
datagrid and horizontalScrollPolicy

look at this code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"> <mx:VBox horizontalScrollPolicy="on" width="100%"> <mx:DataGrid> <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn width="5000" /> </mx:columns> </mx:DataGrid...

Can I use the over https

Is it possible to use the object to connect to my Flash remoting enabled web application over HTTPS within Tomcat or any other servlet container? I am using the SpiceFactory cinnamon project for amf remoting and have searched for examples of using HTTPS but see only the reference to a proxy type in the NetConnect...

Actionscript physics engine which supports particles attracting eachother

I'm looking for a physics engine for Actionscript which supports particles attracting eachother. Like in this example. So not just objects being attracted by the floor like in most engines (eg. APE afaik doesn't support particles attracting eachother) ...

Setting Flash (AS3) variable with Javascript

How could I set a Flash (Actionscript 3) variable using javascript? Or is it possible to call a flash function with parameters from javascript? I have tried document.getElementById('flash').SetVariable("data", "asdf");but it only works in AS2 and AS1. ...

How do I move and scale properly in ActionScript?

function scale(e:Event):void{ plane1_mc.scaleX += .1; plane1_mc.scaleY += .1; plane1_mc.x -= 5; plane1_mc.y -= 3; } function prop(evt:Event):void{ plane1_mc.prop_mc.rotation += 100; } plane1_mc.prop_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, prop); plane1_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scale); this is what im ...

Flash Video Streaming Intricacies

My client has a site where they stream in MP4 videos from a Flash Media Server. This works all fine but now they want to move all the videos to their local server (accessible on a sub-domain) and this is where the sh*t hits the fan. I've tried many combinations but haven't gotten it to work so far. One part of the problem is that I can'...

How to get an event for close or remove a instance in Flash AS3

package com.test{ import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.MovieClip; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.test.CreateRoundRectButton; import*; import*; public class DetailView extends MovieClip { private var detailPanel:MovieClip=new Mov...

How do I set the depth of images in ActionScript?

How do I set the depth of different images in ActionScript? ...

Flash AS3 Global Variables?

HI i have a main class // package { public class main { public var testGlobal:string = "testValue"; } } // package { public class pop { function pop():void { trace("testGloabl from" + testGlobal); } } } How can i get the testGlobal value on width out using a main cl...

How can I connect to a Facebook account using the AS3 API and update the status?

How can I connect to a Facebook account using the AS3 API and update the status? Can anyone post an example code of this action? Thanks. ...

Database access with Action Script 3.0

I want to create a program to write and access a database. How do I do that using ActionScript? ...

Using validators in DataGrid - Flex

Hello, i have an editable DataGrid, something like: <mx:Datagrid editable="true" dataProvider="{arrayListPreferences}" id="preferencesGrid"> <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn header="col1" dataField="preference" editable="false"/> <mx:DataGridColumn header="col2" dataField="value" editable="true"/> </mx:columns> </...

Converting button Icon back to Image

I want to extract/read the button icon image as a Flex image component, then apply transform filters to it to make it black/white and then apply image as an icon to another button. Any ideas how I could do that? So far I can get the icon out as an Object by doing this: var iconImg:Object = myBtn.getStyle("icon"); Not sure how to conve...

OOP: trouble notifying other objects in hierarchy

Hi, I always struggle with sending messages between objects. Consider the hierarchy of objects of a quiz: Quiz QuestionList Question AnswerList Answer So: a Quiz has a QuestionList a QuestionList has multiple Questions a Question has an AnswerList a AnswerList has multiple Answers When an Answer gets clicked (we're talkin...

Validating XML parser for Flex/actionscript?

Is there a validating XML parser for flex/actionscript? The XML class verifies that it is well formed XML, but not that it follows the rules of the DTD. Java has a validating XML parser, but is there one for flex/actionscript? ...

Linking flash to OOP javascript using ExternalInterface?

Hey all, I'm looking to call a flash method from a method in javascript and recieve a result: Example: Flash - ExternalInterface.addCallback("getProgress", getProgress) // Javascript to flash public function getProgress():void {"getProgress", progress); // Send progress back to javascript from flash } J...

Recyclable Sound Object in Actionscript 3?

Using ONE Sound() object in Actionscript3, how can I play a one MP3 and then, when the user chooses a different one, play a second sound, using the SAME Sound() object? EDIT: See my answer for how I did it. ...

how to send http post "multipart/form-data" in action script?

<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action=" how to send http post "multipart/form-data" in action script? function PostTest():void { var loader : URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var request : URLRequest = new URLRequest(foolowUp); var variables : URLVariables = new URLVariables(); request.method = URLReq...

Creating Database in ActionScript

I am beginner of AS3 and I want to make a xml file retiring and saving the data through as3 program without using PHP. ...

Using the Loader display object to load X jpegs, then resize each of the images differently while they're on the stage

Hey there, I was wondering if this is possible to do I am able to load the image in and have it displayed easily enough by using addChild(myLoader); where myLoader is in the classWide private scope. The problem is, whenever I call my function inside that class which adds the loader to the stage, it clears the old one and puts this new o...