How do you create a ADO.NET Entity Data Model for a MySQL database using Visual Web Express 2010?

Can I create a ADO.Net Entity Data Model for a MySql(5.0.1) Database using a Visual Web Express 2010? If yes, can anyone please let me know how to do this. Thanks. ...

Table foreign key / association to itself?

Hi, I've got a table that stores inventory for a store that looks like this InventoryId int ParentId int ShortDesc int ... [other product data] ... A TShirt will exist in the table with a ParentId of -1. Any variations of size and colour will exist in the same table with the original parent InventoryID in the ParentID f...

WCF DataService Data Retrieve Issue

I'm using .net 4.0 (Visual Studio 2008). We are using WCF DataService, through this we are able to update the data. While calling UpdateObject(..) method its working fine and its been updated to database also( I manually checked the database). But while retrieving the data back, its not giving updated value?????? Example : _cont...

ADO.NET Entity Model connection string issue

Apparently the code generator for the designer class, EntityModelCodeGenerator that is, uses the "Entity Container Name", a property of the model, for the name of the connectionstring; meaning that the model constructor in the designer class that has the named connection string parameter will always be generated using the Entity Containe...

Does Entity Data Model support programmatic mapping of functions to stored procedures?

Question I'm using .NET 3.5 SP1 and EDM. Instead of using the EDM designer tools to map functions to stored procedures at design time (code generation), I'd like to map functions programmatically when the EDM container and entities are instantiated. Reason I literally have dozens of stored procedures in the data source to map by hand, b...

Entity Framework 4: Does it make sense to create a single diagram for all entities?

I wrote a few assumptions regarding Entity Framework, then a few questions (so please correct where I am wrong). I am trying to use POCOs with EF 4. My assumptions: Only one data context can exist for an EF diagram. Data Contexts can refer to more than one entity. If you have two data sources, say MS SQL server and Oracle, EF require...

Trouble updating self-tracking entities

Hi I'm using self-tracking entities in a WCF client-server application. My WCF service returns various entities, and these can be updated using corresponding Update methods. This worked well for a while, but now I'm having problems. To keep the focus, I'l limit this discussion to a specific case, simplified to the bare essentials. One...

How do I create a stored procedure with Entity Framework?

I read an old MSDN Forums post about Entity Framework where Julie Lerman stated: wrt Stored Procedures. This is even better than what you are referring to. Not only can you map to sprocs (both in EF and in LINQ to SQL) or override the update/insert/delete methods, but in EF, there is coming a capability to CREATE stored p...

Error when trying to change the multiplicity of a relationship in EF4

I'm trying to build a relatively simple game review site. There should be a 1-to-1 relationship between games and reviews (each review is for one game, and there will only ever be one review for a game). My tables are pretty simple. The relevant parts are: Reviews Table: ReviewID - int, primary key Text - text GameID - int, foreign k...

Regenerate an EDM with the same name as the one deleted

I have a WinForms application. I created an EDM from my database and called it Foo. Then, I deleted the model. Now, when I try to regenerate the same EDM again from the same database, it doesn't allow me to name the newly generated model Foo. It says that the name Foo conflicts with a property in the application's settings. I poked aro...

Returing multiple Model objects from LINQ Joins

I am using ASP.NET MVC framework and accessing DB records with Entities. I am doing some joins like this: public IQueryable<...> GetThem() { var ords = from o in db.Orders join c in db.Categories on o.CategoryID equals c.ID select new {Order=o, Category=c}; return ords; } I need to use/pass 'ords...

ADO.NET Entity Framework SaveChanges is not working

Hi, I have a .NET 4 WinForms app that uses the ADO.NET Entity Framework. Some code that was working perfectly has decided to stop working and although I've tried to figure out what changed that could cause this, I am stumped. This code looks perfectly functional to me and WAS working as intended. Anyone have any ideas? Here is the code...

ADO.Net Entity Data Model does not appear in Add Item List

I am going to start working with Entity framework but the problem is my Visual Studio 2008 Does not showing ADO.Net Entity Data Model in Items list. Following is snapshot of my item list and Visual Studio ...