
Dynamically setting xml by string concatenation

I'm trying to read xml fields (with actionscript 3), but the problem is that I choose which field to read dynamically. For example, I may need to read test19 or test39 or test12 or anything else. var value:Number = event.result.test19; var value:Number = event.result.test39; var value:Number = event.result.test12; Is there a way to co...

How can I monitor user bandwidth of applications?

Hi all, I developed an application through which client can upload and download files to server. Now, I want to allocate the complete bandwidth of client when he upload or download files through my application. My client end is Adobe flash builder and cpp at server side. Any one can help me so that my client can do file transfer ...

Writing data into a text file in Adobe Flex

Hi, I am new to Adobe Flex. I want to write some data stored in a string variable into a text(txt) file. Can some one add sample code here would be helpful for me. Thanks. ...

Director/Lingo, making an application toggle between fullscreen and windowed?

Hi. I recently had a client contact me asking for an update to his project that I used to maintain/develop years ago. It was done using Macromedia Director (now Adobe Director) and Lingo. Since I haven't developed anything using these technology in such a long time I need some assistance. The majority of the changes are simple, but ...

Is rtmp the only way to protect images

I have images that I need to manage access to. I've come across osmf and rtmp streaming which are flash/adobe technologies and would require me to install a special server. Anyone knows of other ways to get the same effect with php. Edit: By "manage access to" I mean that the average user would not be able to save the page and save the...

Help with editing a png photo, I need to change the colour

I have a logo that needs to be changed to a pantone colour but the only way I could change the colour was if I live traced it but I lost some detail. So I was wondering if there is another way I can do this in any of the adobe software programs without losing any of the quality. Thanks With the website listed below I was able to change ...

Need to populate two textboxes in adobe acrobat based on selection from combobox

Comboboxes in Acrobat do not allow text alignment or multiple lines. So I need to be able to select from a drop down box and my choice populate two textboxes. ...

Adobe ACS4 Architecture

Hello i want to understand how acs4 works. I've an ebook signed with ACS4 for my device id. How i can open it? i need to invoke adobe webservice to decrypt it? or i can decrypt ebook in my application (c#) ? Thanks. ...

Flash Obsolete, What about html5 or css3 is really that powerful?

i dont claim in any shape or form claim to be a Flash Activist, but apart from its obvious annoyances and discrepancies, any fool can see its couple of uses, that are in a big way reasonably important to the right consumer and website. There has been a lot of talk that HTML5 and CSS3 is the future of the web, so much so that ie9 is actu...

Flex ChangeWatcher doesn't work

I'm trying to implement a binding between some custom-built models and just beginning to dabble with the whole mx.binding.* collection. I tried this simple, stripped down example, but can't get the binding working correctly. Can somebody tell me where I'm going wrong? // Model package { import; public c...

Why does this Flex demo from Adobe not work? Doesn't matter which browser I use, it doesn't work and yes, I've installed Flash and I'm able to view flash content on other sites. Windows 7, 32-bit, several browsers. ...

FlashVars or ExternalInterface

I've been using ExternalInterface up until now in the rare cases I needed to communicate with HTML. Is FlashVars considered a better/worse or newer/older practice? or when do you use one or the other? What's the logic that I should follow to help me decide which one to use? ...

Adobe air httpservice

hai i am creating an AIR application to display records from MySql database using pHp Here i am using AIR http service <mx:HTTPService id="userdisplay" url="http://localhost/Myproject/index.php" useProxy="false" method="POST" resultFormat="object"> </mx:HTTPService> I am getting record in XML formal and able to display in a datag...

how to create a fillable pdf form that can grow dynamically

Is there a way to create a fillable pdf form that can grow dynamically. the requirement is .. i have a website where users will download fillable pdf forms and report their expenses. the expenses can range from 1 to 10000 or even more. is there a way to achieve this? -Vivek ...

Adobe AIR 2.0 & proxy usage

I can't find anywhere information about AIR 2.0 and proxies. In 1.0 and 1.5(?) AIR used system's proxy settings but in 2.0 there's new native API and sockets. So is it now possible to do AIR program that let's you define a proxy and use that for let's say URLRequest()? ...

Flex Air, static main window reference?

As I can get a reference to the main window of an Air Flex application within a component? (The component is not in the main MXML) ...

How to do this XML declaration in Flex4

I have a dataProvider that's defined with mx:XML like this. <mx:dataProvider> <mx:XML format="e4x"> <root label="All Items"> <morning label="Evening" type="check" /> <evening label="Evening" type="check" /> <night label="Night" type="check" /> </root> </mx:XML> </mx:dataProvider> This do...

Showing XML Nodes from an Array Collection

Hi, I've got an XML Doc loaded in. I've created an Horizontal List and referenced the arraycollection as the Data Provider. But what I need to do now is then pull the data out from that. I have 3 nodes / variables. They are id, title, thumbnail. But when I go to pull through the data as : {videos.title} Flex Builder gives me the Error...

How to create our own plugins in adobe indesign

Hi All, I want to create my own plugin, Is there any tutorial available. I want to do it in java. Thanks in Advance. ...

Custom Controls and States

Hi, I've got an <mx:Button> in my application, I have 10 items in an XML Node. What I'd like to do is when the button is clicked show the next 5 XML Nodes. How do I achieve this? My code is as follows at the mo : <mx:Button x="1380.65" y="582.65" styleName="rightButton"/> The style is just setting the up / over and down states of t...