Out of the the three (ICallbackEventHandler, HttpHandler, or XMLHttpRequest Object) Which is the better method to use? Are they essentially the same? Are ICallbackEventHandler and HttpHandler just variations of using the XMLHttpRequestObject?
I try to implement paging with ajax function.
Then I create list view and partial view. Partial view displly data list and paging link
List view include keyword for earch and the partial view.
My partial view looks like:
<div id="MyList">
<div style="text-align: right">
<% for (int i = 1; i <= (int)ViewData["totalPages"]; i++)
I want to develop a website web chat application like yahoo. Only difference is that I want to make it web based not desktop.
I will be implementing it in jsp/php with ajax.
I want to know whether jsp or php will be better for this.
What will be advantages or disadvantages of both.
Which one of the two would you prefer and why?
Will js...
I have the code below on a social network site, it loads a file that shows users new notification messages if they exist.
Problem is when I leave the page open for a while, it eventually consumes too much memory on my PC and starts to make firefox non-responsive and throws an error message saying that memory is getting low and asking if...
I'm trying to do a couple of things using Zend Framework & Dojo Toolkit, and any help would be appreciated. Here's the problem:
I have a form that is rendered with the Zend Framework form class, which has an ajax radio button selection. Clicking one of these radio buttons will send an ajax request to another controller, which has no lay...
Hi All,
I am a beginner in using Prototype library. I want to know how we can pass multiple arguments to onSuccess/onFailure function in Prototype?
For example:-
new Ajax.Request('testurl',{
method: 'post',
parameters: {param1:"A", param2:"B", param3:"C"},
onSuccess: fnSccs,
onFailure: fnFail
In my success function fnSccs...
I got trouble when I want to add my custom control with an gridview and an updatePanel.
The javascript function is never added to the page even if I write it directly inside the RenderContent method.
The page is :
My form has a list box that asks for the user's country but I only want to populate the list box, via an AJAX call, if the box doesn't already show the user's country. Initially the list box contains just one country - the country returned from a ip-to-country lookup on the server.
It appears that the default action of the list box occu...
I have scenario, I have two update panels on the page (both have update mode='conditional'). If I update one update panel the other is automatically updated. This is first problem.
I am using UpdatePanelAnimationExtender. If one update panel is updated, that don’t have updatepanelAnimationExtender other one also updated and that have up...
I have some simple javascript that as far as i can tell should work but doesn't.
The code is below
var presenter = new Practicum.Web.TEI.StudentPlacement2009.CreateLetter_class(); //this is a class generated by Ajax.Net
function GetLetters() {
var GetLettersParams = new Object();
GetLettersParams.TemplateType = $('#LetterTypes...
We have a structure which has 3 main UpdatePanels, each of which has several nested UpdatePanels (but only one level of nesting.) All of the panels are set to conditional with ChildrenAsTriggers set to false, so it looks roughly like this:
<asp:UpdatePanel ChildrenAsTriggers="false" OnLoad="Update_OnLoad"
ID="updateCol2" UpdateMode...
I want to remove a row from an HTML table generated by some Rails code and I'd like the other rows to "Slide Up" into the new position.
I'm kind of new to this and I'm sure I've probably made a simple mistake.
Here is the partial code to generate the table row:
<tr id="ride_<%=h ride.id %>">
<td><%=h ride.name %></td>
<td><%=h rid...
A few days ago I posted this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1169387/switch-statement-and-loops-using-jquery-javascript
which ended up with me creating a series of divs using this code
for (var i = 1; i <= $("#play option:selected").text(); ++i) {
I'm working with an API which needs extra security information sent along with an HTTP request as meta-information in headers. Is it possible to set those in an XMLHttpRequest?
I have a php web application on web server connect with two oracle db server in loadbalance between them... we use in web application smarty template engine ..and ajax jquery
the problem in
- when more clients connect the web application the site stop or apache not running so we make restart to apache.
- some web pages is slow.
i want ...
I am currently using link_to_remote in my Ruby on Rails app to render remote content using Prototype. Unfortunately if you click the created link more than once, it re-renders the content.
What I would like to do is somehow disable the link after it is first clicked.
This is the code I am currently using,
<%= link_to_remote (
I would like to learn about Ajax push and pull concepts. If there is any tutorial or book, I'd appreciate any suggestions.
I guess I am missing something quite fundamental and maybe someone can fill me in. I have used an ajax call from two places. So now I am trying to reuse that call by making the call return a value. It looks something like this:
function getInfo()
type: "GET",
url: "../ajax.aspx?action=getInfo&id=4",
My flex project uses FA-Bridge, and apparently in Safari browser I cannot call any of my public AS functions that have arguments passed in. For example I can call this AS function from javascript:
var myButton = CreateNewButton();
myButton.setLabel('Click here');
But if I try calling it in a single statement like this:
var myButton = Cre...
I have an XHR inside of a form on my webpage that returns a Lightbox with another form in it. In Safari/Webkit, everything works great, and the form submits as expected. However, on Firefox 3/3.5, using Firebug to look at the source, it appears that the tags have been stripped out of the XHR. I KNOW that my app is generating the form...