
Advanced PHP Polymorphism question

Hey guys! I have a class which has a function to retrieve children elements from a database. The following code will be rather pseudo cause I want to keep it as easy as possible. abstract class SomeHostObject extends SomeObject { function getChild($identifier) { global $database; $id = $database->select('Some MySQL Quer...

What is ->* operator in C++?

C++ continues to surprise me. Today i found out about the ->* operator. It is overloadable but i have no idea how to invoke it. I manage to overload it in my class but i have no clue how to call it. struct B { int a; }; struct A { typedef int (A::*a_func)(void); B *p; int a,b,c; A() { a=0; } A(int bb) { b=b; c=b; } ...

Global "placement" delete[]

I am trying to replace new/delete with my own allocator(s). So, overriding placement new and delete - quite happy with that. Looks something like this ... void* operator new( size_t size, Allocator* a ) { return a->Alloc( size ); } template<class T> inline void MyDelete( T* p, Allocator* a ) { if( p ) { p->~T(); ...

apply style to infragistic datagrid

hi i have downloaded infragistic datagrid , its working fine but i don't know how to apply styles like, header column fore color ,back color,row alternate color new to wpf can any one hepl me thanks in advance.... ...

What is "Advanced" SQL?

Looking at a job descriptions where "advanced SQL" is a requirement. I can write basic queries as well as anyone, and have worked with MySQL databases in a professional setting, but what would I be getting into with these jobs, if I were to be hired? What are examples of advanced SQL and where am I along the scale of SQL noob to SQL ma...

Tree inside advanced data grid

Hi,I have a doubt about the expand collapse functionality in Advanced DataGrid. Let us assume we have following fields of data A, B, C, D and E.I want to group them by A and B. If i group on columns A and B then i get an ADG with 4 columns. A and B would get displayed in column 1 and C, D and E would be in columns 2, 3 and 4. I have to...

UITextViews that don't suck

Hello all, I'm looking to customise the behaviour of a UITextView quite dramatically - adding in regex-based highlighting, line numbers and find and replace - as I essentially want to create a text editor on the iPhone/iPad. I've been looking through the UITextView reference but it seems to be very restricted, not very customisable at ...

JScrollPane Scrolls Down with Long Text in JEditorPane

Hello, I want to have a JEditorPane inside a JScrollPane. When the user clicks a button, the click listener will create a textEditor, call jscrollpane.setViewPort(textEditor), call textEditor.setText(String) to fill it with editable text, and call jscrollpane.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0). In case you're wondering, yes, the setTe...

Learning C bit manipulation

I didn't know any better name for a title of the question. For ex: on one of my previous questions one answered ((a)-(b))&0x80000000) >> 31 - this is kind of a too advanced for me and i can't really get what it means. I am not looking just for an answer of that, but i need someone to tell me some books/sites/whatever where i can learn ...

WCF Advanced Books

Hi, I've read all questions like mine and found a few good links. My question is about architect of WCF, how it is designed, how is generated reference.vb, wsdl and xsd files. How can I do that manually, some good examples of WCF Systems (mostly on desktop applications over TCP). I'd like a book or documentation or anything else, tha...

Where can I get advanced YUI training, either online or classroom based ?

I have recently been asking a few questions of YUI. The responses to date have been great, so thanks for your help. There is a quite a bit of documentation online, but it is still rather superficial, and fragmented when compared to the depth of YUI. I have already read through this book for the Yahoo UI. I can recommend it as a good beg...

how to add new language search to advanced search page in moss 2007 through code?

In Moss 2007 how to add japanese,portuguese,romanian languages through code.we can edit the xml and add the particular lcid for achieving the same.but how to make it through code.Please help. ...

What should my teacher talk about in my Advanced C++ class? [advice needed]

My teacher for Advanced C++ has opened the class up for students to suggest whatever topics we want. What are some good advanced C++ topics to know? We've already covered: template metaprogramming the STL (obviously) introduction to the boost libraries Please give reasons for suggestions as well. ...

Using Subsonic 3.0 Advanced Templates

Hi all, I've been trying to use Subsonic Advanced Templates in a project for a while but most of the time I find myself writing a Stored Procedure as I can't find a proper way of doing it in code. Subsonic created corresponding objects for my DB tables and for foreign keys it created IQueryable fields inside each object. These fields a...

mod_rewrite if file exists

Hi everyone, I already have two rewrite rules that work correctly for now but some more code has to be added to work perfectly. I have a website hosted at and all are rewrited to . My CMS has to handle the request if the file being reached does not exist, the rewrite is done li...

Creating a "mountable" File System, where to start?

A friend and I are thinking about creating a simple file system for learning purposes. We're going to write it in C/C++, and try to get it to a mountable state from within linux. We've both been coding or over 16 years (32 combined), so I suppose its just a matter of finding some documentation, and a ton of learning. My question is, w...

JavaScript: get the current executing <script> node?

Hi, I need to know if it is possible the current execution node? Example: ..html <script id="x"> console.log(; // << this must return "x" </script> ..html Thanks! ...

Advanced search page for wordpress

I have a wordpress site thats related to laptops niche. So I have multiple categories like Display(10inch, 13inch, 15inch...), Processor(AMD, Intel), HDD(120GB, 320GB, 500GB...) etc. The usual search is not good. I want to create an advanced search page where user can select from options(drop downs/checkboxes) in these different cats an...

.NET 4 GC known thresholds to trigger collection?

I know that the logic for GC to trigger is not simple but it has certain thresholds to monitor. Anyone knows what are these thresholds could be for .NET 4 workstation and server GC ? Thank you ...

Learning advanced Java concepts, techniques, frameworks, internals, etc for a .Net dev in the context of Android development?

I work with .Net professionally in a lot of different contexts, so it's easy for me to read about new frameworks, runtime internals, advanced techniques/design and put them to use and understand them. In the Java world, I have limited experience and am really only working with it for Android development these days. I've been able to le...