
Problem sending data back to Adobe Reader using ASP.NET

Hi everyone, I have a pdf file with a submit button. This sends the information using XFDF to an handler. There, I can get the data but I can't avoid the Adobe Reader message "An error occurred during the submit process. Cannot process content of type". The thing is, the pdf app is working as a client for my ASP.NET app, so I ne...

How can I evenly distribute columns in a DataGrid in Flex?

I have 16 columns in a DataGrid in my Flex app. The first 15 look fine, with the column, simply containing the text, but the last one has a lot of extra space. Essentially, the columns are just big enough to fit the first 15 and all that extra space is tacked onto the 16th column. How can I evenly distribute the space over each column? ...

Set Selection in AS3

How do I get Set Selection to work in a text field. I have a text field inside a movieclip and a button with a click listener on it. When it clicks I want it to select all the text inside. This is what I have so far, I hope you can help. send.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function() { panel.tweet.selectable = true; stage.f...

Not receiving an event fired from an .AS class

I have 2 files, 1 to dispatch the event and 1 to receive it (of course in addition to the event class itself). I've done this before with both dispatching and receiving files being mxml, but this time the dispatching file is an actionscript class, and it's not working this time. Is it different for actionscript classes? Here's a dumbed...

Extending a class with multiple classes

I'm creating a class that extends another class. public class ASClass extends UIComponent{ } but I'm trying to make it extend multiple classes. Is this somehow possible? I read it may be possible through composition? ...

How does Flex click event work inside of containers?

I have a VBox, I assigned a handler to click, and inside the VBox I have components such as images and texts with no handler assigned for click. Would the click function be called when I click on the text and image? If not how can I make it so without assigning handlers individually, but on the container level? Thanks ...

Determine drag proxy when using itemRenderer on DataGrid

Hi, I'm using default drag/drop on Flex DataGrid, however, the dataGrid itself has an itemrenderer. Looks like: public class FlashFileDataGridRenderer extends Label{ public function FlashFileDataGridRenderer(){ super(); } override protected function updateDisplayList (unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void { ...

How can one open Adobe Reader with VBScript?

I want to programmatically fill in some fields in a form in PDF format. I tried this code: Set objAdobe = CreateObject("AcrobatReader.Application") objAdobe.Visible = True I get the "ActiceX component can't create object" error. ...

Best ORM for Adobe Air / Flex

I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but I can't find a reliable ORM for AIR. The ones I find are not documented well and don't seem to have a solid following. Is a solid ORM non-existant at this point? Ones I'm aware of: ...

Why does updating my code signing certificate break Adobe AIR application updating?

I have an AIR application that I have been signing with my Verisign certificate. I have just renewed this certificate for another two years. But when I make and sign a new version of my AIR application, the update fails (with a misconfigured error message). This warning is in the AIR documentation: When you sign an AIR application wi...

What is a Certified form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer context?

What is a Certified form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer context? How to make a form Certified? ...

Is it possible to extract cast member(swf file) from '.dir' file (director)??

Hi, I am new to adobe director. I need to use swf file from director to flash. But I am unable to extract swf file from dir file. Can any one give me any idea about this or is there any software, by which i can extract cst file? Plz I need help urgently! Thanks in advance... ...

AIR Sqlite: SQLEvent.RESULT not firing, but statemet IS executing properly

Ok it looks likes like I have stumbled upon a strange timing issue... I made a quick SQL wrapper class for executing sql statements. However after .execute() is called, the SQLEvent.RESULT event is never fired, but the new entry in the DB is created as it should be. The really really odd part is if I put a setTimeout() just after calli...

Ajaxifying flex lists

In html, it's possible to use jquery or javascript to refresh a list of stuff every 10 seconds or so to make it appear like it's live. Is the same thing possible with flex Lists? I heard it's possible to create flex with other programming language. Not sure what the details were, I think they said with javascript too. But I'm working...

How To Setup PurePDF to Send Output Directly to Adobe Reader

I am using PurePDF - an ActionScript 3 library - to generate PDF reports from Flash Player 10.1. The PDFs can be saved to the local hard drive, fine, but I would like to stream the output to Adobe Reader on the user's local computer. How may I do this? ...

Reversed and separated Farsi/Arabic characters in adobe Flash on Ubuntu

Hi, If there is any Farsi characters in Adobe flashes on websites; they show reversed and separated such as bellow screenshot that takes from facebook video player in firefox : found something that shows this problem is from flash text engine (here). but Adobe has just presented reformed text layout framework for flex and flash 10 tha...

Flex 3 & Air 2: Automatically detect when files on a directory are updated

Hi: A crazy idea just dropped from the sky and hit me in the head xD. I was wondering if it is possible to make and App capable of listening when the user "adds" new files to a directory. Example: The User opens up our Application. The user adds new files on the desktop (using the Microsoft Explorer). Our application automatically de...

Making the points always visible in a flex line chart

I'm trying to do something very similar to this example (source code enabled): When you hover over each data point, a circle appears indicating that this is a point. How do I keep those circles visible at all times? Edit: this example isn't mine, but you can view the source enabled h...

read MAC address of machine from Adobe AIR

hello, i want to read MAC address of machine from Adobe AIR. I am using flex 3 and AIR 2. how can i do this the main purpose is i want to install that product in only one machine ...

Looping OGG files with Adobe Alchemy

I'm trying to use Adobe's OggVorbis library. But I can't seem to get the Sound object to loop. I even tried looping the _sound object inside the in the "" package. Do you really have to reload the file and stream it over and over? ...