
Web App User Management wish list for IT Pros

Hi, We are designing a new intranet web app and will mostly likely integrate with Active Directory and provide a separate means of Authentication in the event that users outside the domain need access. [not v likely atm]. In an effort to do it right [and cut down on future support etc] we would like to design the user management in suc...

Overriding Django Admin's main page? - Django

Hi folks, I'm trying to add features to Django 1.2 admin's main page. I've been playing with index.html, but features added to this page affect all app pages. Any ideas on what template I'm supposed to use? Thanks loads!! ...

Inlines in Django Admin

I have two models, Order and UserProfile. Each Order has a ForeignKey to UserProfile, to associate it with that user. On the django admin page for each Order, I'd like to display the UserProfile associated with it, for easy processing of information. I have tried inlines: class UserInline(admin.TabularInline): model = UserProfile...

PHP Framework / Library Suggestions for a Backend

I am about to start to developing backend site of a php project. Companies and site admins will login to this site and manage their data on the project. My previous admin panel experiences were full of agony and pain. So I want to make sure that I choose correct tools for my purpose. By the way, please note, I'm not looking for scaffol...

why does my admin user which has global permissions not show prices or images menu item in the backend of magento 1.4

why does my admin user which has global permissions not show prices or images menu item in the backend of magento 1.4? ...

Django admin add page, how to, autofill with latest data(0002)+1=0003

When adding a new data, can we automatically add a dynamic default data where the value is previous recorded data(0002)+1=0003 ...

Admin section in CakePHP

I'm having a hard time understanding how the CakePHP admin system works. Should all controllers who has an action which requires login include AuthComponent or just the one who handles the login/logout? Let's say I want to protect the add action of a controller. First I create admin_add() in the controller and then in the beforeFilter(...

Why are my column sorts slow in Django Admin, only 1 problem table

I have a table (MySQL) with 10K+ records. Not a huge table. When working with the table in Django's Admin, the default sort order, the page loads blazing fast. Hardly noticeable. But if I attempt to sort by any column, say by ID column or even a date column, it can take over a minute to return results. Other tables work fine Any c...

django admin how to limit selectbox values

model: class Store(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length = 20) class Admin: pass def __unicode__(self): return class Stock(Store): products = models.ManyToManyField(Product) class Admin: pass def __unicode__(self): return class Product(models.Model): name = models.CharField...

Drupal 6: Creating "ON/OFF News Links" functionality for a block created with View Module.

Hi friends, I'm a drupal newbie who needs some advice... I have a news list block at homepage, created with View Module. It is listing all added news' title and link. Everything is cool so far. Now I need to add an ON/OFF option at admin side for homepage news block. When the setting is ON, it will work as it is. When it is OFF, only t...

Admin auto generation

Hi, I create custom CMS sites and then go ahead for the backend/admin side. Is there any tool out there to automatically create admin side of my sites, for example, based on table relationships or whatever customization we may put in place. PHPMaker seems to claim something like what i ask for but i have not used it. Any tool out there...

Django admin: how to sum item amounts and place to top Model in total_amount after save? class Head(models.Model): total_amount=models.DecimalField(max_digits=9,decimal_places=2) class Items(models.Model): head = models.ForeignKey(Head) item_amount=models.DecimalField(max_digits=9,decimal_places=2) class ItemsInline(admin.TabularInline): model = Items class HeadAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin:...

Validation on ManyToManyField before Save in

I have the following models: class Application(models.Model): users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Permission') folder = models.ForeignKey(Folder) class Folder(models.Model): company = models.ManyToManyField(Compnay) class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, related_name='profile') company = mode...

Lib to build an admin-page from a Database schema?

Hi all I'm using ASP.Net and NHibernate to build a website. Now, I need to add some sort of administration functionality, and came to think of an old django tutorial I once ran through. Here the admin page was build for me, and I could customize it as I liked. I see no reason that I couldn't accomplish the same, somehow, in ASP.Net, wh...

Symfony Admin Generator - Raw HTML in Form Filter

Hi there! At my company, we had developed a athletes management solution, were each athlete is inserted in the application by administrators users. For the referred solution, it was used the symfony admin generator. On the second project iteration, one of the clients request was to turn the printed athletes list more legible. To accomp...

django: Nonelogout in admin urls

After upgrading to Django 1.2 I have strange urls in my administration panel. They look like this: or What might have gone wrong during the migration and what I need to fix? I have found in django source, that it is caused by root_path, but I have n...

Symfony Admin Generator - New / Update

Hi there! I had used the symfony admin generator to create an web application for athletes management. One of the last client's requirement was to add a feature to notice the user and send an e-mail to the administrators when an athlete with the same number is inserted on the database. Until now, the column number of the Athlete table h...

How to enable IBM Websphere Application Management Service?

I try to use the IBM Websphere $AdminApp (and the Ant tasks) to install/update an application EAR on a remote server. You may want to read this question too. Manual process I open a jython console with this command line: $was61profile1\bin$> wsadmin.bat -lang jython -host MYHOST -port 32092 After that I want to list all applications...

Where can I find a list of obscenities for filtering purposes?

We need to filter content for 'naughty' words. Where can I find such a list to be integrated into an application? Please note that yes, this is a genuine question - it's not here purely for amusement. ...

custom attribute UI in Magento admin

Hi I'm trying to change the way Magento shows options of an attribute with multiple select. I have 10K options for this attribute. How can I override the UI and use an Ajax based UI? The admin will be able to filter options and present only ~20 each time. I know how to use js and php for this but not in Magento. Thanks ...