we don't use inline image we use in background only so if images are disabled in browser then nothing will show . any solution for this ? For example : See this menu and turn off images : (it will not be s...

Do you develop with Accessibility in mind?

I've never really learned much about accessibility but it seems like an important topic. When you build a website or piece of software, or when you're talking to a client about a website, where does accessibility come in? Or from your experience, if you don't have accessibility in something you've built for a client, do you get a lot o...

How to test GUI for color blind person?

Is there a way to test if a GUI is usable for color blind person? I know that it has many degrees and I guess that's why simply doing a screenshot in black & white is not the best way to test the usability of a GUI for a color blind person. What is the best way or best tool to do it? ...

C# Get control by name

I have a ToolStripMenuItem called "myMenu" How can i access this like so: /* normally i would do: */ this.myMenu... etc /* but how do i access it like this: */ String name = myMenu; This is because i am dynamically generating ToolStripMenuItems from an xml file and need to reference menuitems by their dynamically genera...

Prevent .php file from being loaded outside jQuery request page

I have a page that is loaded within another page using jQuery. What I wanted to know is if it is possible to somehow block direct access to that page that gets loaded within another page. ...

Tutorial/References for Microsoft's UI Automation

Hi all, I recently implemented a program using the Microsoft Accessibility API, but have since been told that the new UI Automation has replaced it. Seems like it would be a good investment for next time to learn the newer tool for the job. So, what are the best references, and hopefully actual tutorials, for programming UI Automation?...

Setting Tab Order on UI Elements in jQuery Dialog

Is there a way to specify the tab order of the elements within a jQuery Dialog which itself contains an Accordion? The dialog also specifies one button in the buttons options. For accessibility, we need to be able to tab through the accordion panes, the form elements in each accordion, the button in the buttons options, and the close ico...

Pure css drop down menu without js ( if js is disabled) in IE 6 ?

I found many css/js menu scripts on various sites they work well is in FF, IE7 and safari, opera if JS is disabled but not in IE 6 and for IE 6 small js file need to add because IE doesnt support hover but my question is can we make pre css dropdown menu for IE6 because IE 6 support :hover on then can we make dropw down menu without ja...

Can GWT be made accessible for users with JavaScript disabled?

My question concerns Google Web Toolkit (GWT). I'm about to begin development for a project that will reside on an Intranet where some users may have JavaScript disabled. After seeing what GWT has done for Google Wave I've been very interested in learning and applying it to this new project, but if it isn't accessible to those users then...

Screen reader with a non breaking space in alt attrib

I am using a CMS for images which is by default not generating alt attributes in image tags unless the alt text is provided. I can provide an empty space " " into the alt tag to produce : <img src="../.." alt=" "/> Would this be a problem with screen readers, and web accessibility ? ...

Accessibility: Section 508 vs WCAG

My company is based in the UK, but is involved in a website for a US based company. Our website follows the WC3 standards (WCAG 2.0) for accessibility. In terms of the USA does anyone know what the law is on accessibility? (I've heard of section 508 - is this something to look at?) ...