
Dialog of my Word add-in not using visual styles

I have written a Word add-in in C++ using plain Win32 API. It opens some dialogs but these are always shown without commctl6 visual styles on Vista+. The manifest is in place as RT_MANIFEST and resource ID - 2 (as shown below). When I invoke the same functionality/dialogs from my own test app, visual styles are OK. Any idea how Word is ...

How to find all ways to initiate a paste command in MS Word?

I'm working on an add-in for MS Word and I'd like to create a custom handler for pasting (EditPaste is the built-in command). I can see that, by default, Ctrl+V and Shift+Insert are bound to EditPaste, and there are buttons which also initiate a paste. Unfortunately, some keyboards have additional buttons/combinations which result in a ...

new document format for word interop add-in

I'm having some trouble with a word add-in. I'm attempting to create a new document format, and have it sort-of working. The format is just an encoding on top of an existing docx. In other words, I can strip off the encoding and be left with a valid word document. Saving: Right now, when the user wants to save a document in the new f...

C# interpreter add-in for visual studio

I come from a lisp background where I could type in snippets to the command line while coding, to make sure I get a small chunk of code correct the first time. Its great for testing string formatting, simple math calls, etc without having to recompile a whole project to test small changes. Is there a feature or add-in in visual studio ...

BDD with Machine.Specifications in Visual Studio 2010

I'm beginning to get the grips of BDD and MSpec, but I'm still really bugged by the fact that I'm unable to debug my tests/specs, and that I have to leave the IDE to go to a html report file to see the results. Currently, I have a post build event configured to run mspec.exe $(TargetFileName) --html “$(ProjectDir)Report.html”, but there...

Visual Studio 2010 Shell Package installation

I have created a visual studio 2010 add-in using the "Visual Studio Package" template which comes with the VS 2010 SDK. I can see the add-in operate with F5. How do I permanently deploy this as an add-in to the Add-in Manager? ...

Shared Addin in C Sharp

I'm totally new in Addin in .net 2010. I have searched a code which is working fine to just show the messagebox in Microsoft office application thorough a custom button. Please help me that how can I write some text into Office document through this button and call my own popup form. My code is this: using Microsoft.Office.Core; using...

Breakpoints cause PowerPoint 2003 Add-In to crash

I am writing an Add-in for Powerpoint 2003 using Visual Studio 2008. I created it by selecting "New Project" in Visual Studio, then choosing the "PowerPoint 2003 Add-in" project template. I added a simple menu to PowerPoint which opens a simple windows-form. If I put a breakpoint into the Add-in code which creates the menu (code which...

How can I add a Window to my Visual Studio?

I created an Add-in project and now I have this in my solution explorer: Do I just add right click the solution and add a Windows form? I'm not sure how this works and the tutorials I find don't touch on this. Thanks. ...

Can Express versions of Visual Studio still use Add-ins I create?

Pretty simple question. ...

Visual Studio add-in for C#-development

Hi there. I want to write my first Visual Studio 2010 add-in. My aim is to create an add-in that helps to automatically generate code for things like: implement superclass constructors create delegation methods for composed object etc. Of course, in order to know what to generate, my add-in must have a knowledge of the code-file the...

VS2010 modify intellisense popup order via an addin?

Is it possible to modify the order of the intellisense options shown when I hit ctrl-space? Specifically, I'd like to order them in scope, so that if I have a variable in my function that matches what I've typed so far then it goes to the top of the list. If there's a member in the class, that's next, etc. I'm just kind of sick of h...

How to build an addin for visual studio 2008

I have a cms that exposes most its data through a somewhat kludgy mostly xml driven api. I want to build something like the LINQ to SQL Classes data context but for this cms. How can I add something to the new item list so that I can handle its designer window? Does that make sense? I would be happy to clarify if anything is unclear...

ArcGIS Explorer: Invoke main thread from secondary thread

I'm developing a small add-in for ESRI ArcGIS Explorer 1200. The extension itself is quite simple, it just uses a FileSystemWatcher to wait for an incoming file, then processes the file. My main problem is: When the FileSystemWatcher event fires, it uses a different thread than the GUI-thread. So I can't access GUI-related objects. Now ...

How to make a new designer for Visual Studio 2008

Is there a way to make a custom designer for Visual Studio 2008? I want make a custom data context for a cms's api and would like to make it similar to the linq to sql data classes data context designer ...

Why my SharpDevelop didn't have SVN Addin?

My SharpDevelop Version is 4.0.0. Some one said I can found at Tools->Subversion, but I didn't found. Should I go to download it? What url is it? Thanks. ...

Can I develop visual studio extension for viewing Web User Control in temp web page?

I work now in a huge project that we build all interface as Web User Controls .. every time I want to view & test one i should add it in web page and then view .. I think in a way to develop a visual studio extension that show "View in Temp Web Page" when I make right click on a user control to allow me view user control in a generated t...

deploy word addin created with vsto using inno setup

Hi, I created an addin for MS Word using VSTO 3.0, and now I want to deploy it using Inno Setup so I wonder if anyone can point me to a good tutorial, or a good piece of documentation that can help me to achieve this. Thanks. ...

How do I create an MS Word add-on that automatically recommends terms by detecting what user is typing (muti-word matching)?

I am aware of auto-complete and custom dictionary, but my application requires matching multiple, unspecified number of words or acronyms. I want to suggest to user a standard way of writing a particular term by detecting what she means. Kind of like when you are typing a date and word suggests the standard format. ...

Is the “VistaBridge” compatible with Windows XP?

Hi everyone, I'm wondering if VistaBridge is compatible with Windows XP? I'm running Windows 7 so I can't test it. Have you tried it on Windowx XP? Please let me know. Nam. ...