Columns of two related database tables in one ASP.NET GridView with EntityDataSource

I have two SQL Server tables with Primary Keys (PK) and a Foreign Key (FK) linking the two tables: 1) Table "Order" OrderID, int, PK AddressID, int, FK ... 2) Table "Address" AddressID, int, PK City, nvarchar(50) ... Then I've created an (ADO.NET) Entity Data Model out of those two tables. Now on my (ASP.NET) webpage I put a Gri... Entities + get table by T

Hi all Is it posible to get a table to do queries on with Entities? In linq ou could do DataContext.GetTable.Where...... Thanks in advance ...

ADO.NET Entity Data Model problem with inserting data to database (Baza.mdf) / Visual Studio / C#

Helo. Firts of all i'm sorry for my eanglish. I'm writing Windows Form application in Visual Studio 2008 in C#. I created database (Baza.mdf) or rather "Service-based Database" this is only option to create .mdf in WindowsForm App. Then i create ADO.NET Entity Data Model. I Add New Data Source and Drag and Drop "BazaDataSet" to my form.... entity framework - Custom code

I am investigating some OR/M's and have been unable to find an answer to this question. I am currently looking at Microsoft's ADO .net entity framework. Can I override (or use partial classes) to insert custom code into the entities that are created from the database? It appears that the entities are generated using Xml (not my favour...

Getting data out of a model made of multiple tables in a one-to-many relationship

Hi, I've got a relatively simple question about MVC models. I've got a model based on two tables that are linked in a one-to-many relationship. table AnimalGroup(ID,name) table AnimalSubGroup(ID,name,AnimalGroupID) Each AnimalGroup has any number of AnimalSubgroups. How do I iterate through each AnimalGroup's AnimalSubGroup...

Getting actionlink parameter out of route path

I'm trying to add a webform that allows the user to add a database entry with a specific foreign key. I'm creating the link like this <%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", "EditSub", new { id = id }) %> and the resulting URL is http://localhost:3015/TumourGroup/CreateSub/2 (where 2 is the id I passed to the actionlink earlier). The question is...

Entity Framework - Merging 2 physical tables into one "virtual" table problems...

I have been reading up on porting ASP.NET Membership Provider into .NET 3.5 using LINQ & Entities. However, the DB model that every single sample shows is the newer model while I've inherited a rather old model. Differences: The User Table is split into a pair of User & Membership Tables. All of the tables in the DB are prepended...

Update Database from Entity Model without loosing content

Hi there, my Topic should tell you already what i am asking for. Is there any way to update my database from an entity model without lossing the inserted content? I can't be bothered copying all this stuff everytime i make a change. Thanks a lot. Chris ...

How can I use a stored procedure in Entity FrameWork where I need 2 or more entities columns together?

How can I use this stored procedure in Entity Framework? I need to call it from like that : foreach (SalesOrderDetail order in objCtx.GetOrderDetails(soHeaderNumber)) Console.WriteLine("Header#: {0} " + "Order#: {1} ProductID: {2} Quantity: {3} Price: {4}", ...

Selecting Entity Data Model Laguage -- Visual C# source file generated even when i select VB

Am adding an Entity Data Model to an ASP.NET website. When i Add New Item to the website and select ADO.NET Entity Data Model, am asked for the model name and language. I go a head and select Visual Basic as the language, the model is added and the site can compile with out any issues. however, the model it adds a ModelName.Designer.cs s...

Generic list typecasting problem

Hello, I'm new to C# and am stuck on the following. I have a Silverlight web service that uses LINQ to query a ADO.NET entity object. e.g.: [OperationContract] public List<Customer> GetData() { using (TestEntities ctx = new TestEntities()) { var data = from rec in ctx.Customer select rec; retu...

How can I write list type returning value in Linq with Entity Framework?

How can I return List<personel> data type from below procedure. If I press F5 it throw me this error: Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) C:\Documents and Settings\yusufk\Desktop\EFTestSolutions\WebAp...

Error: “An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker"

Hello, I'm currently using the repository pattern in an ASP.Net MVC project and have the following code: partial class Timesheet : ITimesheet { TimeSystemDBEntities _db; public Timesheet() { _db = new TimeSystemDBEntities(); } . . ...

How to break-down my EF Model?

We have a database app that we're beginning to write some new systems for and I want to redo our DAL, potentially using EF4. As I begin to look at this, it seems that it's a bad idea to just use a single EDMX file for my entire database. When I did this, here is a screenshot of what that looks like (zoomed out as far as I can zoom out) t...

Generate Entity Data Model from Data Contract

I would like to find a fast way to convert a Data Contract to a Entity Data Model. Consider the following Data Contract: [DataContract] class PigeonHouse { [DataMember] public string housename; [DataMember] public List<Pigeon> pigeons; } [DataContract] class Pigeon { [DataMember] public string name; [DataMe...

MVC 2 - Name Attributes on HTML Input Field when using Parent/Child Entities

Hi All, I'm pretty new to MVC 2 using the Entity Framework. I have two tables Company {ID int identity PK,Name nvarchar} and User {ID int identity PK,UserName nvarchar,CompanyID int FK}. A Foreign Key exists between User and Company. I generated my ADO.NET Entity Data Model, a Controller and a view to insert a record. My HTML form has...

Navigating by foreign keys in ADO.NET Entity Framework/MySQL

I am using ASP.NET MVC2 on top of a MySQL database in VS2008. I am using the MySQL ADO.NET connector 6.2.3 to provide the connection for the ADO.NET Entity Data Model. This is mostly working ok, however navigating via foreign keys is causing me a real headache! Here is a simplified example.. Car (Table) CarID PK Colour Doors Manufactu...

Association not imported in EF4 designer for non-primary key

The relationship 'FK_EXTERNAL_ISMARKETI_MARKETIN' has columns that are not part of the key of the table on the primary side of the relationship. The relationship was excluded. USE [Instruments.UnitTest] GO ALTER TABLE [Instr].[ExternalIdentification] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_EXTERNAL_ISMARKETI_MARKETIN] FOREIGN KEY([Instrume...

Entity Frame - how do I avoid this "Only key members can be mapped as part of the EndProperty mapping"?

Hi, QUESTION: How do I work around Entity Framework error I'm getting "Only key members can be mapped as part of the EndProperty mapping". I'm running VS2010 with C# project and Sqlite. Background: I imported two tables into the EF designer Webfiles and Relationships I created an Associations between them As Webfile.ID maps to Relat...

How do I setup a WCF Data Service with an ADO.NET Entity Entity Model in another assembly?

Hi! I have an ASP.NET 4.0 website that has an Entity Data Model hooked up to WCF Data Service. When the Service and Model are in the same assembly everything works. Unfortunately, when I move the Model to another "shared" assembly (and change the namespace) the service compiles but throws a 500 error when launched in a browser. The r...