Hey, guys. I want to ask if someone can give me an example of creating child through xml. I mean creating custom components through xml (for every xml tag you create your own custom component and then add it as a child to the stage). I hope is it clear enough... :)
Hi guys,
I've just recently started out using Flash Builder and have a question surrounding states. In fact I'm not entirely sure it is related to states but read on and I hope it will become clearer.
I currently have a custom component that contains 3 comboboxes. This resides in a TabNavigator component. The TabNavigator consits of 5 pa...
Hey there,
i've been working on a problem for a while now, which involves targeting the closest movieClip in relation to the x y coords of the mouse, I've attached a nice little acompanying graphic.
Each mc added to the stage has it's own sub-class (HotSpots) which uses Pythag to measure distance from mouse. At this stage i can determi...
I'd like to be able to generate a class that inherits from BitmapData at runtime. Is this possible in Actionscript 3? If so, what is the syntax?
I can't seem to find anything that would let me to easily show a Number in a label, textinput, etc. with comma separation.
like in a label, show number 123456.78 as 123,456.78
private var num:Number = 123456.78;
<mx:Label text={num} />
Obviously I could just create a function, but is there a more simple way?
from flex, when calling a .net web method that returns a custom class, I always recieve an ObjectProxy, even if I have the same class created on flex. How do I manage this ObjectProxy as the class I have?
I want to create a high performance server in C# which could take about ~10k clients. Now i started writing a TcpServer with C# and for each client-connection i open a new thread. I also use one thread to accept the connections. So far so good, works fine.
The server has to deserialize AMF incoming objects do some logic ( like saving th...
In Flash Professional CS4, I get "migration issue" warnings when I use mouse/keyboard input handler names such as onMouseDown, onKeyUp, etc., even though I have added event listeners for them. These names are perfectly legal for functions, but since these were automatically fired in ActionScript 2.0, we are now (albeit sensibly) warned t...
Hi All,
I am simply trying to draw a rectangle inside of a panel using flex4. I am using spark instead of mx. It complains about addchild being replaced by addelement; however, addelement expects type ivisualcomponent. I think sprite should be of that type; however, it reports an error when trying to use the below code... I have tried a...
I'm creating some custom components and backing code. I've created a Flex library project in Flash Builder which compiles to a SWC. The problem is now that all my MXML files get compiled into classes in the default package, making the whole thing a big mess.
Is there a way to set a package declaration for MXML files? After all it just g...
I have some nested movieClips. I've got an event listener on the parent listening for a mouse click. Problem is, the listener never picks up the click.
var movieClipStack:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
for each (var ol:OwnedLayerable in owned_layerables)
var mc:MovieClip = ol.layerable.mc;
Hi all
im drawing a line from 0,0 to 100,100
im using this to modify the linestyle:
draw_line.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000);
That line is now of 1 thickness.
Is there anyway i can change the thickness of the line to say 10, but without redrawing the line?
I'm trying to get an external swf to load when the flv content of another external swf finishes playing.
I've only been using actiosncript 3 for about a week and I've got to this point from tutorials, so my knowledge is limited.
This is what I've got so far:
Code for External swf (with flv content):
import fl.video.FLVPlayback;
I have a gallery where it will load an image after a previous image is loaded, so every time 'i' will +1 so that it could move to the next image. This code works fine on my other files, but I dunno why it doesn't work for the current file.
Normally if I trace 'i' the correct will be
0,1,2,3,4,5,6... etc
adding on till the limit, but...
I have 3 square. smallest square s3 is inside s2. s2 is in side s1. each is 10px larger
var s1:Sprite = new Sprite();
var s2:Sprite = new Sprite();
var s3:Sprite = new Sprite();
how can I find the coordinate of child in its parent's coordinate system?
Inside s3
trace(x) //10
I'm building a game of which the interface is one of the first items to load on screen. Sound button, pause and all the bits -
During the game - all manor of things are dynamically added and removed to the stage. Therefore my interface goes behind my game scene.
How do I ensure the movieclip always stays on top?
Can I override the add...
Is there any extra code need for using rtmp with AS3.
I have the code like this. Is that enough for rtmp or any other code needed?
var strSource:String = "rtmp://myserver.com/file.flv";
var ncConnection = new NetConnection();
var nsStream = new NetStream(ncConnection);
Hi guys,
I have an embedded image asset (with a scale9 grid), and I'm trying to get the bitmapdata when it's resized, but I can't seem to do this without adding it to the display list.
I try this:
spriteAsset.width = w;
But when I then draw out the bitmapdata with graphics.begin...
I posted a question earlier about stopping all sounds in a swf. Now, to do that I'm using the following code.
var transform1:SoundTransform=new SoundTransform();
Which solves the problem (mutes all sounds) but now there is an issue, I want to stop all sounds b...
Hello I wanted to know which event determines if an external video is loaded (using Action Script 3, Flex SDK 3.4 compiler and FlashDevelop -VideoEvent is not present here-).
I'm using a flash.media.video component
I've tried with NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS and "NetStream.Buffer.Full" but it does not seem to work.
Thank you.