
What should i code to get into the depths of advanced C++?

Hi all, i'm looking for project suggestions that would force me to "get my hands dirty" with advanced C++ features. I'm talking about projects that would utilize the full power of the language (STL or even boost (didn't use it much yet)). Why? Because i want to learn, i want to find new challenges. At work, things start to be boring, r...

Learning Advanced PHP

I have been using PHP for quite some time now and was wondering what to study for looking into advanced topic - and what advanced topics those are. Please could you offer ideas on what type of projects or functions of PHP to use (which would give the greatest ability for me to take my PHP knowledge and skill to a higher level). ...

scala & lift: advanced url rewriting

Hello, I'm looking for a solution for rewriting urls in lift using list declared outside the scope of LiftRules.statelessRewrite.append LiftRules.statelessRewrite.append { case RewriteRequest(ParsePath("abc" :: Nil, _ , _ , _ ), _ , _ ) => RewriteResponse("index" :: Nil) } I'd like to have the following code working the ...

Relearning C++ and a typedef issue

So, it's been 5 or 6 years since I've used C++ for a large project, and about half a year since I last had to deal with small/trivial C++ programs and the C++ runtime in general. I've decided I want to re-learn the language, primarily because it might prove very relevant for an upcoming project at work. I've been working mainly with C ...

SQL advanced query - problem with single row aggregate sub query in select clause

I'm trying to execute the following query but I receive a runtime error stating that: "The column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause." Line number two below is the one that fails with the error above. I don't understand why this query doesn't execute as no g...

Is it possible to read SSL information in PHP from any website?

I want to know is it possible to read information from other parties using PHP about their SSL certificate information, I've tried to find about it for ages but there's no real answer that has been found for me. For example, I input "" into the script and it will return the following: Authority: VeriSign, Inc Expires: 18...

SQL - returning a list of id for every row in the database

Hi All, I have the following query DECLARE @tagIDs VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @TagValues VARCHAR(8000) SELECT @tagIDs = ISNULL(@tagIDs + ',', '') + CAST(CTTagLookup.tagID AS VARCHAR(1000)), @TagValues = ISNULL(@TagValues + ',', '') + CAST(CTTag.tag AS VARCHAR(8000)) FROM CTTagLookup INNER JOIN CTTa...

Any way to return an object which does not exist yet but will later from a C# method?

Disclaimer 1: Crazy pedantic language-bending drivel ahead. Disclaimer 2: To any clients present or future - I am not billing you for this. Alright, so this is not really necessary but I'm messing around with creating plugins for and an interesting scenario comes up Currently, the example of the SubSpec extension that shi...

case insensitive search for file(s) with "string" somewhere in the filename linux

right now, all I know to use is: find / -name string.* that is case sensitive and it won't find files named: 1string.x STRing.x string1.x How can I search so that all the above would be returned in the search? ...

chain of responsibility design pattern - regd.

I've seen some questions on this pattern but I am trying to understand more about this design pattern in depth. Any resources in this regard, experts commentary on what scenarios they tend to use this pattern and what scenarios to avoid and some real world examples will be really helpful in this regard. I am not looking for what is COR t...

Android "Advanced" Gradients - 'thumb' positions?

Hello -- I am trying to create a gradient drawable to depict a ratio of something. As a general example, lets say you were looking at a listview containing a fleet of cars. The background could be a fuel gauge - I don't want a smooth, wide transition. I want a very tight transition, and I want to be able to set where that transition ...

Lightbox not working in Drupal Advanced Poll module

Hi, I needed a poll to vote on pictures, so I chose Advanced Poll module. In choices I added html for images together with link to the picture and attributes for lightbox ... this is the code: <a title="picture" rel="lightbox" href="/sites/default/files/pic.jpg" class="lightbox-processed"> <img class="image image-big image-center" src=...

Is there a way in Hibernate to obtain an entity's loaded PersistentCollection without loading the entire entity object first?

This is a puzzler! :D Is there a way to force Hibernate to load a collection for an entity without loading the entire entity first? Let m explain better. I have a Role entity annotated this way: @Entity(name="Role") @Table(name = "ROLES") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) @javax.persistence.TableGenerator( name...