
Drupal - editing tab options for a content type not showing up

I'm working on a D5 site and a lot of the content types have the menus at the top of the edit page. Examples: Overview | Grants | Dev load | Dev render | Edit | Revisions | Track | Workflow Overview | Dev load | Dev render | Edit | Revisions | Track | Workflow | Node queue | RelatedContent I'm not sure where these tabs come from, b...

Detecting uploading using HTTP and copying using USB device

Hi there, I have been asked by my (pananoid!) boss to do two things 1. Detect when a user uploaded files to the net using HTTP. So for example how can I detect if a user uploads fire to a free webserver somewhere and can hense steal company data Detect that a user is copying files to a USB device and what the name of these files are. ...

Django Admin filter on Foreign Key property

I want to add a filter in an admin changelist by a property of a foreign key, e.g. class Address(model.Models): street = models.CharField(max_length=25) city = models.CharField(max_length=25) country = models.CharField(max_length=25) class Customer(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=25) ...

How do I get the add button next to my custom Django widget.

Let's say I have some classes: class Resource(models.Model): files = models.ManyToManyField("File") class File(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) file = models.FileField(upload_to="path/here") In the Admin View, instead displaying the select multiple box, I want to display something like this: Name of ...

Drupal: How to implement a SECOND admin with fewer rights than the normal and own theme?

I'm currently trying to realize a second (lower) admin layer in drupal. I have made an extra section via the module of the same name for those users so they can have their own theme etc. I want to give these second or lower admins a menu in their section of the page where they can access certain admin funtions like administer other users...

Nestedset in Admin Generator

Hello, in a table "list" i save the id of another table, list also act as a nestedset. In a form i can add a child to a root. I set the value of the root as hidden field in the form. So in doSave when he detected a value in the hidden field, he do this, $parent = Doctrine::getTable('list')->findOneById($this->getValue('parent_id')); $...

Apps not showing in Django admin site

I have a Django project with about 10 apps in it. But the admin interface only shows Auth and Site models which are part of Django distribution. Yes, the admin interface is up and working but none of my self-written apps shows there. INSTALLED_APPS INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.sites', '

Admin interface in Rails

I have an admin controller located in controllers/admin/admin_controller.rb I also have a pages controller located in controllers/admin/pages_controller.rb pages_controller.rb inherits from admin_controller.rb in routes.rb, I have an admin namespace as such: map.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.resources :pages end I want the adm...

How to create a custom admin configuration panel in Django?

Hi, I would like to create a configuration panel for the homepage of the web-app I'm designing with Django. This configuration panel should let me choose some basic options like highlighting some news, setting a showcase banner, and so on. Basically I don't need an app with different rows, but just a panel page with some configuration op...

How do I react when somebody tries to guess admin directiories on my website?

Hello! I've been getting these messages in apache error.log for quite a while: [client] File does not exist: /var/www/phpmyadmin [client] File does not exist: /var/www/pma [client] File does not exist: /var/www/admin [client] File does not exist: /var/www/dbadmin [client 2...

Django model: Reference foreign key table in __unicode__ function for admin

Example models: class Parent(models.Model): name = models.CharField() def __unicode__(self): return class Child(models.Model): parent = models.ForeignKey(Parent) def __unicode__(self): return # Would reference name above I'm wanting the Child.unicode to refer to

read only permission in admin interface

Hi all, I saw this post, , only at step 3 i'm getting confused, he tells to put 3. Add "get_view_permission" to default model class but what's the default model class? It doesn't seem to work to me, i get following error message: AttributeError at /admin/ 'Options' object has no attri...

Permission django admin interface

Hi all, I followed this tutorial: Afterwards i made a user guest with permission 'Can view test' in the admin interface. When i did that it was only possible to see 'test' but not click on it and see it's actual data... so basicly i couldn't view the data from my model 'test' by only per...

group inlines in django admin

Hi I have a two models, Model1 and Model2. Model2 has a FK to Model1 and FK to iteself. In the admin I show Model2 as inlines in Model1 change_form. I want to modify the way the inlines are shown in the admin. I need to group all the instances that have the same parent_model2 and display them as a readonly field with a string of 'child...

Django i18n: how to not translate the admin site?

Hi, I have an application in several languages but I would like to keepthe admin site always in english. What is the best way to do this? Thanks in advance. ...

2 roles, admin and user. Is using anything other than basic http auth overkill?

I'm building my first website with rails,it consists of a blog, a few static pages and a photo gallery. The admin section has namespaced controllers. I also want to create a mailing list, collecting contact info, (maybe a spree store in the future too.) Should I just use basic http authentication and check if the user is admin? Or is a ...

Rate limiting Django admin login with Nginx to prevent dictionary attack

I'm looking into the various methods of rate limiting the Django admin login to prevent dictionary attacks. One solution is explained here: However, I would prefer to do the rate limiting at the web server side, using Nginx. Nginx's limit_req module does just that - allowing you to specify ...

Building an extension framework for a Rails app

I'm starting research on what I'd need in order to build a user-level plugin system (like Wordpress plugins) for a Rails app, so I'd appreciate some general pointers/advice. By user-level plugin I mean a package a user can extract into a folder and have it show up on an admin interface, allowing them to add some extra configuration and t...

Building Admin Areas in Rails - General Questions

What is the typical format/structure for creating an administrative area in a Rails application? Specifically I am stumped in the vicinity of these topics: How do you deal with situations where a model's resources are available to both the public and the Admin? i.e. A User model where anyone can create users, login, etc but only the ...

Any way to add tabbed forms in django administration site ?

When using Django "out-of-the-box" administration forms, the "change form" pages can be rather long for complex models (with a lot of fields). I would like to use tabs in the "change form", so things can be more readable (group fields by tabs...) Instead of doing it all by myself, by modifiying the 'change_form.html' admin template, I ...