
Help with jquery GET method

Hi guys, I'm very very new to this ... so, here's my newbie question :D What's wrong with my code snippet below? I'm not getting any response from that URL. It should return the result in plain text ... am I doing this wrongly? $.get('http://is.gd/api.php?longurl=http://www.google.com.my/', function(data) { ...

removing double URL ?

at the end u will see double URL coming at the bottom .How we can remove that. ...

PHP and AJAX security question

I am currently building a web app in which PHP files are loaded into a main file using jQuery's $.ajax function. However, the PHP files are obviously still accessible outside of the app, by just typing the files name in the address bar. So my question is what would be the best way to make it so that the PHP file being 'ajaxed' in knows ...

Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified

i have installed AJAXcontrolsToolkit with my visual studio and placed "Combobox" Ajaxcontrol controls in my webpage . when i am compiling the code getting below error "Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified" ...

Ajax query to my webservices is returning xml in my json - Part 2

Hi It's me again (previous question) I am still having problems with json and xml being returned from an ajax call. I have written a webservice in MonoDevelop version 2.2 to return my json. [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public string getLocationJ(){} Which returns:- JavaScriptSerializer js = n...

Loading Google Visualizations via AJAX in jQueryUI tabs

I'm trying to use jQueryUI tabs, loading the Tabs via AJAX. The problem I'm having is with Google Visualizations placed on those tabs -- they don't appear when retrieved via AJAX. I've setup a simple demonstration: http://htmlto.com/ui/index.php is the tab page. Tab 1 should load the page seen here: http://htmlto.com/ui/tab1.php But...

How many Ajax libraries/frameworks are in the mainstream right now?

I'm trying to learn ASP.NET MVC and your first reaction might be to tell me I don't need to learn all the Ajax stuff to learn MVC. Fine, I get it. But I am not very confident if I don't know what's going on around me, i.e. in the environment surrounding my code. Since my goal is to learn ASP.NET MVC, I first tried some examples, watched...

jQuery ajax error handling with "script" dataType

I'm using a wrapper function around jQuery's AJAX function like this: $.getAjax = function(url, type, callback){ $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false, dataType: type, success: function(){ alert("success"); }, complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus){ alert("co...

Why is returning true after calling $.post() not working?

I have a function which returns another function which returns a boolean value, on this i do validation which is causing unusual behavior. The code in the function is as follows: $.post( "classes/InsertCustomer.php", { iResult: theResult.valid }, function(data) { alert(data); }); return true; When this runs, the post ...

jquery - recursively attach "submit" handlers to forms with ajax?

I'm using a modal plugin (colorbox) that has an option "onComplete". I can do the following to achieve part of the effect I'm going for (this is just the "onComplete" option): onComplete: function(){ $('.ajaxform').ajaxForm({ success: function(responseText){ $.colorbox({html:responseText}); } ...

jQuery AJAX not Working to Update City By Province

As the title may suggest, I have been using jQuery AJAX to try and pull a list of Cities from a database when a Province is selected. I am using the following code: $('#province').change(function() { var province = $(this).val(); /*$.get("<?php echo site_url('cottage/cities'); ?>?province="+province, function(data) { ...

How to show loading while moving between pages

Hello All, I would like to have in my jsp when the user clicks on the submit button, a loading message or an image is shown while moving between the pages. So, how can I do that? I tried to use some javascripts, but I did not success. Thanx ...

form action="javascript:block();" redirects to javascript:block(); url in firefox

Hi there, I have a function called block which simply return false; this is meant to stop the form being submitted so the ajax functions can capture its submit, however firefox seems to treat it as an actual url and loads the url javascript:block(); if i have action="javascript: return false;" then firefox doesnt even let the ajax fun...

jQuery Load Data into Accordion

Hello, I recently asked a question (and had it answered) here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3364937/jquery-load-json I have a follow-up question, I was hoping to receive some advice on. Basically, I am loading data into the following div: "#my_div", which is actually a child element of another div, "#accordion", which is an acc...

Best Practices/How-To for Changing Zend_Session Values with JavaScript

I am migrating an old project to Zend Framework. I have a drop down list that changes filter context. In the old project the onClick event of the <select> list ran a function that made a jQuery ajax call to a php script that essentially updated the $_SESSION variable and then the JavaScript reloaded the page when the response came back. ...

Google AJAX Feed using wrong link

I am using the Google AJAX Feed to display the RSS feed located here: http://www.tobacco.org/articles.php?mode=rss&amp;is_tfk=1&amp;lang_code=en It is getting everything fine, but the link that it is grabbing is the GUID property, and not the LINK property. I can successfully display other RSS feeds, which leads me to believe that it is...

"AJAX" Upload Issues with jQuery

I'm trying to create a simple "AJAX" uploader (as i know you can't actually do an AJAX upload). I'm having issues and i REALLY don't want to use a plugin. I'm writing an app that needs to have PDF attachments as part of a form, and my app's code is already at about 1000 lines of JS + jQuery. I don't want to add on an extra 1000k of SWFOb...

Zend Framework - Set No Layout for Controller

I have a Controller that I want to use for ajax scripts to call and set session variables, get information, etc. How do I set it so that that particular controller doesn't use the default layout (specifically NO layout) so that it can send XML/JSON messages back and forth? I have an inkling I should use a custom route but I do not know m...

Is it possible to make a cross-domain AJAX call on Mobile Browsers?

I have a site which makes SOAP requests to a separate domain using YUI's cross-domain AJAX transport. This is working wonderfully on my site, but unfortunately since mobile browsers don't support flash, I can't get it to work. Does anyone know of a way to make cross-domain AJAX posts on mobile browsers? Thanks! ...

Server Side Pagination + jQuery Question

I have yet to come across a good tutorial that explains how to load records from a database and spit them out using jQuery Ajax and also display pagination navigation. Example Page Apple Banana Pear Grapes (Pagination Nav) [First Page] [Prev Page] [5] [6] [7] [Next Page] [Last Page] In my head I think it works like this. User loa...