
spring 3 ajax call in foreach

Hi @all! I would like to delete elements from a list (foreach) with ajax. I have my "foreach" and put links into each row which link to the controller-element-deletion-method. <c:forEach items="${bean.list}" var="person"> <tr> <td><c:out value="${person.id}" /></td> <td><c:out value="${person.firstName}" /></td> ...

Trying to call Java code from Google App Engine i get errors?

Hey all, i have java classes that i call from my html file using this ajax code. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url:"http://www.verifiedalerts.appspot.com/verifiedalert?action=addIntrusionRules", dataType:"text", async:false, data: "params=" + objStr, success: function(data){ ...

JQuery equivalent of Coldfusion navigate, with post of FORM data?

I'm looking into using Jquery to replace some of our native Coldfusion ajax functionality. I really like the ability of Coldfusion AJAX to navigate simply and directly to any container (window, div,etc) and send along the content of any specified form data. Is there a JQuery way to do this? ...

searching for a sort of "reverse" AJAX-IE: is this possible?

Hi folks, I have a web-app that is a sort of calendar application and there are several tabs across the top. I currently have those tabs open to new pages so the users back button still works as expected. I recently integrated a "help" box that is a div that is within the header and remains constant through all pages. Within that help...

browsers don't resend form data in ajax call if they are redirected??!

Hi guys, I've been tinkering with URL Rewriting on my site and fixing the canonicalization of my URLs (so I don't have duplicate data on search engines, etc.) and it was recommended everywhere to either always remove/force the trailing slash (I chose to remove it) and also to redirect /index to . So I put the following two rules in my ...

jquery ajax return data problem?

how to return jquery ajax data to a string? code like this var data=$.get("e/as/ajax-dialog.php?do=member", function(data){ return data; }); alert(data); ==> [object] [object] is not what I want I want the ajax callback html code to data[string].. please help me thinks a lot ////////////////////////// update ///////////////...

Loading page while rails app starts?

I have a rails application on a shared server that also has a decently sized database, which is still growing, behind it. The application takes a long time to start/load the homepage, about 20-30 seconds for me, although some people report waiting up to several minutes. Is there a way to flash a notice that informs people that the datab...

Using AJAX call to a PHP page issue.

Hello All and Greetings, I'm working on an assignment which determines the client timezone offset , passes the same to a PHP script, which contains a code to fetch the timezone identifier for that client's area. Now for determining timezone offset, I have used JavaScript. However, I need some way to pass this to PHP. I used AJAX call ...

How to hide color code from textbox used in ajax colorpickerextender at load time [Discussion]

Hi All, I am using ajax colorpickerextender control for color selection. For TargetControlID, I have used a textbox. It shows hexadecimal color code into that textbox. Using this post I have resolved this for colorselection change event. I am saving selected color into an xml file and reassigning it to the color control when form load...

$.get not working ?

Hi, I used this method to load page ... function remoteCall(sUrl, sQueryStr, sCalledBy) { var str = " { "; $.post(sUrl,sQueryStr, function(data){ sResponse[sCalledBy] = data; //alert(data); eval(" "+sCalledBy+"()"); }); } but when i changed $.post to $.get it doesn't work actually i need ...

Put result of ajax call in a variable

I have two pages we will call page "A" and Page "B". Page A in the root of the server which does not have any ASP access, while page B can do ASP cause it is not in the root directory. What I need to do via ajax is to send a request to Page B from Page A to get the day of the week from the server and put it in a variable for further tes...

How to pass form field params to CakePHP Ajax Helper functions

I've done some jQuery functions in a CakePHP project but finally I decided to try the Ajax Helper . Unfortunately I don't get the idea of how to pass a parameter (form field value) to the AJAX function. I did the following: $obtainProduct = $ajax->remoteFunction( array( 'url' => array( 'controller' => 'products', 'acti...

passing variables between function in jQuery

I have a ajax image upload script which i found here http://www.fengcool.com/2009/06/ajax-form-upload-local-image-file-without-refresh/ The problem i'm having is removing the image from the server. I read in the comments that I need to do an ajax call to call a php file to unlink the image. The php file isn't a problem and i think...

Is the PRG pattern incompatible with AJAX form posts?

I am using the post-redirect-get pattern for all my forms, but now need to add AJAX functionality to improve the user experience. My initial thoughts are that the two do not mix. In the PRG scenario, I would have my post action that would then either redirect back to my get action if there is a validation error, or redirect to my succes...

JQuery.post() callback function called in 1.3.2 but not in 1.4.2

The callback function of the JQuery.post() is called with JQuery 1.3.2 but not with 1.4.2. Tried to find what changed between the versions without successs. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function f() { v...

Drupal 6 - Refresh tokens through ajax

I'm experimenting with asynchronous loading objects to speed up drupal. For this, I'm using the authcache module, together with ajaxify regions. So far, I've come a long way by adding regions on the node page, and load blocks to the region with ajaxify regions. This has got me almost all the way with great speed and only a little lag for...

how to receive an content type image via ajax and save to server in MVC controller?

maybe this is obvious but for some reason i can't find the answer on google. i'm simply trying to implement the cool ajax uploader with my ASP NET MVC app. i've created an action on my controller to successfully receive the post of the image via ajax, but once i'm in my action function on my controller, how do i now save this data into...

Passing data to server and updating asynchronously

Basically I have a site where I want the user to input something, have it go to the server for processing and then return it asynchronously, load the contents into a div and then fade it in with jQuery. What is the best way to the do accomplish this? Currently here is my "solution": $(document).ready(function () { $('#output-box')....

number formating problem in php and ajax

i have one text box formated with follwoing syntax $("#cont_dt").blur(function(){ $(this).format({format:"#,###.00", locale:"us"}); }) this work fine, for example if i type 250000.50 it automatically formated to 250,000.50 but the problem is when i try to pass same value to php file via ajax to add recor...

AJAX link in a google maps infowindow

Hi, I'm currently writing a Rails 3 app that uses the google maps API (v3) extensively. Currently, the infowindow for each marker contains a link that takes the user to the page for that particular marker - ie. /places/1. A sample of my code is below: jQuery.getJSON("/places", function(json) { if (json.length > 0) { for (...