
does google-app-engine has "required_admin" method..

@required_admin def get(self): i want to use this method to make user must be admin. thanks ...

Since Django 1.2.1 'prepopulated_fields' won't prepopulate in the admin.

Since Django 1.2.1 'prepopulated_fields' won't prepopulate in the admin. prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('title',)} doesn't seem to work since uploading to a Django 1.2.1 server after developing on a 1.1.1. What changed? I read

Equality of $is_admin for custom created role users

Hi friends, I have created a site-admin role for my client to edit page contents. Are users under this site-admin included to $is_admin condition? I tested and as I see it is not unless I miss something. So, what is the equality of $is_admin for my custom created role users? Appreciate helps!! Thanks a lot ...

creating an admin subdirectory

I am trying to create a separate subdomain for an administrator to edit their webpage, like in cPanel, I created a subdirectory called admin and it automatically created a root directory under /public_html/admin. I password protected the directory and it works great. It also brings up the password prompt when I go to...

CakePHP Best Practice: Admin with or without routing

I'm working on an overhaul of a CakePHP app I built under CakePHP 1.2. I've upgraded to 1.3 and am considering moving away from the admin routing paradigm for my application. I'm finding that some of my controllers are getting extremely large because of duplicate functions for front end and admin. My intuition is that it is much clean...

Django extend admin "index" view

I know how to change or extend a model's views in the Django admin ( ) but I want to extend the admin index (dashboard) view. Specifically, I want to keep it the same, but add some information to some of my models that will let me sort them ...

Symfony admin generator - add link on title

I am currently using the Symfony admin generator to implement a management web application. I would like to know if there is a way to add a link on the title section of the generator.yml file. As example: edit: title: Configurations > Officials | "link to another module" ...

Prevent django admin from escaping html

Hi, I'm trying to display image thumbnails in django admin's list_display and I am doing it like this: from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe class PhotoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): fields = ('title', 'image',) list_display = ('title', '_get_thumbnail',) def _get_thumbnail(self, obj): return mark_safe(u'<img src...

Use multiple checkbox in wordpress admin

I have created a menu to manage user records for wordpress admin. While listing the record I have used check box to select and unselect the record as in Pages menu. I have to select whole address or name on checkbox click. But here what happens is that when I click on name it selects whole checkbox including name and address. I do not h...

How do i add some more fields in Magento -> System -> My Account

Hello , I am new to magento and trying to add some more fields there. i am using magento and also trying to so called override methods for block and controller. but i am not able to see the changes. Can anyone help ??? ...

Views not appearing for non admin user

I have setup a view which outputs nodes, including the name of the person who created it. If a non-admin person browses to the page where that view is displayed, they dont see the name field, I recall somewhere about this being an administrative permission ?? ...

Django object extension / one to one relationship issues

Howdy. I'm working on migrating an internal system to Django and have run into a few wrinkles. Intro Our current system (a billing system) tracks double-entry bookkeeping while allowing users to enter data as invoices, expenses, etc. Base Objects So I have two base objects/models: JournalEntry JournalEntryItems defined as follows: ...

App installed in Program files freezes when is used by a user without admin permissions

Hi. Excuse me for my poor english. I have an application running on Windows 2000 and XP. The application runs too without problems in Vista/Seven, but only works in case of user be administrator, else the application freezes when: 1- I save log files in a subfolder of Program files. 2- Run a update routine than download files from a s...

Managing users in the TFS work items "Assigned To" field

So I know there have been a couple of posts around about this topic, but I don't think they've quite got to the bottom of it! So my problem is that when I create a new work item in TFS, the users which I can assign it to include NT Authority\Local Service (which is also the TFS service account). I'm not asking why, as I know that this f...

Need remote or web-based MS Access SQL tool (e.g. similar to PhpMyAdmin, but ColdFusion-based)

I've been looking all over the web for a ColdFusion-based SQL administration tool for Microsoft Access and I can't find one that's simple, free and allows running SQL statements. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. ...

add categories column to the product grid in magento admin

Hi, I'm trying to add a categories column to the product grid. I've modified Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Grid. Added the following to _prepareCollection: ->joinField('category_ids', 'catalog/category_product_index', 'category_id', 'product_id=entity_id', null, 'left')...

Apache Admin Panel for Auth Control?

I'm in the process of launching a client tool that stores information on an apache server. I want to be able to control access to the files after they've been created. The basic Apache Auth module seems to meet my requirements, my only concern is that the permissions must be maintained by a non-technical user. Does anyone have a recomme...

Joomla admin login problem

I've been having this problem on one of my Joomla sites for a while....when trying to login at the backend, the page just refreshes to the login form again. The same thing happens for the login at the frontend. After some searching, I came across this link but I've tried all the suggestions there and none work for me. Plus my database...

Web2py ticket invalid links

Hi, I started playing around with web2py the other day for a new project. I really like the structure and the whole concept which feels like a breath of fresh air after spending a few years with PHP frameworks. The only thing (currently) that is bothering me is the ticketing system. Each time I make a misstake a page with a link to a t...

Django + socialauth: login with openid or admin

hi, i'm trying to implement the socialauth module to my django project, but i get a bit confused on its relation toward the admin site. My problem: the @login_required decorator redirects me to the admin login page instead of the accounts/login/ page to log in via openid. how do i offer the possibility to the user to log in via admin ...