
PHP: Sort an array

I've got an array with data from a MySQL table in nested set model I'd like to get sorted, not only alphabetical but also with the child nodes directly after the parent node. Example - array to be sorted (before the sorting): Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Kompetenser [parent] ...

What are some advanced software development topics every developer should know?

Let's say your company has given you the time & money to acquire training on as many advanced programming topics that you can eat in a year, carte blanche. What would those topics be and how would you prefer to acquire them? Assumptions: You're still having deliverables to bring into existence, but you're allowed one week per month fo...

Advanced Python programming book like "Effective C++"?

There are a lot of books out there for new programmers getting into Python. However, are there any books for people who are experienced both in programming and to some degree in Python that introduces advanced topics, subtleties, gotchas, and best practices in Python? I'm thinking in terms of something like Effective C++ or Effective Ja...

Advanced Jquery Form Errors (IE7)

Hi, I recently created a advanced form with elements that use jquery's $().hide & $().show functions. It's working great in safari and ff, but for some reason in ie7, the $().hide action in jquery is not working properly. Any suggestions? ...

Can I decorate advanced PowerShell functions with my own custom attributes?

For example: function TestThis() { [MySpecialCustomAttribute] [CmdletBinding()] Param(...) Process{...} } ...

Learning advanced CSS

Hi friends, I know basic CSS to the point that I can write simple style sheets which actually adds simple decoration to the html elements. (like border, text-color, background, font etc.) But I just realized that CSS is much more than that. One can actually build menus, tabs, arrange divs to come up with a sort o...

Looking for advanced C programming book

I need a book that deals with implementing real projects in C, in contrast to "C Programming Language" which I recently finished reading and mastered, that only teaches the language. Something that deals with advanced topics such as: how to organize the source files, how to organize headers, more advanced preprocessing directive like #if...

Why is the advanced search not working with price criteria in magento?

The advanced search with all the default product attributes are working fine and gives the desired result except for the price criteria where even if i fill the values with the correct range and price that is present in the product list, the message "No items were found using the following search criteria" is displayed.I tried printing t...

Are there any technologies that help develop website search?

Hi guys, PROBLEM: I need to write an advanced search functionality for a website. All the data is stored in MySQL and I'm using Zend Framework on top. I know that I can write a script that takes the search page and builds an SQL query out of it, but this becomes extremely slow if there's a lot of hits. Then I would have to get down to t...

Specify source IP address for TCP socket when using Linux network device aliases

For some specific networking tests, I've created a VLAN device, eth1.900, and a couple of aliases, eth1.900:1 and eth1.900.2. eth1.900 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:E7:17:2F:13 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: eth1.900:1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:E7:17:2F:13 inet...

advanced jquery selection... first per attribute value

Okay, I'm not sure how to describe what i want to do concisely. So, take the following pseudo-html: <input type=checkbox id=chk1 myatr=1 /> <input type=checkbox id=chk2 myatr=1 /> <input type=checkbox id=chk3 myatr=2 /> <input type=checkbox id=chk4 myatr=1 /> <input type=checkbox id=chk5 myatr=2 /> <input type=checkbox id=chk6 myatr=3 ...

What is considered "advanced professional", or "advanced programmer"?

I found this statement a couple of times. What do the professionals consider advanced? ...

Advanced DataGrid Flex 3 - ItemRenderer and Tree display

Hi, I am using Advanced DataGrid of Flex 3 with hierarchical data. The itemRenderer is a TextInput which accepts numbers. When I enter data into the given field and click the corresponding expand tree icon for the row, I want the amount entered in tree node should get cascaded to its child rows. But I found the nature of advanced DataGr...

Advanced IF statement in C

Hi, I've just reverse engineered a binary with IDA and loaded Hex Ray to check out a specific function. The generate C source code contains the following if statement: LP_ret_GlobalLock_1 = GlobalLock(hMem); LP_ret_GlobalLock_2 = LP_ret_GlobalLock_1; ... if ( !LP_ret_GlobalLock_1 || (v9 = *(_DWORD *)(v6 + 4), *(_DWORD *)v6 = LP_ret_Glo...

C# Winforms Irregular Windows

How do I create windows with irregular shapes using WinForms and C#? ...

Custom reflection functionality in .Net

Is it possible to override reflection functionality ? ...

Does row exist is another table?

Tables file_logs file_id user_id files id name etc ... published_ratings author_id file_id comment etc ... Scenario I am creating a download log and need to display which files a user has rated as well as the unrated ones, this has to be done with 1 query. I already took a crack at this, SELECT files.*, IF(file_...

after reading Simply Rails 2

If I have only the information in Simply Rails 2 now and I want to create more complicated apps next, what should I do to learn that? ...

Mysql SELECT nested query, very complicated?

Okay, first following are my tables: Table house: id | items_id | 1 | 1,5,10,20 | Table items: id | room_name | refer 1 | kitchen | 3 5 | room1 | 10 Table kitchen: id | detail_name | refer 3 | spoon | 4 5 | fork | 10 Table spoon: id | name | color | price | quantity_available | 4 | spoon_a | white | 50 | 100...

Customizing the advanced peoplesearch question

I am trying to customize the advanced peoplesearch, the particular field I want to change is Department, at our client these departments are set and I already made a content type which is a dropdown containing all the departments, I don't see a way to change the departmen field in advanced search from a textbox to a dropdownbox,... This...